Silent Night 2021










You better stand still
You better not cry
I need you to pout
there’s no need to sigh
The Silent Night has come around

Your mum and dad
Are tied up tight;
But both of you will be twinkly and bright
The Silent Night has come around

I taped your wrists and ankles
And wrapped you up in lights
And now your sister is quiet
You can smile in fairy lights!

Oh! I’ve taped your mouth,
You better not cry
And you can pout
And make quiet sighs, because
The Silent Night has come around
The Silent Night has come around




They had obviously been out as a family as a Christmas treat – the father was wearing a smart suit, white shirt, tie, black shoes, while their mother was wearing a long black dress and high heels.


My friends took them out of the room and left me to take care of the girls.  “Okay – don’t be afraid,” I said as I looked at them, “tell me your name and how old you are.”


“I’m Kate, and I’m eleven,” the first one said.  She had long light brown hair, with a purple bow on one side, and was wearing a black party dress – it was a slip dress over a thin lace one with black polka dots, the arms of the under dress coming to her elbows, the hem peeking out a little.  There was a gold belt round her waist, and she was wearing gold slippers.


“and you are?”


“Sue, and I’m ten.”  The younger girl had blonde hair, a green band with a large rose knot on the front round her head.  She was wearing a red dress with short sleeves, a belt round her waist as well, and red shoes.  “Why are you wearing a mask, and where have you taken mummy and daddy?”


“Well, I’m wearing a mask to disguise who I am,” I said as I looked at them, “and your parents are doing something with my friends.  Now, my job is to make sure you both stay here, but I think we can make it a surprise for your parents as well.”




I looked at Kate, before I said “we’ll take a special photo – your mummy left her phone with me.  So, why don’t you both sit back to back on that on that wooden chest – the one with the blanket on it?”


The two girls nodded as Kate said “are you going to hurt us?”


“No – go and sit down.”


They walked over and sat back to back as I picked up the roll of white tape I had been left, and said “now, why don’t you both put your hands together in prayer – older girl first.”


I peeled the end of the roll free, and then wound it tightly Kate’s wrists as she watched me.


“Does it hurt, Kate?”


“No,” she said as I patted the tape down, and then taped her ankles together as well.  “We’re going to be all right, Sue.”


“That’s right,” I said as I walked round and taped Sue’s wrists together, the younger girl nodding as I made sure they were secured, and then did the same to her ankles.


“Let’s make this extra special,” I said with a smile as I saw a spare set of Christmas Tree lights on the floor – a set I used to wrap round the upper bodies to hold them both together.


“I’ll plug them in in a minute, and take the picture,” I said as they looked at me, while I tore a strip of tape from the roll,” but first, I need to make sure you both stay quiet.  Ready?”


Kate nodded as I pressed the tape down over her mouth, and then gagged her sister in the same way, before I picked up their mother’s phone, plugged the lights in and took photos of them as the lights twinkled.


“We’re done – Mummy wants to stay in here with them, while you keep guard.”


I nodded as their mother was frog marched in, taped and gagged, and allowed to sit on the couch as my partners left us…




Jack and Jill were holding hands as they watched their mother.  The six year old twins were wearing festive outfits – Jill was wearing a red silk party dress, the short, puffed sleeves trimmed with white fur, and fur round her collar.  A wide black belt was round her waist, and she was wearing black party shoes.


Her twin brother was wearing a red Santa suit, with white fur trim down the front of his top and on his sleeves, his red pants tucked into a pair of black Wellington boots.  Both were wearing red Santa hats on their heads, Jill’s long hair coming out from under it.


“There now, your mother is ready – are you scared?”


They looked on as their mother shook her head, before he said “Good – I want you both to sit down on the floor, back to back, in front of the tree.”  As they did this, he picked up the set of tree lights that were sitting on the floor, and wrapped it round both of them so that they were held together, their arms to their sides.


“I’ll turn them on in a minute,” he said as they both nodded, turning their heads and watching as he picked up a length of white cord, and put Jill’s left wrist next to Jack’s right one.  They both felt it as he tied them together, taking the cord between their arms to make sure they stayed secured, before he took a second length and secured their wrists together on the other side.


