Captive Christyne










As Christyne drove down the main street, she was already wondering what was going to happen that evening. A comptroller for a local business, she was dressed for work a beige business suit with a pale pink blouse under the jacket, a new silk floral neck scarf tied as a cravat, nylons and off-white pumps.


Her plans had been to head home and have a quiet night in but as she turned off the main road, she wondered if that was really going to happen. She had left the office, opened her car door, put her handbag on the seat next to her and then felt the pressure against her back.


She had also heard the male voice say “Don’t make a move or a sound. What’s your name lady?”


“Christyne “


“All right Christyne this is a knife against your back. Do you live alone?”


“Yrs “


“Excellent drive home, nice and casually, and don’t do anything to raise the alarm. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to. Nod if you understand.”


Christyne had slowly nodded and then started the engine, wondering why this had been the day she had forgotten to lock her car after getting her lunch but as she turned onto her street, she wondered what was going to happen next.


“Park up, and remember do nothing to raise the alarm.”


As Christyne brought the cat to a stop, her heart sank as she whispered “now what?”


“Keep your hands on the steering wheel.”


She did as she had been ordered, hearing the rear door of the car open and close and then seeing the door on her side open up. “Come out, nice and slow, and don’t look back.”


She slowly stepped out, wishing she could scream for help but she was too scared, as she stepped back and put her handbag over her shoulder, then closed and locked the door.


“Let’s go inside - and don’t think of calling for help, it would not be a wise move.” Christyne felt the pressure on her back and swallowed hard, before she walked up to the front porch and take out her keys, unlocked and opened the door, and then walked in with whoever this was, into her supposedly safe haven


Hearing the door close, the male voice said “is your cell phone in your purse?” Christyne mumble and nodded, as the voice said “Good - hold it out to the side, nice and slowly.” She slipped her hand into her handbag and retrieved her phone, holding it out and feeling whoever the man was take it from her.


“Thank you Chrystine - now, why don’t we walk to the kitchen, and you can pour us both a glass of milk.”


She shook her head and then walked through to the kitchen. Opening a cupboard door, she took two glasses out and carried them to the fridge, draining what milk she had into two glasses and then turning to look at the man who had kidnapped her. He was young barely twenty years old with red hair, slim, wearing a denim jacket over a white t-shirt, jeans and boots and holding a gun which was pointed at her. “Thank you,” he said as he took both glasses, “now, sit on the chair, hands on your head.”


“Okay.....” Christyne slowly pulled out one of the chairs at the table and sat down, bringing her hands up and clasping them together on top of her head. “W-What’re you going t-to d-do with me? “


“Let you drink your milk - in a moment,” the man said as he fished from his jacket pocket a roll of black electrical tape, put the gun where Christyne could see it, and taped her ankles to the front legs of the chair.


She slowly picked the glass up and took a drink, before she stammered “You don’t have to tie me up! I-I’ll behave!”


“I hope you do Chrystine,” he said as he stood up and sat at the table, taking a drink from the glass. “I just need a place to get some food, some rest, some money and then move on.”


“I....I have a little money in my purse, you can have it....”


Smiling, the man said “we’ll see. I think you are wealthier than that, given your clothing. But we will see.”


“No, no I promise!” Shaking her head, Christyne stared at him as she said “I’m an executive assistant, I’m a glorified secretary! I’m not rich, not rich at all!”


“As I said, we will see,” he replied with a smile. “Drink up.”


Christyne looked down at her taped ankles, and knew she was not going to be able to put off what was coming any longer. She forced herself to drink the rest of her milk and set the glass on the table, returning her hands to the top of her head.


“Now, I need to have a look round, and see what I can find,” the man said as he stood up and walked behind her. “Put your arms to the side of the chair.” Knowing she had no choice, Christyne slowly lowered her arms and said “You’re really going to bind me, aren’t you?”


As he started to tape her wrists to the side of the chair, he said “well, if I am going to cook, and shower, and rest, I need to make sure you cannot tell anyone I am here, right? I need to see what I can find to use as well - so I need to keep you quiet.”


Christyne’s heart sank as she whispered “Oh gawd, you’re going to gag me too......please don’t, I promise I won’t scream.......”


“No, I know you won’t” he said as he took her scarf from round her neck, and rolled it into a band. “Open nice and wide...”


Christyne knew she had no choice, as she opened her mouth and felt the silk on her tongue as he pulled the band tightly between her lips and round her head. He then kneaded her shoulders as he said “now, don’t go anywhere...”


“Pwff nnnwwwph....”


He looked at her and smiled before he walked to the basement door. Christyne followed him with her eyes, and then as he walked down the stairs she started twisting her wrists and ankles, desperate to break free, shaking the chair and mewing with frustration into her new favourite scarf which was now gagging her.


She could hear him searching in the cellar, and kept twisting and fighting somehow she managed to turn the chair a little, and called out “Hlph!”


“Problem, Christyne?”


Christyne suddenly looked up, she had not even heard him coming back but she shook her head and said “Nn-nnmmph”


He put a bag on the table and said “Really? You look a little warm.” As the bag fell over she saw the thin cotton rope. Her captor walked to the knife block and selected a large knife, before he walked back over.


