The Janitor









It had been going so well, and he was sure nobody had suspected him but the last couple of days, that feeling of security has slowly been ebbing away.


After all, whoever looked at the janitor if he was doing his work diligently? He was in his mid-fifties, approaching retirement, and all he had wanted to do was boost that retirement fund a little bit. The CEO had been careless one day and he had seen the combination to the safe in his office and he had put that knowledge to good use. A little every day enough to keep him going, and nobody was going to notice in his mind.


Well, the CEO had noticed and for the last three days, a detective had been examining the company security records. He knew there was nothing to see there he had managed to doctor the camera recordings but he knew now it was only a matter of time before he was found out, and jail was the last place he wanted to end up.


So he knew this was going to be his last day here, as he wheeled the trolley down the corridor. Just get through the work, then go home, pack, and after midnight drive to that parking spot next to the Gas Station out of town. IT was quiet, secluded, and the bus to the next city came there early leave the car, get on, start a new life.


Simple, and nothing could possibly go wrong




“No, I can’t believe it he would never do that!”


Rowena Groom sat at her desk in her office, staring at her assistant who was on the other side. She was in her mid-fifties, but kept in good shape with her long blonde hair. She was wearing a grey jacket and knee length skirt, a blue camisole top under the jacket, and grey heels.


“I’m sorry, Mrs Groom, but I saw him do it yesterday,” Alicia Gordon said quietly. She had been Rowena’s PA for six months efficient, good at her job, and dressed conservatively in a black jacket and tight skirt. Her long dark hair was falling over the shoulders of her jacket and the collar of the white blouse underneath, while her legs were in sheer hose and a pair of soft leather high heels.


“But I gave him this job he’s such a gentle and helpful soul “


“Who is?”


Both women turned to see the women in her mid-twenties standing in the doorway. She was wearing a black designer jacket and pants with a red roll neck sweater under the belted jacket, and gold heels, as well as a curious expression.


“Alicia Alicia thinks it’s Clive who has been stealing from the safe.”


“The janitor?” The woman closed the door and said “Mum, I told you there was something I did not like about him “


“I know Kate, I know but I still cannot really believe it.”


“So we go to the police, let them sort it out!”


“I have to say, I agree Mrs Groom “


“No not yet. I want to hear him admit it if he has done this. He deserves that much.” Rowena stood up and said “I know where he lives I want to talk to him. Come on “




As Clive put the last of his clothes into the suitcase, he closed it up and then looked at the duffel bag, the money inside. Closing the zip, he took a deep breath and then thought “Only one more bag to go, and then “


The sound of the doorbell ringing took him by surprise, as he stood by the window and looked out. “Shit,” he said quietly to himself before he slowly walked down the staircase and opened the door.


“Mrs Groom what are you doing here?”


“Hello Clive may we come in?”


“Of course,” he said quietly as he stood to the side, watching the three women as they walked in. Rowena looked round and said “small house.”


“I live alone,” he said quietly, “what can I do for you?”


“Let’s talk in the front room,” Alicia said as she glared at him.


“Of course please, go in,” Clive said, hoping they would notice as he closed and locked the front door, and then followed them in. “So what do you want to talk about?”


“Clive,” Rowena said quietly, “Alicia says she has seen you taking money from my husband’s safe. Did you?”


Clive looked at them, and then slowly nodded as Kate said “I knew it I’m going to call the police.”


“No Kate not yet” Rowena said quietly. “Why, Clive?”


“I just wanted to have some more money to spend,” he said quietly, “that’s all, I didn’t think I was hurting anyone “


“No, you didn’t,” Rowena said with a sad smile, “but it was wrong Clive.”


“You haven’t called the police?”


“Not yet but I wanted you to have the chance to put things right. Give me the money now, I will take it back and explain things to my husband, and we won’t call the police. You will lose your job, I’m afraid I can’t stop Mark doing that “




“Kate please I am offering him a way out,” Rowena said quietly. “I will help you find another job, and nothing more will be said.”