“Your legs next, just like your mother,” he said, Jack nodding as he watched him pull the white rope round his ankles, his boots squeaking under the band as he secured them together.  A second band went round his legs, above the top of his boots, before the man walked round.  He could hear him working, securing his sister’s ankles and legs in the same way as he gave her hands a squeeze.


She squeezed back as he stood up, and said “there – just sit there and everything will be all right.”


“Yssshrrr,” Jill said, feeling the cloth that had been pulled between her lips getting damper, feeling it pressing her cheeks in as it had been tied round her head.  He walked round and looked at Jack, the young boy’s lips closed over the gag as he nodded as well.


As he left the room, they both looked over as their mother said “Hmshrrhdhfubhf.”  She was wearing a red dress, lying on her side, bound with bands of the white rope and a cloth pulled between her rouged lips as well.  The children nodded as she looked at them, the lights twinkling round them because he had plugged them in before he left them to find her valuables…




Maybe we did push big brother a little too far – but to do this to me and Tommy…


IT was the 22nd, and Big Bro had been left in charge by our parents while they went to Dad’s Christmas Works party.  Tommy and I were both dressed for bed – I was wearing a grey top and patterned bottoms, Tommy a pair of blue pyjamas with a charming skull and cross bones pattern on them…


Anyway, we were arguing, and neither of us had realised that Big Bro was getting upset with us – until he said he had a way to make sure we both could argue and not disturb him.  Tommy smirked and asked how he was going to do that – a stupid thing to say, but before I got a chance to warn him we were told to sit back to back in front of the Christmas tree.


He then left the room, and came back with a large roll of silver tape and a spare set of tree lights.  I groaned when I saw them, but Tommy just clapped his hands – so he was the first to get his wrists taped together in front of him.  Big Bro then made him sit cross-legged before he taped his pegs together where they crossed – and then Tommy fell silent.


He came round and squatted down, the biggest grin on his face as he taped my wrists and legs together, before he covered my mouth with the strips of silver tape.  That was when he brought out the lights and wrapped them round us, before he plugged them in.


As they twinkled, I actually heard Tommy snoring.  Me?  I was imagining him, sitting in the chair, holding a mug and the fact he may have won.


But when he falls asleep, I will get free, and then…


And then…




Hey, Mr. Robber says come over here
To sit beside the Christmas Tree
Me and my sister Jo, we felt we had to go
While his friend talks to Mummy
We can hear her cry, Jo just turns her eyes
Silent Night is coming here


Jo’s in a pink top and in her blue jeans
And blonde hair in a pigtail
I’m wearing tan pants, and a mustard top
Silent Night is coming here.


Mr. Robber says sit down
Back to Back on the ground
Then he ties our wrists with rope
As Mum says that we’ll cope


Hear him tear the tape free
Stick it on my mouth
Stop me now from making any noise
Then he makes Jo stop
Making any noise
Mum cannot say much
Her mouth’s got tape too
over her lips
As we have a Silent Night


Blink! The fairy lights wrapped around us both
Twinkling in front of the tree
Jo tries to talk, I just grunt and nod
Mum smiles so that we can see
That after Silent Night
We will all be freed


Silent Night then we’re free




The last day of Hannukah is special for my family, and as we watched Father light the last candle on the menorah Mother nodded at us from her chair.  Father then continued to recite the prayers – but this night, we could not join in.


Mother certainly could not – she was sitting on the chair at the table, wearing her dress – a black dress with silver dots, low cut at the front, floor length.  But her arms were round the chair back, and we could all see the ropes holding her arms and body to the chair back.  Her ankles had also been tied together and then to the front leg of the chair.  Finally, a rolled up napkin was pulled between her teeth and lips, tied round her head and holding her brown hair to the back of her neck.


I’m the oldest of the three of us – Joshua is nine, and Abraham eight.  When the masked women had come in, we were saying the prayers as well – but we had already changed for bed.  Abraham was wearing a black top and pants, with white Santa Claus on the bottoms, while Joshua was wearing dark blue cotton pyjamas.


