Adam and Eve - Awakening









Friday, 1800 Hours


As Captain John Maddox entered his house, he looked round before placing his bag on the floor and going to the kitchen. He had a 72-hour pass, his first real leave for four months, and by pure luck this was the weekend his wife was going to be on a holiday with her sister.


Whether it was good luck, or bad luck, was the question in his mind as he looked at himself in the hallway mirror. He raised the glass and made a toast, then took a drink as he said “well, here goes” and made his way up the stairs


1930 Hours


Captain John Maddox had made his way up the stairs, but it was Joanne Mayer who came back down, a long blonde wig now covering his own hair. She was wearing a white lace vest top over her chest, old bellbottom jeans, and brown open toed sandals with a cork sole. Joanne made her way to the kitchen and opened the ice box, looking for a ready meal before she closed it again and saw the young couple standing in the kitchen. The man had short dark hair, the woman shoulder length blonde hair, and they were casually dressed but the man had a pistol in his hand, as the woman said, “you must be Joanne I am Eve, and this is Adam.”


“Okay Eve, Adam? And you are in my home because?”


Adam smiled as he said “we have been hired, Captain, to make sure you have a relaxing and interesting weekend. Do you have anything to say on that? After all, if you were to try and raise the alarm, you would have some explaining to do?”


Joanne looked at both of them, and then said, “and what exactly are you going to do?”


“Well,” eve said as she held up a pair of lengths of rope in her gloved hands, “we have some arrangements to make, and we need you somewhere to stay for a little while. So, you’re going to be the damsel in distress on the film of the week turn round and put your hands behind your back.”


“You’re going to tie me up?”


“Joanne, you will be tied up for most of the weekend under our care and supervision. Now, do as Eve says.”


For a moment, Joanne contemplated rushing him, but then she turned and crossed her wrists behind her back, looking over her shoulder as Eve tightly bound them together.


“And do I get to eat tonight?”


“Of course later,” Eve said as she guided Joanne to the front room and sat her down, turning the television on before she knelt down and secured her ankles together, the hems of her jean legs flaring out under the tight binding.


“Open your mouth.”


Joanne looked at her, and then opened her mouth as Eve pulled a rolled up red bandana between her lips and tied it round her head. “There the perfect start to a special weekend,” she said with a smile as Joanne stared at her. Why the hell had she let this complete stranger do this to a decorated Marine?


No she hadn’t She’d done it to Joanne, not Captain John How the hell had they learned of his choices anyway? Not even his wife knew what he dressed as sometimes


She wriggled round on the couch as Eve said, “now just wait there” and left the room. Through the open doorway, she could see both Adam and Eve carry in garment bags, larger holdalls, and then she watched Adam head to the kitchen. She could feel the rope round her wrists it was tight, and if she was wanting to, she could find a knife and cut herself free.


So why did she not want to? She thought on that as she bit down on the cotton headscarf, feeling it getting wetter in her mouth before Ev brought though a lap tray with some food and a glass on it.


“There we go,” she said as she set the tray down, then removed the gag and untied Joanne’s wrists, then set the tray down on her ap, “some supper.”


“I guess I’m grateful,” she said, “but are you seriously saying you are going to keep me tied up all weekend?”


“I various forms and various ways, bit in essence yes,” Eve said.


“But I have plans for this weekend “


“And so do we please, relax, all will be well in the end “


Joanne said, “you know I am a marine, I could if I wanted to silence you and him and call the police.”


“We are aware,” Eve said with a smile, “so why haven’t you?”


Joanne stared at her for a moment, before she said “I don’t know “


“Tell me, how did it feel to be the hostage in a film of the week?”


“Different - is that all you are going to do with me?”


“Spoilers,” Eve said with a smile, “but I will say this we are dealing with Joanne all weekend, no matter what happens. Now, I trust you are satisfied?”


Joanne slowly nodded as Eve took the tray and put it to the side, then untied her ankles and said, “come with me please.” Joanne walked in front of the blonde-haired woman up the stars and into the bedroom, where Adam was waiting.


