Croonford Detectives Case 41: Revenge 2.0









Author’s note: Chelle’s capture restraints and gag are loosely based on Happy Valley Season 1, Episode 1, The Disappearance of Alice Creed,  BloedlinkKidnapping Stella and the music video Hidden Away. However, there’s no nudity here.


The characters of Katy, Amanda and Louisa are those of  Waistknot used with his permission.


On GCSE results day, all graduating Year 11s were naturally full of anxiety. Paper results were released by surname alphabetically. Mark got 9 in English and Sports Science and 9s and 8s in the remaining subjects. He was elated as this meant keeping the sports scholarship he was granted.


“How on earth did I get 8 for Physics?!” Lin exclaimed as she stared at that number amongst the rest of the 9s. “I studied so had!” She ran to apologise to her Physics teacher who simply said there was nothing to apologise for. Her boyfriend hugged her but trembled with his exam results approaching.


Chelle grimaced, seeing she received an 8 in History but relieved all others were at 9. Minutes later, Jenn opened her exam folder and jumped after seeing she got 9 for all subjects. Richard patted her back although he was anxious to discover whether he would score higher or lower than her. Reinhard pulled out his result slip and saw he got 8 for English. “Well, we’re even,” he told his girlfriend. Richard frown, seeing he got an 8 in Maths, making Jen the academically smartest girl detective. Furthermore, she received both the top English Literature prize and top Year 11 prize from Principal Homerton.


Chelle chose English, History and Economics. Lin still chose Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Jenn went for four subjects: English Literature, History, Drama and Theatre Studies and Politics. Mark naturally went for Sports Science again, English and Business. Reinhard went for Physics, Computer Science and German. Richard followed Jenn but did not pick Drama and Theatre. These choices placed Chelle, Jenn and Richard in 12A although they would attend separate lectures for their different choices. Reinhard would join Lin in the Science-focused class, 12B while Mark was allocated to 12C for Sports.


As the two science teens walked to their class, Reinhard spoke up. “I went to the doctor’s once we returned from Frankenberg. I’ve Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome.”

Her eyes widened. “Is that serious?”


“Well, it can be operated on. But I’m in a queue for that and hoping for it operated on by next week. I’m excused from all rigorous physical activities for now.”


“I’ll be with you for this,” she declared.


Across town, a sinister meeting was on.


“So, are we clear about the plan?” The deep voice asked.


“Are you sure she walks that route and there’s barely any vehicles and pedestrians there?”


“She will. Number Two, scouted out the area for two weeks, Number Three. Have you got all the tools ready?


He opened the bag and besides the usual gear was a compact handheld stun gun.





Chelle enjoyed her Year 12 subject lectures and individual classes. She continued to join the Media and Literature club and passed over the vice-president role but accept the senior reporter position. Louisa Grant the president, required Chelle to head to the west of Croonford to find news of a new building a publish it in the school’s student newspaper. School finished at 3:30 pm and by 3:35 she was headed westwards in comfortable socks and trainers. She was listening to a Jamiroquai song on her iPod when a loud voice called.


“Sorry, miss, I’m new here. Which way to the town centre?”


“It’s that...” An arm pressed an object was pressed against her neck and after three seconds Chelle collapsed into the arms of the man asking and the one who stunned her. They dragged her just across the pedestrian path into the back of a black van with black canvas covered all over. The captors handcuffed the seventeen-year-old hands behind her back, the cuff chain held to a metal D-ring just screwed to one side.


“Get her really secure. Then stun last only around five minutes,” Number One called from the driver’s seat.


Number Two and Three quickly secured her ankles with cable ties and despite being unconscious, they slapped a long piece of black tape over her lips and wrapped her head in a breathable hood. The drive was not long and soon they parked in a deep underground place. Chelle was conscious again and moaned through the gag and hood. Two of them held their grip on her while the leader unlocked a series of bolts and doors. Chelle was flung on a rough bed with plastic sheets. Number Three pulled away her shoes and socks, cut away her ankle bonds but locked each ankle to separate cuffs at the edge of the footboard.


