24 Hours







6 pm


Elaine walked out of the Central line exit and looked up and down the street, before she started to walk down the Kensington High Street.  She was in her late fifties, and worked as the senior editor at a well-known fashion magazine – hence her style of dress.  The designer dark blue wool coat, covering her black dress that fitted her curves like a glove, the coat covering the space between the short skirt of the dress and the tops of the thigh high black leather boots she was wearing.


The heels were clipping on the stones of the pavement as she walked along, her red hair blowing in the soft breeze, and the shaded glasses she was wearing protecting her eyes. 


She had the next day off – a welcome respite after weeks of fashion shows – and she was looking forward to spending time by herself, only doing the things she wanted to do.  It was going to be pure bliss, as she looked in her handbag and fetched out a set of keys, walking up the stone stairs and letting herself into the front door of the building.


She lived in a flat on the first floor, and as she opened the door she inhaled the fresh smell of the flowers her housekeeper had left that morning.  She had given her the day off as well – all the better to enjoy her down time.  Closing the door, she unbuttoned and removed her coat, putting it onto the stand and looking at herself in the mirror.


She had no warning she was not alone, until she was grabbed from behind and the damp cloth pressed down firmly over her nose and mouth.  Elaine reached p and tried to pull it down, but whoever it was had a grip like iron, and in her struggles she inhaled the sweet smelling, cloying fumes of whatever was soaked onto the cloth.


Her mind immediately felt as if it was starting to fog over, the fumes seeming to cloud her mind as her eyelids started to flicker.  “Whtahgnnhhnn,” she mumbled as she slipped slowly into a state of unconsciousness, her eyelids flickering and finally closing as she was lowered to the floor.


He looked at her, and smiled as he lifted her into his arms, carrying her into the bedroom and laying her on the bed before he unzipped and removed the boots.  As he did, his latex gloved hand stroked down her slim legs, before he moved the dress up over her waist, sitting her up before he pulled it off over her head.  He then picked up a roll of white tape and peeled a length away, smoothing it down over her lips and smiling before he took the dress to a wash basket…




10 pm


“whthhhh…  whthhhnhhhddd…”


As Elaine slowly came round, she could feel something tugging on the skin round her mouth, and her limbs felt stiff, as if they were being held in place by something.  It almost felt as if she was being hugged – but that could not be right…


As her eyes finally came into focus, she saw she was seated at her dining table, and somehow she had been changed.  She was now wearing a black chiffon dress that came down off her shoulders,  a grey butterfly pattern printed on the material, the skirt of the dress high at the front and hanging down from the seat she was sitting in.


“What’s going on,” she thought to herself as she looked down, and saw her boots had been changed as well – instead of the lightly sensible ones she had worn to come home, she was now wearing a pair of over the knee patent black lather boots, with a three inch stack heel.


But there was something else – a white band that was holding her legs together above her knees, going between as well as round her legs.  As her vision finally cleared, Elaine saw it was not so much a band as loops of white rope, tightly secured – and that was when she realised her ankles were locked together as well, as she slowly raised her legs to see both bands – the rope round her ankles, and the rope round her legs below her knees.


She tried to move her upper body – and realised as she glanced down there was more rope round her waist, her upper arms, framing her chest, stretching the fabric of her dress over her breasts – and that her arms were round the chair back, her wrists held together there as well.


“WHTSSHGHNHNHN!”  She tried to call out, but her words were muffled – and then she realized what it was that was pulling on the skin round her mouth.


“Ah good – you are awake.”


Elaine turned her head sharply – and regretted it as her head seemed to explode.  There was a man there, wearing a black tuxedo and pants, a black bow tie fastened under the collar of his white shirt – and a balaclava over his head, allowing only his eyes and smile to be seen.


“Hello Elaine,” he said, quietly, calmly as he walked over and pulled the cork from a bottle of wine, pouring some into a glass as he looked at her.  “If you promise you are not going to scream, I will remove the tape from your mouth, and you make take a drink.  If not, then I am afraid the meal I have prepared for you is going to go to waste, and that would be a great pity.  So, what is it going to be?”