“Nww, Mm hlrddy tpp’f uhph!”


“You’re not going to complain, are you?” He measured some rope, cut it free, and placed it on the table before going behind her...




“Don’t move” he whispered into her ear before he cut her wrists free, and then slipped her jacket off. Christyne sighed she had been warm as he said “More comfortable I hope,” as he held her arms.




“Good - put your hands behind your back and lean forward.”


Christyne had seen this coming, as he moved her arms behind her back and crossed her wrists, biting into the silk gag as she felt the rope tightly forcing her wrists together.


“Is this the first time?”


“Hmmph?” Christyne twisted her head round Her first time.... being tied up? Being held hostage? First time tied up against her will? Lowering her head, she slowly nodded “Mm-hmph...”


He said nothing as he tied the ends off out of reach of her fingers, and then cut a longer length of the rope. “It often is when I have visited homes.”


Christyne could believe it she could not move her hands at all.


“Don’t be afraid” he whispered before he wound the rope round her, forcing her arms against her sides and framing her chest as he formed two bands. Christyne felt the pressure on her body and shook her head.


Tying the rope off, he held her arms and said “I’m going to cut some more rope and then free your ankles.” Christyne could only nod as he cut more lengths, and then cut through the tape holding her ankles to the chair.


“Stand up and walk slowly to your main room.”


Christyne slowly stood, afraid of losing my balance, before she walked through to her dining room and turned into her living room, a few steps inside and she stood still.


“Nice couch, good for the television. Sit down.”


She walked across the carpet and sit as she had been told, looking up at him holding the rope, and the knife, and quickly looked away toward the window.


“You’re wondering if you can raise the alarm?”




Raising her ankles, he crossed them on his knee and lashed them together with one of the lengths of rope. “Relax Christyne it can be quite enjoyable” he said as he took the second rope and secured her legs together below her knees. She stared at him rolling her eyes as she felt him stroke her legs She then saw him doubling another rope, and feed it under the bands framing her breasts, taking it back between them and pulling it tighter




“Lie face down.”


Christyne looked at him and then did what he had asked, swinging her legs up and then rolling onto her front as the ropes seemed to tighten more. He then fed the rope up between her legs and pulled it back, hiking her skirt up as he bent her ankles back and tied the rope round them.


“There - try moving now.”


Christyne tried to move, with no success as she grunted “Mph!” She could also feel the ropes rubbing between her legs


He rolled her onto her side and sat in an armchair, cutting more lengths of rope as he looked at her.


“Don’t you have a partner Christyne?:


He saw her shake her head, and smiled as he said “I’m surprised. It must be lonely.”


Christyne looked at him and then closed her eyes, slowly nodding.


“Many women I have spent time with are lonely. I guess my visit gives them some excitement...”


“Excitement is an understatement I think” Christyne said to herself. She had never been so excited for all of the wrong reasons in my life feeling that rope rub again just shifting to get comfortable, almost impossible.....


“Would you like a drink?”


As Christyne nodded, he headed to the kitchen, returning with a glass of water that had a straw in it. Kneeling by her, he untied and removed the wet scarf, Christyne gasping “Oh gawd thank you.” She then took the straw in her mouth and drank greedily, taking over half he glass in one go.


“Slow down or you will be sick... Breathe Christyne...”


She stopped drinking, gasping as she said “I’m okay.....”


“Now are you going to stay quiet and talk softly?”



“Good” Ihe whispered as he stroked her cheek, and then turned on the television before he sat down. Christyne watched, and then gasped “Omigawd, that’s you!”


“Why so it is. I imagine they want to warn people I escaped.”


Christyne started to struggle again she struggled until the rope between her legs started to rub her raw. Eventually, she stopped and looked at him, her mouth open in shock, her imagination running wild.


“Don’t Panic Christyne - I meant it when I said all I need is a place to lay low for a few hours. Keep struggling like that you may discover something else.”


“Just....Just what did you do?”


“Well, I guess the technical term is Aggravated Burglary,” he said as he looked over. “I broke into some houses, usually where only women were present, tied them up, made them comfortable, robbed them - and occasionally...”


Christyne opened her eyes wide as she whispered “and occasionally.....?”


“I gave them pleasure - if they asked for it.”


“I see.... And if they didn’t ask for it?”


He looked at Christyne, his head to the side, and said “are you afraid I am going to rape you?”


She bit her lower lip, and then slowly nodded as she twisted her wrists behind her back.


“Christyne - how do you feel right now, tied like that - and how does it feel if you move your legs?”


She swallowed, and then whispered Frightened, I’m not going to lie.... when...when I move my.... it’s...different....”


“Do not be afraid keep doing that. I want you to learn something, Christyne.”


As she closed her eyes and moved, a strange feeling began running through her. Opening her mouth slightly, she let herself continue, moaning quietly as she closed her eyes.


“There - you’ve never felt this way before, have you?”


Christyne nodded, and then realized what she was doing as she blushed.


“Don’t be embarrassed Christyne - continue... I want you to experience this...”


“But.....but why....?”