Me?  I was wearing a black top and pants – but that wasn’t the important thing just now.  The women had made us stand in the middle of the room, in a circle, and hold hands before one of them had used silver tape to secure my wrists to those of Joshua and Abraham, then their wrists to each other.


She then knelt down and taped my ankles and legs together, then those of Joshua, and finally Abraham.  The next thing she did was to tie our upper bodies together, using some tree lights, which twinkled when he plugged them in.


All we could do was turn slowly, and look and Mother and Father.  He was wearing a black waistcoat and pants over a blue shirt, and kissed Mother on the head before he came over and kissed each of us as well, then left the room with one of the women.  We could only pray he would be safe…




I’ve got three daughters, all as cute as a button – eight year old Holly, Seven year old Ivy and two year old Mary.  So when the man surprised me and told me he was going to rob me, and he needed to make sure none of us could raise the alarm, I managed to persuade him to let me take care of the three of them.


What I did was told them we were going to play a special game – Holly and Ivy would be on one couch, and Mary on my lap.  I had some lengths of white cord, and a roll of tape with black swirls on white – and I said I was going to add a special touch for the two older girls.


So they sat down – Holly was wearing a turquoise top, black leggings and white socks, her blonde hair in a pigtail, and Ivy in her red top, denim skirt, black leggings and white socks.  I gave Mary the roll of tape to hold before I got the girls to put their hands together in prayer, and then used a length of the cord to tie their wrists together.  I then used another length to tie their ankles together, the man watching me all the time.


I asked if they were all right, and they nodded as I found the spare set of fairy lights, plugged them in, and then would them round Ivy’s arms and body.  Taking a moment to lift Mary onto another chair, I wound the lights round her sister as well, and then down round their legs as well.


There was one last thing I had to do – and that was to take the tape from Mary, tar off strips, and press them down over the mouths of my daughters so that they stayed quiet.


I then picked Mary up and hugged her as the man knelt down, and used some of the cords to bind my ankles together while Holly and Ivy tried to talk to each other.  Mary was wearing a striped top and pink pants, with bare feet, and as my ankles were forced together I asked her if she wanted to be like her sisters.


She nodded, so I took two more lengths of cord and used one to tie her tiny wrists together in front of her, and the second to tie her ankles together, before I pressed a strip of the tape down over her mouth – and then a longer strip over mine.


The man then watched as I put my arms round Mary, and tied my wrists together as she rested her head on my stomach.  I tape kissed her blonde hair, and nodded to the other girls as A Charlie Brown Christmas started on the television, and he left us alone.




Sometimes, Mum and Dad allow us to do something with them - and this year, we got revenge for their Silent Night prank last year…


Suzie and I had got ready for bed – I was wearing a white long sleeved top and red pants with thin white stripes, a picture of Santa on the top, while Suzie had on a red top with a print on the front, and black pants with writing on them.  Our baby brother was sitting on the couch, gurgling away happily as Dad put the star on the top of the tree.


“All right,” Mum said as she looked at us, “what do you want to do now?”


“Take a photo of you and Dad,” Suzie said in the sweetest of voices.


“Oh – what sort of photo?”


“Just sit down back to back,” I said with a smile, “in front of the tree.”


They looked at us and then sat down – Dad in his black t-shirt and pants, Mum in her black vest and red pants, both sets of pants with a Santa print on them.   “So what are you going to do,” Dad said as he looked at me.


“This,” I said with the sweetest of smiles as I tied her wrists together with black ribbon, and then his ankles, while Suzie made sure Mum was secured in the same way.    She then wound the fairy lights round both of them, with my help, as Mum said “revenge?”


“Oh yeah,” Suzie said as she tied a folded black scarf round Mum’s head, covering her mouth, while I tried to tie one round Dad’s head – only he opened his mouth, so it went between his teeth instead.  Still, as we put Baby Bro on Mum’s lap, she did seem happy as we took the picture…




What If…  Silent Night happened in the Sixties?


It was Christmas Eve, and I was sitting playing a game of Ludo with my little sister Betty.  She was nine at the time, and was wearing a sleeveless cream and brown dress with a floral print, a white band holding her blonde hair back, as well as a pair of black shoes and white bobby socks.  I had on a white short sleeved shirt, dark brown pants and black shoes.


