The Sound of Silence












For a later middle aged woman, Cindy was very very happy with the way she dressed and thew way she looked.  Her brown hair was cut in a bob, and she was wearing a long sleeved red dress with a belt fastened round her waist – as well as cream coloured leather boots that came up over her knees.


“Looking hot,” she said to herself as she looked in the long mirror, twisting from side to side and smiling.  She then picked up a mobile phone and looked at herself, smiling as she said “one for the site I think” and then took a photo.


That was when the latex gloved hand was clamped down over her mouth, pulling her head back as Cindy opened her eyes wide.  Was this that criminal – the Selfie Snatcher?


“Well now – what have we here?”


It was a female voice – and she had heard the Selfie Snatcher was a male, as Cindy looked in the mirror.  The person was tall, slim, dressed in black and wearing black glasses, with short hair – but it was a woman.


“I have a knife, an di will use it if I have to – so slowly, toss the phone onto the bed, and then when I take my hand away, open your mouth.  All right?”


Cindy thought for a moment, and then slowly nodded as the gloved hand was taken away – before the rubber bung was pushed into her mouth, depressing her tongue as the soft leather panel it was attached to was pressed down over her mouth and jaw, the straps fastened tightly round the sides of her head.




“You will see,” the woman said as she took Cindy’s arms behind her back, and then the older woman felt the leather straps as her elbows were pulled together behind her back – and then around her wrists as she flexed her fingers.


This was not a kidnapping, not a normal robbery – what was going on?  Who was this girl?  Why her?  These thoughts were racing through Cindy’s mind as the gloved hands went round her body and then ripped her dress open at the front, the dress pulled down over her arms and body so that her bare breasts were open to the wind.


“How nice,” the voice whispered as the gloved hands started to gently play with Cindy’s breasts, squeezing them gently as she closed her eyes and tried not to think about what was going on at this point.   This was wrong, she was being molested – and she could say nothing, do nothing.


Except she felt something else happening, as her nipples were pinched between the latex covered fingers – and then her eyes opened wide as the metal clamps were fastened over them.  She looked down to see the silver chain between the clamps, the pain and burning overwhelming her as a knotted rope was passed round her waist and tied at her belly, the ropes then dropping to the floor.


She was aware of her captor kneeling behind her, and then the hands under the skirt of her dress as her panties were pulled down and off her – then the pressure of the knots between her legs as the ropes were pulled back between her legs, and then up and tied between her elbows.


Hmmghhhddd,” she mumbled as she twisted round, the ropes slipping between the lips of her sex as she felt the rubbing on the damp, sensitive muscles.




“Now do you feel the pleasure,” the woman said, Cindy not sure how to respond as she was walked over to the bed, and sat down.  She looked at her binder – the short blonde hair, the glasses covering her eyes – as she knelt down and started to bind her ankles tightly together, the rope squeaking as it rubbed on the cream leather.


She ten secured her legs together below her knees, before she looked at Cindy.


“does it hurt?”


Cindy nodded as she said “let me take care of the for you” and removed the camps – then gently kissed Cindy’s nipples as the older woman closed her eyes and moaned at the touch of the tongue on the raw nipples, the feel of the lips as they encircled them and gently kissed them one at a time, the teasing and gentle pressure there – and under her skirt as the woman pressed the knotted crotch rope against her sensitive sex, making her moan as she twisted round.




“I hope I do,” the woman said as she pressed the ropes harder, and Cindy let out a long, muffled moan as her body started to shake.  He then returned to kissing and sucking on her nipples, Cindy feeling the cold sweat on her body as she groaned and twisted round.  She was building to something – but what was this woman doing this to her?


She then started to shake and groaned as she felt the fire bursting through her, the woman smiling as she made Cindy lie down and pulled her bound ankles back – then tied them to the rope that was now soaking wet between her legs.


“Now that feels better, doesn’t it?”


Cindy opened her eyes and nodded as the woman said “Good – keep going.”  Cindy nodded as she tried to move her ankles, and felt the ropes slip between her lips, groaning as it made her feel so good again…






She was in her late forties, a good looking if somewhat plain to other eyes woman.  Her dark hair was puled back, glasses on her head as she walked own the street.  In terms of clothing, she was wearing a faded denim blouse with the cuffs rolled back, a wide dark denim skirt that came down to her knees, and a pair of brown patent leather boots that went up under the skirt.


I followed her to a nice semi-detached house, and watched as she walked int the front door- before I made my way to the back and let myself in through the kitchen door.  Pausing only to pull the balaclava down over my head to disguise myself, I listened for any noise, and then slowly made my way up the stairs.  It was as I got to the top that she came out of the bathroom – her screams muffled by the gloved hand I pressed over her mouth as I pushed her against the wall, looking at her and smiling.