“Excellent Eve, take Joanne to the bathroom, and allow her to change into these,” he said as he held up a pair of cream silk short pyjamas. The two women walked off, Joanne returning having changed into them, the shorts barely coming down her legs and the sleeves of the top coming halfway to her elbows.


“Excellent,” Adam said as he doubled over a length of rope in his hands, 2kindly lie down on your back, head on your pillows, and put your hands together in prayer.”


Joanne slowly put her hands together, watching as Adam wound the rope around and between her wrists, securing them firmly together before he took her hands above her head and tied the rope to the headboard. He then took a second length of rope and crossed her ankles before securing them together, and then tying them to the foot of the bed. As Joanne twisted round, she felt no give in the ropes, as Adam peeled a length of sticking plaster from a roll and pressed it down over her lips.


“Get some sleep Joanne very busy day tomorrow,” he said with a smile as he turned the light off, Joanne allowing her eyes to adjust to the light before she felt her eyelids closing




0600 Hours

Joanne opened her eyes as she heard the birdsong outside, and then looked up to see her wrists still secured together. She twisted her arms round as she felt the tug on the skin round her mouth, and then looked round the room. Somehow, she had had the most relaxing night’s sleep for a long time.


“Must have been exhaustion,” she thought to herself as she tried to move her legs and then she looked to the door as Eve came in, wearing a pair of blue silk pyjamas.


“Good morning, Joanne restful night?”


“Shmmhww thank you,” she said as the sticking plaster was pulled away from her mouth. “So, what are you planning for me today?”


“To show you your fears are nothing to worry about,” Eve said as she removed the ropes, Joanne sitting up and rubbing her wrists. “Why don’t you go and relieve yourself, and then come and join us for coffee and croissants.”


“You do know I could “


“Yes but you don’t want to, because you are curious about what we intend to do, aren’t you?”


Joanne looked at Eve and slowly nodded as she said “good - come with me please.” They both walked into the kitchen, the two women perching on stools at the breakfast bar as Adam brought over mugs of coffee, and then took the warm pastries out of the oven.


“So, what are you intending to do tie me up and gag me inside all day?”


“No we thought we would go for a walk.”


Joanne stared at both of them as Eve said “we have your outfit picked out for you - think you will like it “




“I’m going to ask you, once you have showered, to put something on before you put a bath robe on.”


Joanne’s eyes widened more as Eve held up a string bikini, with an array of knots on the panties and crotch, before she said, “mind if I put that over something else?”


“Of course not it may be more comfortable for you anyway.”


Joanne nodded as she walked in, stripping off her pyjamas as she looked at her wrists and ankles, and then stepped under the shower. When she emerged a few minutes later, she was wearing a blue silk robe with a belt round her waist feeling the ribbing on her chest and groin from the knotted bikini.


“Excellent,” Eve said as they walked to the bedroom, and she saw the outfit laid out on the bed. She ran her hand over the white silk blouse, and then sat to put on the dark hose. She then put on the brown floral print slip dress, letting it drop down and cover her panties before she slipped on the short-sleeved white blouse and knotted the ends under her chest.


“Please sit down and get yourself ready,” Eve said, “Adam will come and fetch you in a while. Don’t forget the boots.”


Joanne nodded as she sat on the bed and slipped on the black fabric boots, pulling them up to her knees as she wondered how they knew her size. She then sat at the dressing table and put on the wig that was there, before she looked at herself in the mirror, the long dark brown hair falling on her shoulders.


Slipping on the red false nails, she then put red lipstick on her lips as Adam came in, wearing a black bomber jacket over a jumper and jeans with black shoes.


“I see it fits you well?”


“How did you know,” Joanne said as she stood up, and then saw the cloth in his hand, and the wide roll of clear tape.


“What is that for?”


“To keep you quiet while we take our walk,” Adam said, “so please, open your mouth nice and wide, and then purse your lips.”