Elaine stared at him, but she could not deny she was hungry, and her mouth was dry – so she slowly nodded as he reached over, using his latex gloved hand to peel the tape away from her mouth, and then wiping round it with a wet wipe. 


“Who are you?  Why am I like this?”


“Here, drink,” he said as he held the glass to her lips, allowing her to take a drink before he put the glass down and left the room.  When he returned, he was carrying a tray with a silver cloche on it.  Placing it on the table, he removed the cloche and put some of the risotto on there on a fork.


“If you untied me, I could feed myself.”


“No – take your time,” he said quietly as he put the fork in her mouth, Elaine taking the rice and vegetables and chewing slowly as he watched.


“So you can cook – big deal.  Why am I tied up?”


“Eat some more,” he said as he put another forkful into Elaine’s mouth, waiting until she swallowed before he allowed her to have another sip of wine.


“I’ll ask again – why the fuck am I…”  Elaine wondered what the mand was doing as he walked behind her, and then she felt his hands on her chest as he started to grope her, to knead her breasts with his gloved hands.  The breath was literally taken from her as his fingers sank into her flesh, before she said “Stop this – you’re fuhhkhnnnn…”


“Hush,” the man whispered into her ear as he covered her mouth with one hand, the other one moving from breast to breast as he continued to massage them, “I am here to bring you pleasure in many forms, in food, in drink, in other ways – and if you want me to stop, to eat some more, then you should remain quiet, and do as I say.  Do you understand, Elaine?”


She nodded, frantically, not wanting him to continue as both hands were removed.  She had been twisting her body round as he had assaulted her in that way, and felt the sweat on her body making her dress cling to her – and between her legs as she wondered what else had happened.


Sitting himself down, he continued to feed and allow Elaine to drink, until both plate and glass were empty.  “What do you say,” he whispered as he wiped her chin with a napkin.


“Thank you…”


“You’re welcome,” he said quietly as he put his hand behind her head – and then she opened her mouth to scream as he pulled back on her hair.  Only the scream did not come, as he pushed the napkin into her mouth, filling the space before he picked a length of rope from the tabletop, and tied it round her head and between her lips, forcing the cloth further back as he did so.


“I am glad you enjoyed the meal,” he whispered as he picked her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs, “and now it is time for you to rest.”


“LHTMHGGGHHUHBHSTHRDD” Elaine tried to call out, but her voice was muffled by the napkin and rope, as he took her into the bedroom and laid her on her side on the bed.  Pulling her ankles back, he secured them to her chest ropes with another length, before he patted her bottom.


“One more thing,” he said as he pulled her skirt back, and then picked up a wand with a bulb at one end.  Elaine squirmed as he pushed it into her panties, the end going under the lower band of rope before she heard the humming sound and felt the vibrations.


“Until the morning, when we shall talk again,” he said as he close the door, Elaine wriggling desperately as she felt the way the vibrator made her feel, the dampness between her legs, the fear…


The ecstasy…



7 am


She was aware of her ankles being released, the object removed, before her legs were untied and Elaine was helped to stand up.  The man had changed – now wearing a denim shirt and jeans, but still masked – as he walked her to the bathroom and untied the rest of her body.


“Shower, out on the robe in there, then come back out,” he said, Elaine walking into the bathroom as if it was the most normal thing to do – and then she saw herself in the mirror.


“What….  Why…”


All sorts of questions were running through her mind, as she turned the shower on and stood underneath – but she knew he was outside, there were no windows in the bathroom, and he had her phone obviously.  All she could do was cleanse herself, and hope whatever was coming would not hurt her…


Elaine came out with her robe wrapped round herself, as the  man nodded and walked her back to the room.  Laid out on the bed was a grey woollen wrap dress, a pair of grey leggings with a leopard print on them, and a pair of tan leather thigh high boots.


“I want you to dress, and then stand with your hands behind your back,” the man said quietly as he stood there, the gun in his hand plainly visible, so Elaine slowly nodded and disrobed before she put on a bra and panties, and started to dress.



When she slowly stood up, adjusting the fastening at the side, she said “what did you do during the night?”