Dad was working down at the store, and Mum was cooking in the kitchen – until she came in and looked at us.  She was wearing a pale blue cardigan over a grey top, with matching pants and white shoes – but she was not alone.


There was a young woman with her, who was wearing a blue denim dress and black knee length boots – as well as a black mask over her eyes.  She looked at us, as Mum said she wanted us to play a special game – and she would play as well.


Well, Betty and I both nodded as the woman told us to sit down, and to put our hands together in prayer.  We sat in front of our silver artificial tree, as the lady took a length of silver tinsel from the decorations box, and knelt in front of Betty.  She was smiling as she wrapped the tinsel tightly round her wrists, and then the other end round her ankles. 


She giggled as she tried to move, while I felt a second length of tinsel as the lady tied it round my wrists.  It felt ticklish, but when she had wrapped it round my ankles as well and tied it off, I was surprised to find I could not move my hands and feet apart.


We both watched as Mum lay on her back on the long seat, and the lady did the same thing to her, before she did something we could not see.  When she walked back over to us, however, we saw she had put a red napkin in Mum’s mouth, the edges sticking out between her lips.


“Wow,” I whispered as she came over with a roll of red ribbon, and then told me to open my mouth.  She wound the ribbon round my head several times, then got me to sit back to back with Suzie as I closed my lips over the ribbon – the end of which she had cut off and taped to the back of my head.


Suzie started mumbling, so I presumed she was having the ribbon wrapped round her head as well, before she found some silver lights and wrapped them round both of us, plugging them in and turning them on as Mum watched us.  I turned my head to look at her, and she nodded as the woman left us there…




It certainly was a surprise when I got home from shopping to find Donald and Angel like that on the floor.  I had only nipped out to pick up some more groceries to the supermarket, leaving them watching a film on the television, not expecting any problems…


I was wearing a peach coloured jumper and faded jeans, a pair of black Ugg boots keeping my feet warm – but after I took off my leather jacket and hung it up, I called out for them – with no reply.


When I walked back into the front room, I could see why.  Donald and Angel were sitting back to back in front of the couch – and they could not make any real noise.  The brown tape over both of their mouths was seeing to that.


Angel’s only eight, but when she looked at me and said “Ghhthmhmhee” I could only stand there.  She had her blonde hair hanging loose over her white jumper, and a pair of grey jeans, but I could see the rope round her legs below her knees and her ankles, as well as the way her hands were staying behind her back.


“ShhsshRHN!” Donald said as he looked at me, the edges of the tape sticking to his brown beard.  He was wearing a grey jumper and cargo pants – but I could see he was trying to hold Angel’s hand behind his own back, and the rope round his ankles and legs as well.


But it was what was holding the two of them together Angel’s head resting between Donald’s shoulder blades, that was the most surreal thing - it was a set of tree lights, wrapped round both of them and twinkling in the darkening room.


“Oh fh…”


“Language – there is a young girl present.”


I heard the male voice behind me as Donald and Angel actually groaned, and then I felt him pull my arms behind my back, felt the rope round my own wrists, and I wondered how he was going to leave me…


The answer was lying on my side on the couch, ropes round my ankles and my legs below my knees, and another set of tree lights wrapped round my arms and upped body, twinkling as I lay there with my mouth taped over, looking at the rest of my family as we remained silent while night fell…




Sitting on the floor
With my brother by my back,
Mum stands at the door,
With the man in black.
I’ve got my ankles tied,
With rope that is white.
Now I just wish we’d tried to hide
When they came in tonight, oh!

Silent Night, Silent Night,
We can’t move away.
The white tape, the ropes so tight
And the lights twinkling away, hey!
Silent Night, Silent Night,
We can’t move away.
The white tape, the ropes so tight
And the lights twinkling away.

My brother’s hand in mine,
Tied behind our backs.
Fairy lights that shine,
around us, with no slack.
White taped over lips,
Meaning we can’t talk,
But as we sit, watching old clips,
We know we can’t just walk.