The others swiftly uncuffed her wrists and her right arm was yanked up, cuffed again to another ring drilled to the headboard. Her left arm was treated similarly, thus the poor schoolgirl was restrained in a spreadeagle position. Chelle’s gag cries grew louder so they peeled off one section and stuffed a cloth in her mouth. As she was held down, Number One produced heavy-duty shears and started cutting away her school trousers. Chelle struggled in response but the fetters and the hands of the others. Her trousers came off easily revealing her sky blue knickers. I’m going to be sexually assaulted, Chelle thought and tried struggling harder. That was not the case as the leader instead cut away her blazer again with ease. Next removed was her blouse, exposing her white bra and after all the pieces were discarded in a bin bag, they put on balaclava hoods.


Yanking off Chelle’s hood, large papers were placed close to her. ‘YOU CAN’T ESCAPE NOW,” the first read in large caps. “TRY TO GET LOOSE, WE’LL KNOW AND MAKE YOUR LIFE WORSE.WE WON’T RELEASE YOU IF YOU PEE. IF YOU WANT TO DO 2, SIGNAL Number One showed a V-sign. Chelle cried, but the hood was tied back this time, the room lights switched off and the door was bolted and locked up.


“That was amazing!” The captors remarked simultaneously. They shared bottles of beer as Number One removed her mobile phone’s battery and SIM card .The latter was crushed and the men changed their changes. “We’re going to dispose of all this, “ Number One announced. “You stay here.” He pointed to Number Three.


“Do I check on her?”


“You got to be crazy! She’s chained, down to her undies, hooded, locked in a room like a bank vault. At most, there’s the CCTV screen to look. But don’t keep it on; it’s running on batteries.”


“Mark, do you know where your girlfriend is? She was supposed to cook dinner.” Chelle’s younger sister Kate asked.


The answer was no.


“Are you detectives on another case? Or is she on her own?”


Mark was now really worried. Saying goodbye, he placed a group WhatsApp call to the other teen detectives. Lin, Reinhard and Richard had no idea but Jenn saw her entering the room where the Media and Literature club was held and Chelle headed out via the back gate. “We’ve got to talk to Louisa tomorrow. Chelle can’t just disappear again,” Lin concluded.


Number Three tore off his fake moustache and occasionally checked his phone with mobile data as there was no Wi-Fi in the room. He turned back towards the locked door. The plan wasn’t kidnapping, so he wouldn’t get any ‘bread’ - Cockney slang for money - not one quid. Yet he agreed to join his mates. Curious, he switched on the night CCTV screen that had night vision capability and stared. Chelle wasn’t struggling much or calling out through her stuff gag. He watched intensely then suddenly a dark stain appeared on the crotch area of her knickers and despite the lack of sound, he knew she was moaning. The spot grew larger and also wet the plastic-covered bed. Not wanting to watch the digesting scene, he turned it off.


Minutes later, the others returned, bringing back a pizza.


“What happened?” Number One asked, noting the look on his friend’s face.


“She pissed herself.”


Number One switched on and slyly smiled. “The plan is proceeding perfectly. Let’s have a celebratory dinner.” The trio at in silence then as Number Three was down to his last slice, he suggested they should give Chelle food.


“Not a bloody chance. You turning into a softie?”


“Keeping her hungry might...”


Number One nearly struck his colleague until Number Two said they were to humiliate not to get her sick. “You buy the food,” he pointed at the third captor. “But nothing heavy, we don’t want her to mess herself today.”


Number Three went to a Tesco Express, picking a chicken and mushroom pot noodle. “Your debit card doesn’t work, do you have notes?” The cashier asked. He dug out older versions of pound notes but came short by five pence which the cashier accepted. She glanced at his anxious look and through the store CCTV, dumped the receipt in the rubbish bin outside. He was made to spoon feed their captive and after a discussion with the leader, Chelle was allowed to sip some water from a squeeze bottle. All this was performed with the room lights off and Number Three using a head torchlight.