“To you?  Nothing,” the man said quietly as he picked up one of the lengths of rope laid out on the bed, and stood behind Elaine.  She felt him wrap it round her arms and pull them together, her elbows almost touching as the rope went round and between them, and then she felt the thin cords round her wrists as they were forced together.


“I don’t understand – is it money you want?  I can give you all that I have…”


“We will see,” the man whispered into her ear before she saw the rope going round her body again, forcing her arms against her as it formed two bands that framed her chest.  It had already been forced up and out by the fact her shoulder blades had been pulled back, but this was just adding to the sensation of helplessness.


As the bands tightened and she felt the rope rubbing on her breasts, however, there was something else – something added to as the man came in front of her, and took the rope under the bands on one side, pulling it up and taking it round the back of her neck before he did the same at the other side.  She tried to move, with little success, as the man stood in front of her and doubled another longer length of rope over.


“Please – tell me what it is you want…”


“All in good time,” he said quietly as he fed the rope under the bands, between her breasts and fed the ends through the central loop, before he pulled tight, forcing the bands around the base of her breasts before he let the ends drop to the floor, and walked behind her.


“Oh dear lord, No – not THHAAAHT,” Elaine called out as he reached between her legs and puled the rope back and up, forcing the skirt of her dress up and rubbing on her crotch as he pulled the ropes tighter, then secured them round her chest ropes before tying the ends off. 


“Walk round the room for me.”


Elaine started to slowly walk, the ropes rubbing on her as she did so, and she almost fell a couple of times before he sat her on the bed.  She watched as he knelt down and crossed her ankles, the leather squeaking under the tension in the ropes as he secured them together, as well as her legs below and above her knees, each band cinched as his gloved hands stroked her legs and fed the ropes between them.  She could feel the dampness between her legs now, as he made her kneel on the floor, and used the last rope to secure her ankles to the ropes at her chest.


“What are you going to do to me, you bastard,” she growled as she looked up at him.


“I am not going to do anything to you,” he said as he slowly unzipped the front of his pants, and she saw his erect cock fall out.  “You are going to do something to me.”




“Yes,” he whispered as he picked the gun up and walked in front of her, her eyes fixed on his cock as she felt the muzzle against her head.  “Go on – do it.”




“Do. It.”


Elaine swallowed before she gently placed her lips on the member, moving up and down it, before she kissed the tip, and tasted the slightly salty discharge.


“Come on – you know what you need to do.”


Elaine felt she had no choice, as she opened her lips and placed them over the tip, then pulled her head back as her lips made a soft popping sound.  Looking up, she saw his eyes through the mask, and then put it in her mouth, feeling it on her tongue as she ran it over the mass, and bobbing her head to and fro.  She could feel it throbbing on her tongue, taste the sweat and hair, and was acutely aware of the fact it was growing larger.


In her discomfort, she twisted round – and her eyes popped wide open as she felt how damp her panties had got, and how it felt with the rope rubbing on her there as she tried to twist away.  It was the most unusual, one of the most intense feelings she had ever experienced – even as she felt the cock growing as a result of her attentions, her lips almost forming a seal as she moved to and fro.


She continued to play with him with her tongue, bobbing her head to and fro as she tried to move, feeling the dampness and warmth between her legs.  This man was forcing her to do this – she had a gun to her head for the love of God – and yet she was actually getting pleasure from it?


She certainly was starting to feel very different as his member engorged and swelled filling her mouth, pressing her tongue down as he felt the tip at the back of her throat, felt the throbbing and pulsing on her tongue, as she softly groaned.  He was too far gone now, she knew that – and she was afraid of what would happen if she was to resist, if she was to stop.


That was when her own body started to shake and she drew in a breath – which had the effect of making the pre-cum ooze out of his cock, the salty taste on her throat.


“Keep…  Going…”


Elaine nodded as she moved faster, feeling the pulsing now as she mentally prepared herself, feeling the small electric shocks that were running up and down her body…





It happened simultaneously – the burning and flow from her as her body shook, and the hot salty flow that erupted from him, making her swallow as he gave to her.  It was horrific and beautiful at the same time, as she swallowed as much as she could, fearing what he would do, praying his finger would not twitch…


Eventually, the gun was moved, and she was allowed to break contact, gasping as a thin white line trickled down from the corner of her mouth.  The man looked at her, before he put his own body parts away, and wiped her mouth with a pair of tights that had been left on the floor.