Silent Night, Silent Night,
We can’t move away.
The white tape, the ropes so tight
And the lights twinkling away, hey!
Silent Night, Silent Night,
We can’t move away.
The white tape, the ropes so tight
And the lights twinkling away
The white tape, the ropes so tight
And the lights twinkling away!




They went in order of age, after they woke us up and made us get out of bed.  Dad was working as a security guard at a factory, bur as we were marched into the front room we had to sit on the couch, wondering what was going to happen.


Mum was already there, wearing a blue dressing gown over her nightdress – but she was sat in an armchair, unable to move with her hands behind her back, ropes round her ankles and around her legs, and silver tape over her mouth.  Something was wrong, but there was nothing we could do…


They started with Timmy, my seven year old brother, who was wearing a one piece blue sleepsuit complete with covered feet, the red Santa sleigh printed all over that.  Mum tried to keep him calm as he started crying, one of the men making him stand u and then taking his hands behind his back before he used some white rope to secure them together.


I looked at him, and told him he needed to stop crying – we were all afraid, but we didn’t want to be hurt or something else.  He nodded as he stopped crying, while the man made him sit cross legged in front of the Christmas tree, before he used another length of rope to tie his ankles tightly together.


I then saw him tear a strip of silver tape from a roll, and press it firmly down over Timmy’s mouth, just like Mum as I told him to just sit still – we would probably be with him soon.


It was Tilly who was next – she’s nine years old, and was wearing a light blue sleepsuit with penguins printed on it, as well as two red ribbons keeping her hair in bunches.  She also had her wrists tied together behind her back, and then she was helped to sit behind Timmy, Mum and I watching as he tied the rope round her crossed legs in front of her, and then press the silver tape over her mouth as well.


Then it was my turn – the twelve year old big brother.  I was wearing a pair of black pyjamas without anything covering my feet, but like my brother and sister I had my wrists tied together behind my back – I could feel the rope holding them together.  I was then sat behind Tilly, sitting with my legs crossed as I watched him tie my ankle together as well.


The ripping sound of the tape was followed by the tug on my lips and skin as it was pressed firmly down over my chin.  I knew I had to stay quiet and calm, and I managed to squeeze the hands of both Timmy and Tilly as Mum nodded.


The man then wrapped a set of lights round us, holding us together before he plugged them in, and then took some photos on a cell phone.  We found out later he sent them and some of Mum to another man, who was making Dad do something at his place of work while we were silent hostages for the night…




The night was drawing in Stockholm, as Anders and Johan sat doing their assignments.  It was the day of the Santa Lucia festival, and in a few minutes both of them were due to leave to take part in a festival concert.


Anders was wearing a brown football top with yellow markings, and matching track suit bottoms, while Johan was wearing a white polo shirt and black jeans.  Both of them were excited to be taking part – so it was a great pity that the woman who came into the room had other ideas.  She was dressed in red – a red jacket and tight leggings tucked into black leather boots that came over her knees, a red hat on her head, and a black mask over her eyes – and she also had a very real gun in her black gloved hand which she pointed at both of them.


“Sorry boys,” she said with a smile, “but your mama is spending some quiet time upstairs, and I need to make sure you both stay here with her.  So sit yourselves down, back to back, and cross your wrists on front of yourselves.”


The two boys looked at each other, before they did as the masked woman had said.  Anders could not take her eyes off her as she took from a sack a thin plastic zip tie, and used it to bind his wrists together, the plastic biting into his wrists.  She then used a second strip to secure his ankles together, and then walked round, Anders thinking of how she had looked as he heard his brother grunt – presumably because she was making sure he could not move his wrists or ankles.


He looked at his ankles, the thin white strip over the brown material of his pants, and then at his wrists before the woman made him bend his arms, so that his hands sat at the top of his chest.  To his great surprise, he watched as she started to wind a long length of tree lights round him and his brother, forcing his arms against his chest and his body against Johan.


“Why are you doing this,” Johan said as she looked at the woman, not able to take his eyes off her as her tight top stretched over her chest.


“So you can make light of what comes next,” she said with a smile – a smile that seemed to warm him as she pulled the lights into a knot, then took the plug and pushed it into a wall socket.  “But first, you need to be quiet.”