Mark couldn’t sleep well that night even with an early morning lecture. Neither could Chelle with her arms sore from the strain of the cuffs and her knickers wet. The taste of the pot noodle along with the cloth still lingered in her mouth and it was dry. They lowered the temperature of the room, which added more torture. Who the hell are these captors? What do they want? I will get out of this fast, she told herself.


“I just sent her to inspect the new building they just built and opened. The one towards the west. She left just when school ended, saw her change into her trainers,” Louisa told the remaining teen detectives sans Reinhard.


“Someone or some people definitely took her. Her sister said her parents didn’t receive any ransom demands and are worried sick. They’ve already called the police,” Mark said.


The police indeed arrived after school hours led by Bluebell Ransom, now a Detective Inspector. Louisa and the teen detectives, inspected the back gate then the Forensic Scene Investigators {FSI) were deployed along the route to the new building. The FSI leader gave his report. “Ma’am, there’s nothing of interest to bag. Must have been the weather, pedestrians and vehicles. We can attempt again tomorrow.” DI Ransom nodded. No case was ever that straightforward but this one concerned one of the town’s most famous girl detectives.


That girl detective was fed a simple breakfast of bread and water in almost darkness and afterwards the masked captors placed ice cubes wrapped in pieces of cloth on various areas of her bare skin. These were on her arms, cleavage, upper thighs near her crotch and even her face. Within minutes, Celle felt chilly and water seeping down her cleavage and thighs. The trio suddenly increased the room’s thermostat causing Chelle to struggle and yelp with the sudden change in temperature. ‘DON’T LIKE?’ Number One heled up a sign with those word printed in bold. She didn’t react even with the torch nearly blinding her.


Suddenly, she felt something with four legs crawling up one of her legs. The lizard reached her wet knickers and stooped, then crawled over the waist band. Chelle tensed up, hoping the creature won’t cawl into her knickers. After nearly a minute, the lizard crawled up her lizard stomach, nearly tickling her navel. It reached the lower part of her cleavage, then Chelle gave a gagged cry as the creature crawled onto first her right bra cup, rested, then crawled across her cleavage onto her other bra cup. Chelle now lightly struggling against the fetters and her fetters and her gag cries were louder. After some laughter by Number One and Two, the creature was removed but Chelle’s eyes widen as the leader picked up another reptile: a snake.

As Chelle faced the snake slithering up her body, Lin found Reinhard sitting on a bench.


“Any update on your surgery?”


“Yes, it’ll be tomorrow or at least Monday afternoon. They will perform what’s called a catheter ablation.” Lin raised her eyes in a questionable look. He brought up a website and explained. “An electrophysiologist will insert flexible catheters into my blood vessels, usually either in the femoral vein then the catheters are advanced towards the heart. The catheters have electrodes mapping the abnormal pathways causing the abnormal heartbeat. The electrodes will deliver energy to destroy the abnormal tissue that is causing the irregular heartbeat. Or they might use electroporation,” he scrolled down to let her read. “They say the former method is extremely effective,” he concluded.


“Wow, it sounds complex. Hope they can operate soon. “ Lin’s phone buzzed. “I’ve got meet the others.”


“Use my forensic kit if you have to,” he called.


“Alright, Chelle is clearly taken for no hostage demands, so far no ransom demand though the police are tapping the Summers’ home and mobile phones,” Jenn summarised.


“We need to check that path Chelle walked down, the police forensic team is already there and we need to look at that new building Louisa sent her to..” Lin added.


“Hopefully, we can find my girlfriend through this,” Mark softly remarked. They split up with Lin and Mark heading to investigate that path while Jenn and Richard headed to that specific building. The former team reached their destination first and were lucky as the FSI team left and the police cordon was removed. The two teen detectives searched the area intensively for an hour, finding nothing of interest.