“There – was that so bad Elaine?”


“You… Youofirshhdmh…”


“Hush,” he said as he stuffed the gusset of the tights into her mouth, and then tied the legs round her head to keep them in place.  Putting a pillow on the floor, he laid her down and said “relax, enjoy the time – I will see you later for lunch.”


Elaine could only watch as he walked out of the room, and then she tried to move, the ropes rubbing on her sweat soaked dress and between her legs again…




1 pm


“There – is that not better?”


Elaine slowly nodded as she sat at the table, watching him the whole time as she chewed the last morsel of her sandwich.  It had been nearly noon by the time he had come, released her, allowed her to strip and shower again, and then made her put on the red wool dress she was now wearing, a scarf tied round her neck as a cravat.  She was also wearing another pair of her thigh high boots – these ones made from brown suede, with a killer three inch stiletto heel, the tops of her stockings just about visible.


She reached over and picked up the glass with her hands, the rope holding her wrists tightly together in front of her, and took a long drink before she said “I don’t understand – you made me blow you off, left me there – but for what?”


“Tell me how it felt – what you did?”


“It felt wrong, I tried to get free, but the ropes you used, the way they rubbed on me…  The way they rubbed on me there…”  She squirmed slightly, and then said “and yet…”


“And yet, there was pleasure in that?”


Elaine nodded slowly as the man stood up.  “Come – time for your next lesson,” he said as he helped her to stand, and walked her back up to the bedroom.


“Lie on your back.”


“What are you going to do,” Elaine whispered as she did what he had asked her to do, watching as he lifted her bound wrists up above her head and then secured them to the metal stand at the top of the bed.  He then walked to the bottom of the bed, Elaine lifting her head and watching as he tied one end of a length of rope tightly round her left ankle.  She could see the suede lightening under the rope, the false lace below her knee quivering slightly as he pulled her leg to the side and secured it to the foot of the bed.


Her right ankle was then secured to the opposite side, her legs spread, her skirt rising up slightly as he walked back to her, and stroked her cheek with the back of his gloved hand – the gloves now made of black velvet.


She sighed as he did that, before he removed her scarf and folded it into a pad.


“Open your mouth.”


Elaine slowly opened her lips, feeling the silk on her tongue as he pushed in, grateful in a way that meant what happened that morning was not going to happen again.  She was not as tightly bound, but she knew there was no way she was going to get free – even if she wanted to, she could not reach the knot on the ropes round her wrists with her fingers.


She then opened her eyes wide for a moment.  Even if she wanted to?  Did she really just think…




It was the sound she heard first – the soft buzzing sound, and as she turned her head she saw the wand in his hand, and felt it as he slowly ran it over her breasts.  It was a strange and wonderful feeling, as he gently ran it around the sides, across the tip, and then on her nipples – her dress was stretched over her chest as she wriggled under the vibrations, her giggles and sighs muffled by the scarf.


“Do you like this?”


Elaine nodded, closing her eyes as he pressed down on her chest, and then ran it down her body, across her stomach as she twisted round.  It was when he lifted her skirt up and she lifted her body up to allow him to do that she realised what was happening, how she was thinking about him – so when the wand passed lightly up her clit, she moaned and looked at him.


“Shall I remove them?”


She nodded as he slipped the wand under her dress and between her breasts, groaning at the sensations now before he fetched a pair of scissors and cut her panties away, folding them and sniffing before he placed them under her nose.  She could smell herself, her mind beginning to cloud as she softly moaned.


“I will keep these for later,” he whispered before he removed the wand from her upper body, and gently kissed her clit, his tongue running up and down and licking her as she moaned even more.