“What do you…  Oh,” Johan said quietly as he saw the wide white wool scarf in her gloved hands, which she pulled tight round his head, covering his mouth and muffling any noises he made as she knotted the ends at the base of his neck.


“Johan?  What’s happening?”


“Hchtnhytthlk,” Anders heard him say as he watched the intruder wrap a brown facecloth round a matching robe belt – a belt she then tied tightly round his head so that the facecloth was pressed against his mouth, muffling his words as she smiled.


“There,” she said as she turned the lights on, the boys looking at her as she said “I am sorry you will miss the concert, but you can pray to Santa Lucia for release.”  She then left them struggling on the floor…



Have a quiet, Silent Night
While you sit there by the tree
I know that you won’t say a lot
And that you won’t get free

Have a quiet, Silent Night
With your wrists tied under your knees
Matching pyjama pants and tops
And lights from the tree

Oh, ho the packing tape
Helping you quietly
Think of all you can do
When you finally get free!

Have a quiet, Silent Night
And in case you didn't hear
Oh by golly have a quiet, Silent Night
This year

Have a quiet, Silent Night
With your wrists tied under your knees
Matching pyjama pants and tops
And lights from the tree

Oh, ho the packing tape
Helping you quietly
Think of all you can do
When you finally get free!

Have a quiet, Silent Night
And in case you didn't hear
Oh by golly have a quiet, Silent Night
This year




For as long as Dee and I have known, we’ve gone to this cabin in the forest for the Christmas break, cut off from almost all mod cons.  After all, very difficult to get a signal out here…


So we make our own fun, and when Dad wanted to take this “special photo” as he put it, it was that or another walk in the woods, so we all agreed.  Dee and I were casually dressed – jeans, hiking boots, and for me a grey t-shirt with a red tartan scarf.  Dee, who’s a year younger than me, was wearing a red t-shirt and a grey tartan scarf.


Dad had us sit back to back on the floor, and hold each other’s hands – and that’s when we saw the large roll of tape in his hand.  It was curious – an olive and green camouflage pattern on it – but it certainly held my left wrist to Dee’s right, and then the same on the other side.


I asked where Mum was, but Dad just said she’d come in in a few minutes, as he wound the tape round both of us, holding our arms against our sides and also holding us together. 


We both had our legs crossed in front of us, so Dad passed the tape round where they were crossed, securing out lower legs together.  Brushing our long blonde hair away form out faces, he then pressed three lengths of the tape down over our lips, making sure we could only mumble before he wrapped the Christmas tree lights round both of us, and then turned them on as the lights twinkled over our bodies.


We both turned our head and watched as he walked out of the main room of the cabin, and then we heard the thumps as he brought Mum in.  she was wearing a white lace jumper, jeans and short boots – but she also had the tape over her mouth, her hands behind her back and bands of tape holding her arms against her sides, her legs together and her ankles.


She nodded at us as she lay on the couch, Dad putting a sign over her head and on her chest as he started to take photos.


A sign that said Silent Night…






“Hdhntknhh,” I replied as I wriggled round against Kerry’s back, and she returned the move.  There wasn’t a lot else we could do, save try to talk to each other, for a number of reasons.


Reason one was the red tape that was pressed down firmly over my mouth, stretching from cheek to cheek and from under my nose to the tip of my chin.  I knew that little sis had a similar strip pressed down over her mouth – that was the first thing the girl did before she sat us back to back, while her boyfriend took Mummy out of the room.


We had then been made to stand side by side, while e she used some white cord to tie my wrists together in front of me.  I was wearing a white shirt with a blue pinstripe, and jeans, while Kerry had on a grey fur gilet over a white jumper as well as her jeans.


I watched as the girl tied her wrists together as well, seeing her breathe in and out through her nose as the tape moved with her mouth.  The girl then made us sit back to back, and used the tree lights which were waiting to go on the tree to make sure we stayed together.


“Whtnh,” I said as she straightened my legs and tied my ankles together, then she went behind me as I heard Kerry mumble something.  She was obviously also having her ankles secured together, as she said “bhtwh?”