“Not a fucking word – understand,” I said quietly, “I am going to take my hand away, and you will tell me your name.  Nod if you understand?”


She slowly nodded er eyes wide inf ear behind the glasses as I removed my hand and she said “Patsy – please, don’t hurt me…”


“Then do as I say.  Which one is your bedroom?”


“the next door…”


“Good,” I said as I made her walk in, admiring the king sized bed in the room.  It had a metal headboard and foot stand, with a box at the foot of the bed – perfect.”


“what are you going to do to me…”


“You’ll see – where is your panties drawer?”




“Patsy, do as I say – open your panties drawer.”


She could see I meat business, so she opened a drawer and then looked at me.


“Take a pair, stuff them in your mouth….”




“Do it.”  Patsy slowly nodded as she took one pair and pushed them into her mouth – followed by two more so that her cheeks bulged out.  I then took from my bag a strip of brown sticking plaster, removed the backing paper, and then pressed it down over her mouth and jaw to keep the stuffing in place.


“there now – lie down on the bed.”


She was shaking now but she lay on her back, as I took a pair of handcuffs from my bed and fastened one round her left wrist, then took her arm up and fastened the other end round the headboard at one corner.  I took a second pair out, and secured her other wrist in the same way, Patsy looking from side to side as she tried to move them.


I removed her glasses, folding the legs and placing them to one side before I took two more pairs of handcuffs from my bag.  I used them to fasten her ankles to the foot of the bed, the metal rubbing on the leather as she lay there, looking at me and saying “Phllhssdhhnthhrthmh…”


I stroked her cheek with the back of my gloved hand, before I unfastened and removed her skirt, and then used a pair of scissor to cut away her panties.  I then knelt between her legs, her eyes fixed on me as I slowly unfastened the front of her blouse and pulled it open, and then cut away her bra before I started to gently, rhythmically knead her breasts.  Patsy struggled at first, and then she closed her eyes as I felt the flesh growing firmer on my gloved fingers, felt her nipples become more erect as I played with them, and heard her starting to moan.


Moans which became more intense as I kissed and sucked on her nipples moving my body between her legs as she started to rub against me.  It was having the desired effect on me as well – a fact that became apparent to her as she looked at me, and then shook her head.


“you cannot lie to me,” I said as I rubbed a gloved finger between her legs, and then kissed her there as she moaned out, my tongue licking her juices as I stroked over her sex.  I then unfastened my own pants, and showed her my manhood as she shook her head, and then closed her eyes as I put on a condom, and then slipped into her. 


She did not want this, and yet she did, as she gripped me despite her calls for help.  Her animal instincts were taking over, as I moved as one with her, thrusting in as I grew larger, throbbed more, grew stronger - and then made her as happy as I was…





“there 0 you have all my valuables now,” Helen said as she stood in the centre of her bedroom, looking at the young man who was aiming a gun at her.  He was tall, muscular – and a good couple of decades younger than the woman she was robbing.


He looked at her through the stocking mask that was pulled down over his face, as he said “yes I do – and you shall be rewarded.  Turn and put your arms by your sides.”


“So you are going to tie me up?”


“Do as I say.”  Helen had shoulder length brown hair, which today was falling over the shoulders of a white roll neck sweater with long sleeves.  She had been wearing a sliver pendant on her front – but that was now in the bag with the rest of her valuables.


So she turned round and stood there, before she saw the thin brown ropes which were allowed to drop to the floor over her shoulders.  She was also wearing black leather pants, the legs tucked into a pair of knee length black suede boots.


“Well – what are you waiting for” she said din a slightly impatient voice, “bind my wrists.”




She saw the gloved hands reach round and take the thin brown ropes, before winding them tightly round her arms on each side.  That had two effects – the rope pressed the white wool of the jumper against her arms, but more worryingly her arms were drawn behind her, and she felt her forearms being folded and secured tightly together.  It only took a few minutes, but when he was done, she could not move her arms apart.


Except he was not done, as the thing roes were then taken round her arms and upper body, further securing her as they were wound in a way that framed her breasts.  The white wool was stretched tightly over them, encircling the bases as they were forced up, out, and Helen felt more and more helpless.


“that’s tight!”


“I know,” the man said as the ropes were secured behind her – and then she saw him walk in front of her as he held up another long length of brown rope, and passed it between her breasts, under the bands of rope already there before he took the ends through the centre, And pulled sharply down.


“Oh my god…”


“Say another word, and I stop you ever talking again.”


She looked at him as he stared back, and then walked behind her, before she looked down and saw his hand reach between her legs.