“Okay “ Joanne slowly opened her mouth, and then felt the cotton on her tongue as Adam pushed the cloth in. Closing her lips over it, she watched as she cut free a long strip of the clear tape and then carefully pressed it down over her mouth, smoothing out the creases and ensuring there were no air bubbles.


When Joanne looked in the mirror, she had to stare to see she was actually gagged. She turned her head from side to side as Adam took a blazer from the wardrobe and gave it to her to wear, saying “shall we “



1100 Hours


The trio walking by the side of the lake passed by nobody taking particular notice of them. Joanne was looking from side to side, the tape keeping her quiet with the cloth in her mouth, but it was those knots on the string bikini that were rubbing on her, and she didn’t know why she had been asked to wear them.


“You’re wondering about the bikini?”


She looked at Adam and nodded as he took a small black box from his jacket pocket, Eve smiling as he pressed on the side and Joanne’s eyes opened wide as she felt the vibrations on her chest and between her legs.


It was something she had never experienced before, as they continued to walk along, and she squirmed. To feel something working on her there She was aware of how she was reacting, and was grateful she had an extra layer on, and that she was not able to give full expression to the way this was making her feel


“Amazing isn’t it,” Adam said quietly, “nobody noticed you were gagged, never mind who you are and what you are wearing quite liberating, right?”


Joanne slowly nodded as she realized he was right nobody was noticing anything different about her, despite the throbbing she was feeling now.


“We should head back,” Eve said, “I am sure Joanne is eager to see what we have planned for her afternoon and to change as well.”


Joanne nodded as she felt the pulsing that would be a good idea, and she was hungry as well and curious





1400 Hours

“There more comfortable now?”


“Yes, thank you,” Joanne said as she stepped out of the room. They had eaten as soon as they came back to her house, and then she had finally been allowed to strip and shower, before putting on the clothes laid out on the bed and something else.


The blue dress hugged her body and with the black wrap top over it, she looked like a real suburban housewife, her legs in natural hose. She also saw the ropes in Adam’s hands as she said, “so I’m going to be tied up again like yesterday?”


“A little tighter,” Adam said as he smiled. “Turn and put your hands behind your back, please.”


“So, I just lie there,” Joanne said as she looked over her shoulder, watching Adam as he took the rope around and between her wrists to secure them together.


“Well, we will have the television on, anything in particular you want to watch?”


“Well, I like a good comedy Two and a half men?”


Adam smiled as he tied the ropes off, and then wound a larger length round her upper body, her arms forced against her sides by two bands the framed her chest. “Okay tighter,” she said with a smile as he secured the ropes behind her back, and then helped her to walk down to the front room.


“Ah, there you are,” Eve said as she looked at Joanne. “Have a seat on the couch.” As the bound woman sat down, Eve took two more lengths of rope and knelt in front of her, using one to secure her ankles together and one her legs below her knees. Joanne could see the way her hose seemed to get lighter under the bands of rope and just how tightly Eve had secured her legs.


“Now,” Eve said as she helped Joanne to bend her legs and turn so that her feet were flat on the cushion, “there are just three more things I need to do.”


“And they are?”


Eve smiled as she tied a last rope round the bands in front of Joanne’s chest, and then secured the other end to the rope round her legs so that she could not move. She then rolled up a blue silk scarf and tied a knot in the middle, Joanne nodding and saying “oh right” before the knot was eased into her mouth and the band tied round her head.


“There,” Eve said as she stroked the hair away from Joanne’s face, and Adah turned the television on, “comfy?”


“Hllchp thfhrdfhn?”


“Oh right,” Eve said as Joanne flet her place a small black box in her hand. “If I am right, just press the sides and enjoy the fact you can be yourself.”


Joanne nodded as she shifted a little, and the television program started, her fingers holding the box. It was a short while later, when she knew she was alone, that she pressed on the sides and the vibrators in the string bikini started to work on her again.


As she moaned, she wondered why she felt so right and happy doing this was it the ropes or the fact she was being what she wanted to be, and nobody could stop her? She closed her eyes and groaned, the knotted silk soaking up the saliva in her mouth as she enjoyed the experience



2100 Hours


“Thank you for cooking,” Joanne said as she looked across the table. “So, I guess you’re going to leave me tied to the bed again?”