Clive looked at her, and said “that sounds nice, Mrs Groom, but “ He was not sure about Kate, her daughter, or the PA but if he refused to do that, then he would have to find another way to stop them telling people


Another way He felt in his pocket for something he had not yet packed, and then said quietly “I’m sorry Mrs Groom, but I’m not going to do that and I can’t let you call the police either.”


“What do you “ Rowena, Alicia and Kate than slowly raised their hands in the air as Clive drew a pistol from his pocket and aimed it at them.


“I’m leaving tonight and I’m sorry, but you will need to stay as my guests until then,” Clive said with an apologetic tone. “I don’t want to go to jail, but I promise you I won’t hurt you if you do as I say.”


“Clive “


“Please - I want you all to put your handbags, your mobile phones, your purses and your jewellery on that seat there.” He waved the gun to an armchair, Rowena nodding as she said “do as he says” and removed her own rings and earrings.


Kate and Alicia looked at each other and then did the same thing, before they stood in front of a long couch, their hands still raised in the air.


“Miss Groom,” Clive said calmly, “go to the top drawer of the bureau, you will find three coils of cotton rope. Take them out, and bring them here.”


Kate slowly walked over sand removed the ropes, before Clive said “Good, put two on the couch, and then unravel the third. I then want you to use it to make sure your mother’s PA cannot move her arms.”


“And how do I do that?”


“Make a lasso, put it over her head and then pull it tight under her chest then pass it round a few times, before you use it to secure her wrists together behind her back. You must have been a girl guide.”


“Just do it, Kate,” Rowena said quietly, her daughter nodding as she went behind Alicia and started to bind her arms to her sides. She then took her hands behind her back and wound the rope around and between her wrists.”


“Good sit down, and then Miss Groom will tie the end of the rope round your ankles, nice and tight.” Alicia nodded as she sat down, her ankles together and to the sides, watching as Kate knelt down and secured her legs together.


“Very good Mrs Groom, please take another rope and tie your daughter up in the same way.”


“I’m sorry Kate,” Rowena said as she passed the rope over her daughter’s head.


“What on earth makes you think you can get away with this,” Kate said angrily as she felt the rope forcing her arms against her sides. “You’re the one in the wrong here.”


“I know but I just want to have the time to leave. I promise you, you will be kept safe,” Clive said quietly as Rowena helped Kate to sit down, and then secured her ankles together, before he put the gun down and picked up the third rope.


“If you promise not to scream and call for help,” he said as he bound the CEO’s wife, “I’ll leave you in here while I go and finish getting ready to leave.”


“We won’t call for help will we,” Rowena said, Alicia shaking her head as Kate just watched her mother being secured, as she twisted her legs round. Eventually Rowena was sat next to her, as Clive gathered up their valuables handbags and phones and checked the contents.


“I’m sorry,” he said quietly as he left the room, and they heard the key turn before they looked at each other. Eventually, Alicia said “I guess this isn’t too bad you didn’t make it too tight Kate.”


“I know Mum, we should have called the police. I’m not angry at you I know you like to see the best in people but still “


“He hasn’t really hurt us,” Rowena said quietly, “but I do hope he keeps his word.” She then looked at Kate as she started to twist her arms and wrists round, and said “what are you doing?”


“Getting free,” her daughter said quietly as she looked over her shoulder, and after some struggling managed to bring her freed wrist round from her back.


“How did you “


“Tell you later,” Kate said quietly as she pulled the ropes over her head, and then released her ankles, before she let the rope fall to the floor and then started to untie her mother.


“He has our phones, and I didn’t see one outside,” Rowena said quietly.


“I know so we need to get out and raise the alarm,” Kate whispered as Rowena rubbed her wrists, and she watched her daughter start to release Alicia. Once all three were freed, Kate stood up and looked round, and then went back to the drawer.


“What else is in there?”


“A pair of scissors didn’t need them but There they are.” She removed a set of thin metal rods and knelt by the door, using two of them until she heard a click and turned the door handle.


“Right let’s go,” she said quietly as she led the way, Alicia following as Rowena brought up the rear. Kate walked to the front door and tried to open it, before she said “Damn” and knelt down again, working on the lock.


“Kate “


“Nearly done Mum “


“Please don’t do that.”


Kate heard Clive speaking, and slowly stood up, turning to see him holding Rowena by the arm with the gun pointed against her side.