“No – just me,” the man said as he pressed the wand against her, making her shiver before he slipped it into her, her petals parting to allow the intrusion, the feeling inside her, the stimulation…


The joy…


“Consider this preparation,” the man said quietly as he looked at Elaine, and stroked her head, “for the finale to come…”





6 pm


“Thank you,” Elaine said quietly as she saw the white rope round her body, felt the pressure on her arms and sides as it was pulled taut, and then watched a sit went round again and again.  He had released her a short time ago, but she had not been allowed to cleanse herself – instead, he had made her put on the purple outfit she was now wearing, buttoned up the front and with the studded belt round her waist.  She was also wearing her  crimson thigh high leather boots – but her arms were behind her back, her wrists secured with the rope round the bare flesh, and her elbows as well.


She could feel the bands pressing up and down, and then as he took the rope over one shoulder and fed it round the lower band between her breasts, those same breasts were responding to the feel of his hands on them, making her giddy with the shocks that were running through her.


“Is that not pleasurable,” he whispered into her ear as he secured the ropes behind her back, and then reached round, gently massaging her chest as she closed her eyes. 


“Yes,” she whispered back as he smiled, and made her sit on the floor.  She looked to the side as he bent her leg, and used the white rope to secure her ankle to her thigh, the rope caressing the soft leather round her ankle and the flesh of her upper leg, immobilising her like that.


He moved behind her, and secured her other leg in the same way, before he went behind and reached round again, gently kneading her breasts as Elaine closed her eyes and moaned.


“You’re going to do it, aren’t you?”


“Yes,” was his reply as he brushed her hair from her neck and kissed it as he kneaded her breasts, the flesh firming up as he did so.  Elaine slowly nodded, helpless to stop me, not sure if she wanted to anyway, as he removed the belt from round her waist and slowly unbuttoned the dress, pulling the material to the sides as his fingers ran over her bare nipples.  He had not allowed her to put on a bra or panties, as she felt his fingers non her breasts, felt his gloved hand as the soft leather ran over her nipples, and then moaned as he gently pinched them.


“It is time to make sure you stay quiet.”


Elaine nodded as she saw her panties from earlier in his hand, and allowed him to push them into her mouth, tasting herself on her tongue before she heard  a soft peeling sound.  The tape was pressed own over her mouth and jaw, forming to the contours of her face as she closed her eyes, knowing he could do whatever he wanted with her.


Whatever he wanted.


She opened her eyes again to see him kneeling in front of her, naked save for the gloves and the mask, smiling as he leaned down and encircled one nipple with his lips.  She felt his tongue as it stroked over the nipple, the gentle suck as he kissed er there, and then the same on the other side.


He moved from side to side, bringing her nipples out until they were erect, firm, Elaine closing her eyes again and moaning in pleasure as he did this.  She then felt his hand as he stroked between her legs, and groaned – she could feel how damp she was there, feel the fire within her as he did that, and suddenly she wanted him.




He looked at her and nodded as he spread her legs apart and moved down, kissing her between her legs and using her tongue to lick the fluids as she put her head back.  She then felt him shuffle forward, and looked at him as she felt him enter her.


Her whole body shook at the sensations as he started to rock to and fro, and she joined in, matching his movements as best she could as she gripped him inside her.  He was throbbing, and she was feeling him as her body started to shake as well.


It was a magnificent feeling, the two moving as one, him swelling as he rubbed inside her, her groaning as she felt him move over her most sensitive, most pleasurable of areas.  She threw her head back and moaned into the cloth and tape as she felt the throbbing inside her, felt it turning into a pulsing, gripped him with her legs and with her muscles as his naked body pressed against hers…





Elaine could contain it no longer as he exploded inside her, and she felt the orgasm washing over her as well.  It was intense, it was divine – it was as if she had wanted nothing else since she had been taken hostage the night before.


And in her mind, she knew she had done, before they parted, his kisses on her neck and chest as she fell to the floor, her head back as she panted into the gag.  Slowly, she opened her eyes and said “Fhknuh…”


“No, thank you,” the man said as he removed the mask and gloves, running his hand through his short grey hair as he looked at her.  “Happy anniversary, my love.”


“Hpphnffhrsfre,” Elaine said in response as he stood up, and left her there to recover, safe in knowing her husband had done all she asked of him.  Including pretending to leave for the weekend and then pretending to be her captor.


And more – much more…







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