“They won’t let us inside the new building,” Jenn called halfway. “It’s occupied by a security company.”


“They sell security equipment to businesses that require such items. Vault doors for banks, padlocks and combination locks and CCTV cameras that can work in low-light conditions. Nothing illegal about it though the building is all black,” Richard added, sending over an image.


Mark nudged Lin and saw the very minute black scrap of paint blowed out by the wind. Lin picked it up with disposable gloves After taking pictures of it, she called the CID headquarters and DI Ransom picked it up, annoyed that the FSI team didn’t spot it.


Number Three sat again alone in the outer room now disturbed by what his mates did to their victim. He was fine with the ice cube play but didn’t expect them to let a lizard and snake crawl across her body. He didn’t know what the end game was as he was never told, knowing he’ll be stuck and likely arrested. Partly due to his disagreement, he turned on the CCTV screen. Chelle was frantically waving a V-sign using fingers from her right hand. Knowing that none of them would like a messy and smelly room, he grabbed the nearby bucket and roll of toilet paper and entered the room. The spreadeagled teen continued to signal even as he flashed his torchlight on the bucket. Number Three quickly unlocked the handcuffs on her left wrist, her ankle bonds and signalled her to use the bucket.


Chelle instead moaned ‘toilet’ but he shook his head. This disagreement continued twice until he relented, locking her wrists behind her back, marching her out by covering her with an older X26P taser. Chelle naturally moved slowly and unsteadily after being locked for hours in metal chains. The toilet wasn’t that clean and one of her wrists was handcuffed to a metal bar they installed. Again, he gestured her to do her business and she told him to turn around.


Just as he was going to, she kicked a nearby toilet brush holder, striking one of his shoes. Even with her muscles still numb, she kicked him in the balls, making him cry, bending and hold his crotch. In the process, the fat captor dropped to his knees, also dropping the taser. The girl detective grabbed it, tearing off her gag with the handcuffed hand and shouted.


“Give me the handcuff keys!”


That pudgy guy stood up and shook his masked head.


“Give me the keys or I’ll shoot!”


He stayed silent and Chelle fired but nothing came out. “Haha!” He shouted for the first time and lunged at her. It was a short struggle but he managed wrenched back the conducted energy device but she managed to yank off most of his balaclava.


“You! One of those students trying to blow up the old chem lab and me! Why you doing this to me?!”


He didn’t answer immediately then spoke up in his Cockney accent. “Look, it’s the others’ idea of taking revenge on you. I was roped in to this scheme.”


“Cutting off my clothes, letting met wet myself, giving me ice cube torture and letting reptiles crawl over my body, that’s not revenge! Release me and I’ll put in a good word for you.”


“That’s not goin’ to happen.” He did feel a little relieved she would provide a supporting statement. “Thought you needed to use the loo.” Chelle lied and he told her to re-gag herself though the adhesive was a little weak and taped lopsided. With a battery loaded, her wrists were cuffed behind her back. In the ‘cell’, he allowed her to rub her limbs before he restrained her to the bed. Just he patted her in a sign of encouragement, the main door snapped open.


The FSI team was still analysing the chip of paint Lin found and DI Ransom alerted nearby police forces on Chelle’s disappearance and possible kidnapping. With their friend still not found, the others turned to their own activities. Lin was reading her A-level chemistry book when Reinhard notified her he was analysing undergoing surgery that Sunday morning. Mark had a rugby team meeting. Jenn and Richard travelled to Birmingham, to pick up literature texts and visit music shops.


Just as they were at the Shakespeare section, Jenn heard someone call her name. Behind them were Katy Liggott, Amanda and Louisa Butterfield, the younger detectives she met a Christmas a while back. As the bookstore required silence, they made their purchases and outside, Jenn introduced her boyfriend to the girl detectives.


“So, how’re other Croonford girls?” Katy asked.


