Cougar and Cub









Debbie looked good for her age sixty is the new forty after all and did not have a care in the world as she drove back to her home from the club. The top was down, and the wind was blowing through her light brown hair, the rose framed glasses protecting her eyes from the wind.


She was wearing a leopard print top and skirt over a black vest, the long sleeves gathered at her wrists, and her slim legs were encased in light grey hose, a pair of black leather riding boots coming up to her knees. Sure, she had to wear glasses now, but she felt twenty years younger than she was, and she loved it.


As she pulled up on the driveway, she turned the engine off and got out of the car, smiling as she looked round and then fished her door keys out of her handbag, walking to the front door and not noticing the fact the curtains she had opened that morning were now drawn and closed


Closing the door, she placed the keys for the car and door in a bowl on the small table, and then walked towards the kitchen only to stop suddenly as a leather gloved hand was pressed down over her mouth, pulling her back against someone as she heard a male voice say “don’t say a word, don’t struggle do exactly what I tell you to do, and you’ll get through this.”


“Whhhruhhh? Whsshhldhhh?” Debbie called out as she struggled to try and get free and then she caught a glimpse of the thin knife at the side of her head.


“Do you want me to cut you?”


Debbie shook her head as the man said “then stop struggling, and calm down. Do exactly what I tell you to do, all right?”


She stood still for a moment, and then slowly nodded as the voice said “good I am going to take my hand away, and you are not going to scream or shout, are you?” Debbie slowly shook her head from side to side as the gloved hand was removed, and she whispered “please, if it is money you want, I’ll tell you where my safe is “


“I already found it and emptied it,” the voice said quietly, “now slowly, put your hands behind your back, together palm to palm.”


“What are you going to do,” Debbie whispered as she slowly complied.


“No questions,” was the short reply as she took deep breaths, expecting to feel something holding her wrists together and then gasping as her elbows were pulled together instead, pulling her shoulder blades back and forcing her chest out under the top. She was taken completely by surprise as she felt the rope pulling her arms together and then going between them before it was tied off.


She then felt the rope round her wrists as she said “you don’t have to make it so tight “


“Yes, yes I do,” he replied as the rope went between her wrists and tightened the bands before she felt his fingers as the ends were secured together. She wriggled her fingers and then let out another gasp as her thumbs were tied together as well.


“I promise you; I will not raise the alarm if you leave now “


“No, I know you will not raise the alarm,” the voice said as she looked down at her chest, and the saw the arms coming round black clad, with black leather gloves on the hands and holding more white rope as it was passed round her and then pulled tight under her breasts, forcing her arms against her back and then a second band forming above her chest as well.


As the rope went round and round, the bands were kept neat, tidy, tight pressing up and down on her chest as they got tighter and tighter, Debbie now gasping for breath before she felt the pressure on the back as it was secured.


“What Why “


“Hush,” the voice said as Debbie felt him feed the rope under her arm on the left-hand side, and then pull the rope up and back, her hair being moved out of the way as the rope rubbed on the back of her neck, and then under the other arm before it was finally tied off.


The hands then gripped her at the shoulder before they slowly moved down her side, Debbie shivering now before she felt more pressure at the back, and then the sound of rope falling to the floor.


“Please “


“Please what?”


Debbie could now see her captor a tall, broad-shouldered man, dressed entirely in black, including the balaclava that covered his head, only his thin lips and blue eyes showing. He smiled but it was not a good smile, it was a smile that filled her with dread, as he removed her glasses, folded the legs and put them to one side and then gently stroked down her cheek with the palm of his gloved hand.


“Please, don’t touch me “


“Why not?”


“I… I’m afraid of what you are going to do to me.”


“Would you like me to blindfold you?”


Debbie looked at him, nd then slowly shook her head as he smiled and then knelt down. She looked down as he reached under her skirt, and then pulled her tights down before he picked up the knife and then cut away at the side of her panties, the cold stell rubbing on the outside of her thighs before her removed the silk material, and then pulled the rope through her legs and took it up.


She felt the bands sinking into her clit and shook her head as he took the rope under the bands between her breasts and then pulled it down so the base of her breasts was tightly toped, and then tied the ends off. Standing behind her, he pressed down on her shoulders and said “kneel.” Debbie felt she had no choice as she slowly knelt down, and then heard the squeaking as her ankles were drawn together with more rope.


She was shaking now, sweating with fear as she felt her legs being drawn together below her knees, and then she felt the gloved hands as he started to massage her breasts, his fingers stroking over the material of her clothing as she closed her eyes and shook her head.


“Please No “


His response was to cover her mouth with one hand while the other continued to grope her chest, squeezing harder now as she rubbed against him and her fingers stroked over his crotch. Debbie could feel what was happening to him, and her mind went into overdrive as she tried to figure out what was going to happen next.


She could feel her breasts firming up now, but that also meant she was feeling giddier, especially when he opened her top up and pressed down on the vest she was wearing underneath. She groaned into the leather as she closed her eyes, and wished she had taken the blindfold


The pressure then stopped as he stood up, and as Debbie opened her eyes she saw him standing in front of her, and saw the bulge in his pants and then as he opened his pants up, she saw clearly what had been causing the bulge.


“Oh god “


“No just me,” he said as he placed his gloved hands on her head. “But I want you to do as I say.”


“And what do you want?”


“Kiss it.”


Debbie shook her head and mouthed “no “




The shout made Debbie shake, and then she leaned forward and kissed the long, engorged organ in front of her.