“Tied on the bed,” Eve said as she stood up, “and for tonight, you get to pick what you will wear.”


“Well,” Joanne said, “if you are going to keep me bound and gagged on my bed, IO may as well be comfortable.”


“I will do the honours,” Eve said as she and Joanne made their way up the stairs, Adam shaking his head as he started to wash the dishes.


“So, what do you intend to wear,” Eve said as she placed the bag in her hand on the bed. Joanne smiled as she stripped off her clothing, and removed both the bikini and her underwear, and then put on a white lace slip with thin spaghetti straps. She then pulled over her legs a pair of black stockings and attached the garter straps at the hem of the slip to the stocking tops.


“I see,” Eve said with a smile, “you are fully embracing who you are.”


“Yeah -so let me guess, a little tighter?”


“Indeed,” Eve said as she picked up a length of rope, “put your hands behind your back, palm to palm.” Joanne nodded as she felt the rope on her skin, rubbing as Eve bound her wrists tightly together, and then wrapped another rope round her elbows, leaving a length between them as they were held together.


She then felt the rope forcing her arms against her sides, framing her chest as they were pulled tighter and tighter. “Does it feel good,” eve whispered into her ear as she tied the ropes off, and then stroked her hands over Joanne’s chest. She smiled as she heard Joanne’s sigh and said “Good lie face down on the bed.”


Joanne nodded as she lay down, feeling Eve’s hands as she crossed her ankles and secured them tightly together, and then her fingers stroking her legs as she moved up and secured them together below her knees and then above, the rope going between her legs at each place.




“Yes,” Joanne whispered. “Thank you now make me quiet.” She saw the set of hose in Eve’s hand, and opened her mouth as she pushed the rolled-up gusset inside, then tied the legs tightly round her head, before she bent her legs back and tied her ankles to the rope between her arms, her legs bent at ninety degrees.




“Hllbhfhhnn,” Joanne mumbled as she wriggled round, and watched Eve as she kissed her on the forehead. As Captain John, he could have got out of this, but as Joanne he was the helpless victim of the beautiful cat burglar




0700 Hours


As Joanne stood under the shower, the water running over her, she tried to process the dreams she had while on the bed the men binding her cross eagled to the bed, forcing her to suck them off before the gagged her and


Shaking herself, she turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping a robe round herself and walking to the bedroom, where Eve was waiting. She saw the ropes on the bed with the outfit and said “what bound and gagged naked.”


“Of course not,” Eve said with a smile, “but I do want to use some of these ropes on you before you dress. Please, let the robe drop, and then stand with your hands on your head.”


“What are you going to put on me,” Joanne asked as Eve doubled over a long rope.


“Just something to help distract you,” she said as she tied the rope round her waist, knotting the rope just below her belly button, and then letting the lengths drop to the floor. Joanne looked down as Eve walked behind her, and then reached between her legs, Joanne feeling the ropes on her crotch as they were pulled up and back and secured to her back.


“Okay,” she whispered as she then walked over and put on the bra and panties, before she sat on the bed and pulled on the silver high heeled sandals, fastening the straps round her ankles. She then stood up and pulled on the purple short sleeved coat dress, fastening the front slowly and then smoothing down the skirt as it fell down over her knees.


She then sat at the table and put on the long brown wig, before she folded the Hermes scarf, admiring the quality before she tied it round her hair at the back. She then put on her makeup and jewellery, as Eve left the room.


“Hey where did you go?”


Joanne stood up and took from the bed the purple blazer, putting it over her shoulders as she picked up the purse and walked out of the bedroom, making her way slowly down the stairs. She could hear music playing, but there was no sound of anyone talking.




Joanne walked into the front room, and then stopped as she felt a small disc pressing against her back, and a voice say, “sorry lady you are not going to church today.”


She recognized Adam as she raised her hands in the air, and said “who are you?”


“Not important hold out your purse.”