“I guess you had to try to escape,” he said quietly, “but I cannot let you raise the alarm. Walk back in there, and kneel down in front of the couch, hands behind your head.”


“Clive, please, don’t hurt us “


“I’m not going to hurt you Mrs Groom but I need to make sure you cannot do that again.” He watched Alicia and Kate as they walked in and knelt down, before he walked Rowena in and took the scissors from the drawer.


“Stand there,” he said as he picked up the rope, and then cut a length off before he took the older woman’s wrists behind her back and she felt him bind them more tightly together.


“So you were a Boy Scout, Clive?”


“For my sins,” Clive said quietly as he cinched the binding, and tied the ends off, before he cut a longer length off and wound it round her upper body, her jacket opening up as her breasts were forced up and out by the two bands that held her arms in place.


“Does it hurt?”


“No,” Rowena said as she looked at Alicia, Kate shaking her head before her mother was helped to sit down, and she was made to stand up. As she felt the rope rubbing on her wrists, she said “you can’t blame a girl for trying?”


“No and you can’t blame me for making sure you can’t try again,” Clive said quietly as her upper body was secured in the same way, before she sat next to her mother and they both watched the janitor binding Alicia. As she was helped to sit down, he cut the other rope into lengths, and then one by one he crossed and secured their ankles together, before he also secured their legs together below their knees.


As they twisted round, Clive said “now, stay there,” before he went to go out of the room.


“So what is your plan now,” Kate said.


“Well, I need to get away and I need you three to come for a while as well. But I don’t want to cause alarm or you to be uncomfortable. Wait there while I fix some food and drinks for all of us.”




“Of course Mrs Groom you were kind to me, and I want to be as kind to you as I can be. Do you promise not to escape again?”


“I don’t think I could,” Kate said, Clive nodding as he left the room and locked the door again. Rowena and Alicia both looked at Kate, as she struggled and then said “look I’m a reporter Mum, it’s one of those things an investigative reporter needs to know how to do?”


“Indeed,” Rowena said with a wry smile, “and now?”


“I can’t get to the knot with my fingers and he’s made it a really tight one as well.”


“I don’t know it’s not that uncomfortable,” Alicia said as she settled into the seat.


“Didn’t say it was uncomfortable, just it was tight,” Kate said with a laugh. “What did he do before he became the janitor?”


“I have no idea, really,” Rowena said as she looked at them.


“No idea at all,” Alicia said in a startled voice.


“No I thought he had an honest face “






“I know it is not much,” Clive said in an apologetic way, “but well, I had a freezer to empty of pizzas and things.”


“it’s fine thank you for letting us eat,” Rowena said as she bit into a slice of garlic bread, Alicia and Kate eating the pizzas which were on plates balanced on their knees. He had untied their wrists and arms, but kept the ropes round their ankles and legs to discourage them from trying to get away.


“And at least it’s fruit juice,” Kate said as she took a sip. She had been angry and scared at first, but now now she was asking other questions.


“Clive can I ask you something?”


“Of course.”


“You’re like those Games Players, or Jay Edwards treating those they hold captive nicely. You don’t know who they are, do you?”


“Me no, I assure you Miss Groom, I’m not really like that at all. I was brought up to be polite and respectful and yes, I stole from your father, but that still remains the same.”


“I’m grateful for that,” Alicia said as Clive stood up and looked out of the window. “But I need to “


“Ah let me take you to the downstairs toilet,” Clive said as he took her plate and placed it to one side, and then helped her to stand before she jumped out of the room.


“Do you think he’s going to leave us here?”


“We’ll see,” Rowena said as she looked at her daughter, before taking another drink from her glass. “But we’ll get through it together, all right?”


Kate nodded as Clive helped Alicia to hop back in, before he took a length of rope and pulled her wrists behind her back.


“It’s getting late, and I need to be on my way soon,” Clive said as he secured the PA’s wrists tightly together, “so I need to make sure you cannot raise that alarm.”


“Are you going to leave us here,” Rowena asked as she watched him pass the rope round Alicia’s body and pull it tight under her chest.