Jenn answered that Lin was worried about her sick boyfriend and Chelle was missing with only a minute piece of paint as evidence.


“Black paint? I don’t if it’s a coincidence but I spotted a black van accelerating pass my urban geography class field visit,” Amanda added as she held down the hem of her dress. “It was near the Tyseley Energy from Waste Plant.”


“My friend who works in a Tesco Express near where Amanda’s class was encountered a fat lad unable to pay five pence more for the pot noodles he bought, threw the receipt fast and ran away, Louisa added. “Don’t think it’s related to Michelle’s disappearance, but that area has isn’t crime-free.”


Jenn and Richard decided to head there as they has sometime before their train would arrive.


In the underground room, Number Three, mentally and psychically attacked by Number One for letting their captive out of the room. After staying silent for around thirty minutes, he had to help the others lift a large rectangular crate into victim’s chamber.


“You stay outside,” the leader growled to his fat colleague. Number Three did but left the ajar to listen. He heard the box open. Next, something was pushed underneath the bed and through open gap, he saw them raise a series of cards as usual but this time, she screamed loudly through her tape gag after the last card was raised.


“What was it the crate? What made her scream?” he asked twice as Number Two secured the large door.


“What we should have done properly back then. One move she is blown to bits!”


“That’s murder! I don’t want to...” Number One slammed him hard against the nearby wall and physically assaulting him, insulting him with names like ‘fat prick’. Number Two joined in and quickly their disloyal friend. One he was knocked unconscious, they locked up in the same room as Chelle and Number One suggested they prepare to get away.


“Hey, the power is on in that old residential flat is on. It wasn’t when my class passed by,” Amanda pointed as they exited the Tesco Express.


“It’s the one slated for demolition?” Louisa asked. “The city council hasn’t decided, “was the answer.


“Well, someone is there. Footprints leading out towards the Tesco and oh, there are the faintest tyre tracks I’ve ever seen,” Katy nodded towards those tracks and footprints.” There was a silent discussion, and Jenn and Richard followed, amazed how inquisitive these girl detectives were. Before all could cross the road, a black van darted out from that building and drove away.


“That van did have a chipped area...that does match the piece Lin picked up,” Richard, the one with photographic memory declared.


Knowing Chelle could be in there, they rushed forward but all entrances appeared locked. “There’s one,” Katy pointed at the small door. “I’m small enough to enter.”

“You need this to communicate with us,” Jenn handed over her wireless radio

earpiece that Lin made for all the teen detectives. After fifteen minutes, Katy radioed back excitedly. I’m in a two-room area in the basement. The inner room is sealed with a thick door like those for bank vaults but I can hear soft sounds inside.”


The police arrived after much persuasion and the door was cut away. The injured Number Three was helped but the officer gasped. “Thee’s an IED here! We need Expo!”


Expo meant a police EOD operator and Helen Barkson, Croonford’s skilled Expo arrived as other were busy. Approaching in her bomb suit, she peeled off Chelle’s gag. Even with a dry throat, she told Helen what she knew about the device. “Alright, hold on.” The device was quite complex but after a close inspection, she isolated the various power sources, slowly removed the trigger and placed the explosives in a seal box. The two captors were caught as Richard recalled part of the van’s licence plate. Lin and Mark rushed over with the former also bringing news that Reinhard’s surgery was successful. Numers One and Two, real names Lucas Malton and Ron Sedgefield were given life imprisonment for abduction and attempted murder.


Number Three or Jon Wakefield got seven years with parole granted due to Chelle’s statement. The new office building in Croonford supplied the thick door, locks and CCTV for the three captors and the owner, along with his brother who made the IED, were also charged.


“Thanks a lot for helping to find me,” Chelle treated Katy, Amanda and Louisa to a meal. “If not, I’ll be blown to pieces.”


“You’re welcome!” Came the simultaneous reply.


Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in a case title not yet determined.






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