Joanne slowly held her purse out and felt it being taken from her, before the man said “nice walk in front of me into the front room.” She walked forward, seeing the curtains were drawn across the windows, and saw the dining chair set in the centre of the room.


“If it’s money you want, you have my purse,” she said, but the man just laughed and said, “sit down, hands by your sides.” Joanne sat herself down as she felt Adam lift her jacket off her shoulders, before there was a ripping sound.


She looked to the side as a gloved hand took her left wrist and put it against the chair back, before silver tape was wrapped tightly round her wrist and the wood to hold the two firmly together. She heard him walk round, and then her right wrist was secured in the same way.


There was the ripping sound again, as Joanne watched the silver tape grow round her waist, holding her against the chair back, and then around her upper arms as they were forced against her sides.


“Nice scarf,” Adam said from behind her as she felt him remove it, “but I need to use it.”


“To gag me?”


“Yes open your mouth.”


Joanne allowed herself a smile before she opened her mouth, expecting to feel the knotted silk on her tongue, even as she wondered how it would wash so when the wadded up scarf was pushed into her mouth, she was taken by surprise a sit filled the space and pushed her cheeks out and then as she closed her lips over it, she felt the tape tug at the skin round her mouth as it was pressed firmly down over them.




She saw Adam kneeling down, a stocking pulled down over his head, as he looked up and smiled while he taped her ankles together, and then took them to the side before taping them to the front leg of the chair. More tape round her legs below her knees, and then round her lap and the seat of the chair, before he stood up.


“There now I hope you are comfortable?”


“I’m certainly staying here,” Joanne thought to herself as she looked at him.


“Now, I intend to take your valuables,” he said before he put a laptop on a small table in front of her and turned it on.


“Enjoy the service I would hate for you to miss it,” he said as Joanne watched the service start, wondering how on earth she would cope with whatever was coming next

1400 Hours


“Oh my god that was a way to attend church,” Joanne said as she sipped from the coffee mug. She had been released half an hour ago, and Joanne had been surprised to see there was no residue on her skin.


“Special tape,” Eve said with a smile, “allows the wearer to be secured, but it does not damage skin or clothing.”


“For which I am grateful and you were obviously preparing Sunday Lunch, “Joanne said as she wriggled round, suppressing a groan. “I just hope that scarf is not permanently damaged it is divine.”


“I am cleansing it as we speak,” Adam said with a smile. “Now, we were wondering if you would care to come to the opera with us.”


“The opera?”


“A late afternoon matinee and we will dress for the occasion,” Eve said. “And we will make sure you can appreciate the event in a complete manner “


Joanne looked at them both, and said “how?”



1530 Hours


Joanne looked at herself, and said “My inner Holly Golightly?”


“Indeed,” Eve said as she stood in her electric blue robe. Joanne was wearing a classic black slip dress, with black silk elbow gloves, dak hose and black suede ankle boots.


Eve smiled as she watched Adam take Joanne’s gloved hands behind her back, and she felt the thin black cord as her elbows were brought together, secured tightly, before her wrists were secured together as well.


“You’re taking me to the opera tied up,” Joanne whispered as the rope went round her chest, forcing her arms against her back.


“Indeed,” Adam said as he tied the ropes off and then placed an opera cloak over her, fastening it so that her upper body was covered. She twisted round and said “I hope this place is well ventilated.


“We have a private box booked,” Adam said as he fastened the cape, standing in his tuxedo, the black bow tie tied round his neck and under his collar. He then placed a wide brimmed black hat on her head, as she smiled and said, “so how am I to be gagged so nobody notices?”


“As we said, a private box,” Eve said, “and the use of this.” She held up a roll of flesh coloured tape and tore a strip off, pressing it down over Joanne’s mouth as she nodded.


“Now,” she said as she put on her own coat, “shall we?”


“Whhthtrwhghnnhshh,” Joanne asked as she walked with them.