“Good keep going.”


Debbie knew she had no choice, as she moved up and down the cock with her lips, kissing it and then kissing the tip.


“Keep going.”


Debbie swallowed and then opened her mouth, placing her lips over the tip and then moving back as her lips popped. She then took it in further, and drew her head back.


“Please, don’t make me do this “


“Keep going “


The older woman looked at his eyes, and then put her mouth over it, drawing it in as she felt the throbbing on her tongue. She moved that over the base as she bobbed her head to and fro, and felt tit engorge even more as the tip stroked over the back of her throat. He made sure her head stayed there with his hands as she moved to and fro, licking and sicking as the throbbing increased and she heard him groan as well.


It was obvious the effect she was having on him, and she was suddenly aware she was trying to move the rope between her legs as well, feeling the dampness and the growing fire there as well, providing a distraction to the fact she was being forced to suck this intruder off.


She felt she had to keep going as she felt the throbbing intensify, tasted the salty pre-cum on her tongue, but she also knew there was no way she could stop now, as the pressure forced her tongue to the floor of her mouth, the organ filling the space as it pressed on the back of her throat




Debbie felt the hot salty flow on the back of her throat as she swallowed as much as she could, not wanting to upset this man anymore as he came into her mouth, the flow making her want to gag but there was no way she could do so at this time.


It seemed like an eternity, but then it stopped but she was also aware of another fire inside her as he let he pull her head back, a thin white line running out of the corner of her mouth. He knelt down and took her panties, wiping the line back and then pushed them into her mouth before he tore a long, wide strip of white micropore tape from a roll and pressed it down firmly over her lips and chin.


“Nhmmhrhrhrh,” she mumbled as she was made to lie face down, Debbie was dimly aware of him pilling her ankles back and then the pull on that rope between her legs as they were secured together. She then tried to move them as her body started to shake while he stood up and fastened his pants up


“Mum? Are you home?”


Debbie opened her eyes wide as she shook her head - and then her while body started to shake as he stood by the doorway and the room door opened in. The woman who walked in was in her late thirties, and looked like a younger version of Debbie her light brown hair swept back from her face, wearing a blue cardigan over a leopard print dress, a thin black leather belt round her waist. She was also wearing tights dark grey ones, and tan leather boots with a stack heel and a lace patterned top that went over her knees.


“Mum, are you MUM!”


She stepped forward and then stopped as she felt the point pressing against her back. “Don’t move, don’t say a word,” the male voice said behind her as Debbie looked over. “Only answer if I ask a question. Nod if you understand?”


She slowly nodded as he said “good, let your cardigan drop to the floor, and tell me your name.”


As she let the blue wool garment slip down her arms to the floor, she whispered “Hannah “


“All right Hannah I want you to slowly walk over to that couch your mother is lying in front of, and kneel on the floor, head down and hands behind your back.”


Hannah slowly knelt down, her eyes fixed on her mother as Debbie groaned, unable to move as the man took her daughter’s hands behind her back and bound her wrists tightly together. He then passed a longer rope round her arms and chest, framing her breasts in two thick bands as Debbie moaned.


“Mum, what’s wrong?”


“Hmshrhrhhhh,” Debbie said as Hannah grunted again at the tightness of the ropes, before she felt him reach under her skirt and pull her house down, then the material on her panties give way as he used the knife to slice through the material.


“Hey, what the hell duhhtfhfnkhudhhhnnn “ Hannah’s cries were muffled as her panties were pushed into her mouth, and then a gloved hand slapped over her lips until she heard the soft peeling sound. There was the pressure and tugging on her cheek, before the white tape was wrapped tightly round her head, covering her mouth and silencing her.


“Phllhshsshthhppp,” Hannah said, but instead she felt the grip on her breasts as he massaged them with his gloved hands, his fingers feeling the way they almost immediately started to firm up as she twisted in his grip. She just wanted to stop him, in any way possible, as she grinded against him again, Debbie closing her eyes as Hannah mumbled “hghhdndhhhh “


“Jhhsschlshuhhhrhee “


Hannah looked over as she felt his grip tighten, and then heard the zip lowering, felt his cock as it stoked on her butt cheeks and then screamed out into her gag as he entered her from behind, pulling her back as he started to thrust to and fro. What was worse, her body was responding at a base level, an animal level as she felt a fire start inside her as well, a dampness between her leg as she started to move with him.


It seemed to last an eternity as the throbbing increased and the mass isndie her, her body gripping his cock involuntarily which just seemed to make it more pleasurable despite the situation, the fear, the panic and the ecstasy


And then he gave into her as her whole body started to shake again, and she closed her eyes, ashamed and exhilarated at the same time


She barely noticed as he slipped out and her head fell onto the couch seat, before he lifted her back up and tied a rope between her breasts, then she moaned more loudly as it was pulled back and up, sinking into her damp clit as he secured it behind her, and then made her lie face down on the floor. As she panted, she felt the rope forcing her ankles together, her knees, and then her ankles to the rope between her legs before she was pushed onto her side on the floor


Debbie heard the sound of the footsteps walking off, and then the door opening and closing, before the only sound in the room was her daughter’s sobbing. She pushed herself over, the ropes driving her crazy as she did so, before she rubbed her cheek on Hannah’s side.


“Mihm dhhhh?”


“Nhhh whrsh. Khppchlm, whllghtthrhhths “









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