“Sorry about this kids – it won’t be for too long,” she said with a smile as she patted our heads, and then left the room.  So there we were – unable to move, to speak clearly, and then the lights which she had plugged in started to twinkle…


“Hmghddd.  Huhhlrht?”


I looked to the door to see Mum there, her hands behind her back and rope round her legs and ankles, red tape over her mouth as well.  I nodded as I heard Kerry say “Hdfthhghn?”


“Yhs – bhbhrff,” Mum said as she shuffled over to us, kneeling down and pressing her taped lips on our heads before she tried to take the tape away from her mouth…





As I sleep, in the night, I can dream of the Silent Night!
Don’t know why, I don’t cry, it’s just a natural thing to be,
Every as I dream it, in this world of grey,
Only things that are red, the chairs, the light, the tape
And my Sister’s in this too!
Wearing sleepsuits,
Grey in peace.
Sitting on the garden seats.

So, bind my wrists, behind my back
So I can’t move them, secure me, inspire me!
To make the best of this Silent Night!

Sister’s wrists, stied as well,
Ankles crossed, tied so tight!
My sister’s too, that’s fine,
Red tape pressed ‘oer our mouths,
Wrap the red lights round,
Both of us sitting here,
And then the twinkle, the flash and the picture!
We hope that you like it too!
Silent Night,
Will you remember?

So when I wake, I pray it’s not a dream,
the dream secures us, moves us, inspires us,
To make the best of all Silent Nights!




Sweep licking at my face was a sign of how happy he was – it was just a shame ~I didn’t feel the same just then.  My thoughts where on other things – especially Emily as she sat behind me.


The two men had woken us up about an hour ago, and frog marched us down to the front room.  Dave had already left for work  and they had knives, so we did as they asked, sitting back to back with our legs crossed in front of us. I was wearing a black top and checked bottoms, while Emily was wearing a  pink top and pink and white striped bottoms.


Anyway  - they made us sit back to back, and then used red tape to secure my wrists together in front of me.  The man also used tape to secure my legs together where they crossed, before he tore a length off and pressed it firmly down over my mouth.


I could hear Emily crying as he walked round, and then the tape as he tore it from the roll – before Emily’s crying was muffled. And she leaned her head against my back.


“Whllbhhlrht,” I mumbled as the second man found some spare tree lights, and then wound them round both of us, holding us together before they were plugged in, and the room light was turned off.  I heard them leave the house, and we had to sit there in the gloom with the dogs as the sun started to come up…




Sitting in front of the tree as
my sister tears the green tape from the roll
She said that this would just be some fun
After the party that we all had to go to
But now I can’t speak as the lights twinkle bright
And it won’t end

Why don’t they do her too
Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!

Well we’re sat back to back,
Me in my dress, Tim in his suit, but we can’t speak.
Tape over our mouths
And the lights wrapped tight around both of us
So that’s why I say that Tilly should be like us and not laughing

Why don’t they do her too
Silent Night, then its three and not just two.

Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!
Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!

The crinkling on our mouths as we try to speak,
But Then Daddy takes the tape,
and we know that Tilly is going to be like us too.

Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!
Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!

Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!
Silent Night, then its three and not just two.

Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!
Silent Night, why don’t they do her too!




There are times when I really hate my sisters.  April and May surprised me with this “idea”, and like a fool I agreed to go along with it.


But then, you do that when you’re triplets, don’t you?  April was wearing a blue, grey and white patterned top, and May a brown one, both with jeans and trainers, as May put the chair down in front of the tree, and I sat down.  I was wearing a black velvet top, a short patterned skirt and grey leggings.


So what was the first thing they did?  Cover my mouth with green tape so I could not complain, that’s what!  Then April started to tie my wrists together in front of me with white rope, while May used more rope to tie my ankles together, as well as my legs below my knees.


They then found a long length of rope Dad uses for the trailer, and literally lashed me to the chair back, winding the rope round me and my arms again and again so that all I could do was raise my bound wrists up and down and call out in mute frustration. 


But it was when they were tying my legs together below my knees that Dad came in and we looked at him, my eyes wide as I tried to speak, the other two laughing.


They weren’t laughing fifteen minutes later, as they lay on the floor in front of me, just as tightly tired as Dad started to take photos of all of us…







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