“The Bartered Bride it will be fun “




Joanne was sitting in amazement they were in a box at the opera house, sitting comfortably, listening to the wonderful music, and nobody knew she was bound, gagged, and there were ropes driving her crazy as they rubbed between her legs


“This is sublime,” Eve said as Joanne nodded. It was sublime, exhilarating and she wondered what she was going to do when they left her.


And how they were going to leave her.


“After this,” Adam said, “we go for dinner, and we will unite you and then to bed “






2220 Hours


Joanne smiled as she stood there, wearing the blue silk teddy, as Eve picked up the first length of rope and doubled it over, then stood behind her and put her hands together, palm top palm.


“So, this will be really tight?”


“It will,” Eve said as Joanne took a deep breath. and felt her elbows coming together again behind her back. She then felt the rope round her wrists as they were secured, and around her chest as Eve formed two bands to hold her arms to her body.


She then felt the woman feed the rope under one arm, up and around the back of her neck as she held the dark brown hair out of the way, and then under the other arm. Eve tied the ends off, before she took another long length and tied it between her elbows, before she separated the lengths and draped them over both shoulders.


Joanne looked into Eve’s eyes as she walked round and fed the ropes under the top band round her chest, looping them round and then bringing them together as she looped it round the lower band. Letting the rope fall to the floor, she walked back round. Joanne biting her lower lip as the ropes were pulled back between her legs and then secured to her chest ropes.


She wriggled round, feeling the rubbing and the effect it was having, as she groaned “oh yes, this is good do it.” She opened her mouth as Eve pushed the compressed sponge ball in, feeling it expand in her mouth as she put her lips together and felt the white micropore tape as it was pressed down over them.


“Hmmhhssnhshsss,” she said softly as she sat on the bed, watching as Eve knelt down and crossed her ankles before binding them together, and then securing her legs below her knees. She then lay on her side, smiling under the tape as Eve bent her legs back and secured her ankles to the rope between her legs, the heels of her feet on her fingers.


“Now, enjoy your evening,” Eve said as she turned the light off and closed the door. In her mind, Joanne was helpless, silenced, only able to move slightly with each moment bringing her closer and closer to ecstasy



0900 Hours


“So how do you feel this morning Joanne,” Adam asked as he looked across the breakfast bar at the woman sitting there.


“If I said liberated, would that sound strange? I have never felt so comfortable in myself, or so unafraid of what people may think.”


Adam and Eve nodded as they looked at her. The wig she had chosen to wear was one with long waved dark brown hair, and she was wearing a pink silk jacket and skirt, the jacket open and her neck, the skirt long and flowing with lace layers. She had painted her fingernails red, her toenails dark blue.


“When does your pass expire?”


“I am meant to be back on barracks by 1800 tonight, as Captain John Maddox is that going to be possible?”


“Do not worry Joanne everything is in hand. If you are ready?”


She nodded a ssh stood up and walked into the front room, breathing deeply as she allowed Adam to secure her wrists together behind her back, the ropes now feeling absolutely natural, and then the rope round her upper arms and her stomach as they were forced against her sides. She smiled as she sat down, and Eve knelt by her to secure her ankles and legs.


“I cannot thank you both enough for what you have shown me,” she said as she was helped to lie on her side, and her legs pulled back before Adam secured her ankles to her chest ropes, her skirt arranged to cover her modesty.


“Thank you for the journey,” Eve said as Adam pressed the white tape down over Joanne’s mouth, and the couple looked at each other.


“Have a nice day, Jo,” Eve said as she kissed her forehead, and Joanne watched the couple leave. They had taken all the ropes, all the other things with them, and left her with the radio on, twisting in the ropes as she realized this was what she wanted to be, who she wanted to be, and she had the courage to admit that





How long she has been asleep, she had no idea, but Joanne’s eyes opened wide as she heard a female voice say, “well now relaxing weekend?”




She looked up at her wife, who was standing there, her arms crossed and a smile on her face.


“So, this is Joanne?”


As Joanne nodded, she knelt down and stroked the hair from her face.


“You look cute and good and I am going to make some coffee. Then, we’re going to have a little talk, all right?”






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