“No you’re going to come with me in the car. I can’t leave you alone here better you are there. I’ll let your husband know once I have had a chance to get away, Mrs Groom.” He pulled the rope tighter round Alicia’s upper arms, and then tied the ropes off before he sat her down and took the plate from Kate.


“My turn, I guess,” she said as she jumped out of the room, Alicia blushing as she tried to twist round.


“Too tight?”


“No something else,” she said as she looked at Rowena.


“Ah a discussion for another time?”


“Indeed,” Alicia said as Kate was helped back in, and then her wrists and arms secured in the same way. Clive then looked at the two younger women, and said “I need to make sure you both stay quiet now, and can’t see where I am taking you.” As Rowena watched, he took from his pocket two clean white handkerchiefs, balled them up, and then pushed them into the mouths of her daughter and PA. He then went to the drawer and took a roll of duct tape, tearing strips off and smoothing then down over their mouths so that they stayed silent.


“Just breath through your nose, and stay calm,” he said, both Alicia and Kate nodding as he helped Rowena to stand up and jump to the toilet.


When she came out she saw the third handkerchief and the roll of tape, before she said “what will you do?”


“Take you with me, leave you and let your husband know where you are I’m sorry, but your handbags, purses, money, jewels I’m taking them with me.”


“Well, at least you were honest thank you,” Rowena said before she felt the cloth on her tongue, and the tug of the tape on the skin round her mouth and her cheeks. She then jumped back in and said “whllbhfhn” as Clive secured her wrists and arms, and then placed a black sleep mask over her eyes.


He used two more to blindfold Kate and Alicia, before he left the room and opened the front door. It was dark outside, as he unlocked and opened the rear doors of his car, and then one by one carried his captives out and sat them on the rear seats, making sure their seatbelts were in place before he went back in,


“Whhrhsthkhhnhs,” Kate mumbled.


“Hffnhhdhe,” Rowena answered as she rubbed her head on her daughter’s and then did the same to Alicia. Clive opened the boot of his car and went back the house, coming back with his bags which he put into the space and then closed it again. He went back to the house and turned the lights off, before locking the door and posting the keys through the letterbox.


Rowena heard the car door slam, and then felt the vibrations as Clive looked from left to right, and then drove off







As the car came to a stop, Clive looked back and said “give me a minute.” He got out and opened the rear doors of the car, before he used his own phone to take a picture of the captive women.




“To send to your husband,” Clive said quietly as he removed the sleep masks, the three women looking round the car. The rear windows were blacked out, as Clive said “again, I am so sorry I had to do this, but it was the only way.”


“Fhknuhhh,” Rowena said as she looked at the other two, both of them nodding as he smiled.


“Just stay there,” he said as he close the door, and opened the boot, taking his own bags out before he closed it again, and looked round. He had parked round the corner from the forecourt, in a designated space, as he walked quickly over to the bus stop and waited.




“Wwllhhlhndhufhnk,” Kate said as she looked at her mother.


“Hwhshshkhnew,” Rowena mumbled as she turned and saw Alicia’s eyes slowly close. She wasn’t surprised it had been an adrenaline rush for over half the day. She could hear people walking past, but they could not see in and she could not call out.


She then felt Kate’s head on her shoulder, and gently kissed it with her taped lips as she tried to keep herself calm






As the bus pulled away, Clive looked at the screen of his phone and typed a message.


“I’m sorry you won’t find me, but your wife, her assistant, and your daughter I have had to keep as insurance. They can be found by the station on the road south out of town in a blue Ford Cortina.”


He looked at the message, and the picture of the three bound, gagged and blindfolded women, before he sent the message and then threw the phone out of the bus window. He could buy a new one when he arrived






It was the screech of tyres that made Kate open her eyes, as she looked at her mother and then the door as it was thrown open, and her father looked in.


“Oh my god are you all right?”


The two women nodded as Alicia opened her eyes to see a police officer looking at her, and mumbled “Fhkhnkhhghhdd .”



A month later


“I think you’ll fit right in here,” the red-haired woman said as she shook his head, “welcome to the Janitorial staff of Hodgkins and Barret.”


“Thank you very much,” Clive said with a smile, “I think I’ll like it here “















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