The feel as the ropes were pulled firmly back and up so that they rubbed on the leather between her legs made Helen swoon, as she felt the intruder secure the ropes behind her back.  She was then made to kneel down, and she felt the ropes round her ankles as they were secured tightly together as well.




“Oh I will,” he said quietly as her legs were forced together, and then she saw the arms coming round, kneading her chest as she closed her eyes and tried not to speak.


“It does feel good, does it not?”


Helen shook her head – but she could not deny how it felt, what it was doing too her.  So when he stopped and walked round to stand in front of her, she said “what…  What do you want me to do?”


“Can you guess?”


Helen looked at the bulge in his dark pants, and whispered “no…”


“Yes – oh yes.”


She watched as he slowly opened the front of his pants, and then saw his manhood fall out, her eyes wide as he held it against her lips and rubbed the tip against them.  She closed her eyes, and then knew she had no choice, as she gently kissed the tip.


“Open wide.”


Helen closed her eyes, not wanting to think of what she was being forced to do as she took his cock into her mouth, feeling the pressure on her tongue as she tasted the slaty, musky scent of his member.  She could also feel the pulsing on her tongue – and his gloved hands on her head as he said “keep going – I want you to keep going.”




“no,” he whispered as she sucked harder, running her tongue over it as long forgotten passions came into her mind.  A reckless youth, some boyfriends, but it had been a long, long time…


She felt the pressure increasing on her tongue, from two sources – the growing organ that now filled her mouth, touching the back of her throat, and the throbbing she could feel in that organ.  Helen knew she was getting some enjoyment out of this – and she had to admit, she was also..


The jerk took her by surprise, but she knew what was coming, as she sucked harder, bobbing her head to and for and unable to say just how much enjoyment she was getting out of it now as well, as the pre-cum hit her tongue – and then the full flow…






A Cougar is considered to be an older woman who is an object of lust for a younger man – and Laura was certainly a woman who fitted this discussion.  In her early sixties, her hair was long and dyed straw blonde.  Her body that of a woman ten years younger.  She also liked to dress provocatively – on this particular day, a leopard print top with a deep neckline and long sleeves, tight black leggings, and thigh high crimson red leather boots with a three inch stack heel.


She dressed and acted in a way that was designed to attract attention.  So as she walked down the street, she was appreciating the looks – without realising who was looking…


Her flat was a ground floor one, and as she let herself in she was smiling – and then she was silent as the damp cloth was clamped over her nose and mouth, the sweet musky smell making her head swoon before her eyes closed…





When she slowly opened her eyes, Laura wondered what was happening.  She was stiff, and her arms felt as if they were welded together.  She tried to breathe, but something was constricting her chest – and it felt as if there was a wad of cotton wool in her mouth.




IT was a soft mumbling sound, as Laura felt the pressure on her cheeks – and then she tried to move her hands round.


With no success.  As she glanced down, she saw there were white bands of rope around her arms and chest, stretching her top over her breast - and she could feel it between her arms and body as well.


As she felt round with her fingers, she realised she had more rope holding her wrists together behind her back, and as she tried to move her legs she realized they were held together as well.  There was the squeak as rubber rubbed against leather, rope on leather. 




“Ah good – she’s awake.”


Laura looked to the side to see two men standing there, wearing boiler suits and clown masks – one of them with a gun as he said “welcome back to funland, lady.  Don’t try and talk – you won’t be able to.”




“the cloth, the knotted scarf,  the white tape wound round your head – is that enough to be going on with,” the second clown said, as Laura realized something had gone very wrong.  She wriggled round again – and then yelped as a gloved hand was brought down on her backside.




“Language,” the clown said as the gloved hand then rubbed her bottom – before smacking her hard again.










And with each rub, and each smack, her pain seemed to grow more intense, and there was a faint feeling of pleasure starting to grow in her.




“You’ll see,” the second clown said as he knelt down and pulled Laura’s leggings down, then her panties before he pulled open her blouse and pulled it off her chest  She could feel the ropes round her breasts now, as she felt the gloved hands smack her bare flesh, felt the rubbing and the caressing.


It seemed to continue for an eternity as Laura tried to process what was happening,. Why she was feeling so warm and aroused by this – and then she felt him take her from behind, felt his erect and throbbing cock where it should not go -= but she did not scream.  Instead, she moaned, and then felt him moving to and for, forcing himself further into her as it expanded and she felt the pressure growing.


Felt her own fires grow brighter inside her, before she screamed silently and her whole body shook, the orgasm washing over her as his seed flowed into her.


When he came out, she groaned and turned her head to look at the other clown.


“My turn now…”







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