“Why not?” he had to admit to himself, he was enjoying watching her, but this was not the time to show it


Christyne stared at him, and then pulled at the wrist ropes as her mouth opened more. She discovered she did not want to stop as she pulled the rope to and for


“Do you wish to be kept quiet again, so you can let yourself moan?”


Christyne surprised herself by nodding, saying “I think I better” followed by a louder moan. He smiled as he shook her scarf out and then pushed it into her mouth, the edges sticking out from between her lips.


“Keep going...”


“Mmmmmffffff......” She realized it felt different with the gag, and felt her body start to climax not in front of him, please


“Go on...”


“Nn-mmff.... Mmmhhhrrrmmmph!” She began to increase her struggles, felling the dampness, the heat inside her - it’s going to happen..... He stroked her cheek as her body started to shake




“that’s it - let it all cum...”


Christyne arched her back as her whole body shook, and she opened her eyes moaning loudly before she stared to relax


“There - didn’t that give you pleasure? “And did I force you to do that, or guide you?”


“Mmmfffnnnwwrrr” Christyne looked at him he did, a little.....but in the end it was all her.....


“Would you like me to guide you some more, Christyne?”


Christyne said nothing, she was still calming down, and trying to process why she felt so good about it


“I said, would you like me to guide you some more Christyne?”


Christyne just blushed, deep red.


“Good - but first I am hungry, and I suspect you are as well. Can I trust you not to push the scarf out of your mouth while I cook some food, or should I take steps to make sure you cannot?”


He looked at Christyne, as she slowly shook her head, and then took from the bag a roll of silver tape. Coming back, he pushed the scarf fully into her mouth and then covering her lips with strips of duct tape.


“Now stay there - I won’t be long, but I will be watching,” he said as he kissed her cheek, and walked to the kitchen.


“Vrrw fnnhh.” As she lay there, Christyne tried to process what had happened. This was not like her at all she was the one usually in control, which was how she had moved up the ladder but this man had taken all that from her mad her cum gagged her and now he was cooking dinner? This was all so unusual, and she pulled on her bonds, this tighter gag making her want to try it again.


And oh those ropes rubbing her!


She saw him go up the stairs, and heard him moving round, before he went back to the kitchen. As he came back in with a tray in his hand, she set it down on the coffee table and then removed the rope from between her legs, before he helped her to sit up and then removed the tape, the soaking wet scarf from her mouth. She worked her mouth and jaw, and then said “I just bought that you know....”


“Then you have exquisite taste Christyne. I could tell from your wardrobe.” He patted her cheek as he tucked a napkin into her blouse, and then started to feed her the chicken casserole.


“When you went upstairs you were robbing me?”


“I was want a drink.”


As she nodded, Christyne said “I have to say, it’s very good. Why don’t you cook instead of rob and kidnap for a living?”


“Who said I did not do both? But I am glad you like it. Some more? Oh - and you’re the first person I have ever had to kidnap...”


“Oh yes, please.... just bad timing? You needed timing a quick hiding place so you picked my car?”


He put some more food in her mouth. “Well, you did leave it unlocked right?”


“Well, I usually do lock it, I just wasn’t thinking today I guess....” she said as she gratefully ate another spoonful.


As she took a drink from the glass, he smiled and said “well I for one am grateful for that.”


“I’m sure you are.”


“I think you have discovered something as well,” he said quietly. He kept feeding her and letting her drink, before he said “Let me know when you have had enough.”


“I think I’m done. Thank you.....”


He wiped her chin again, and said “can I trust you to sit quietly for two minutes?”


“I’ll be good....”


“Good” he said as he stood up, kissed Christyne on the forehead, and then took the tray to the kitchen, returning with his own food.


“Thank you for feeding me first.” Christyne wriggled round, but still felt so different


“You’re welcome,” he said as he started to eat, and then looked at her. “Go on, ask”


“Ask what?”


“The questions you have in your mind.”


“I’m not really thinking of any.... I do think I am going to survive all of this; I don’t know why but I do....”


“Christyne,” he said quietly “I’m not a killer...”


“I know that now.....but you have to understand, from my point of view I don’t know what’s going to happen.... But I trust you somehow, you’ve been very good to me so far.....”


He smiled and said “thank you, but what else are you thinking?”


Christyne shook her head. “ long are you going to stay here, keep me like this?”


“I need to rest, change - other things. So I’ll go in the early morning. As for keeping you like that...”


Christyne sat up and listened as he took his tray to the kitchen, walked back and picked Christyne up. “Come with me” he said as he carried her upstairs, and then helped her to stand at the bathroom door.


“I’m going to untie you, and you do what you need to do.”


Christyne was ecstatic as she said “Oh gawd thank you!”


As he untied her, however, he said “the door stays open, but I will be waiting out here. Understand?”






“All right,” she said as she walked in, and sat down, wondering what else was going to happen as she held herself. Eventually, she waked out and they went into her bedroom. She was not expecting the sight that greeted her - her drawers pulled out, the empty jewellery box, seeing her intimates pulled out unnerved her.


“I want you to change into something more... comfortable Christyne.”


“ do? A-Anything in particular?” She was worried he meant lingerie, but when he said “there is a short-sleeved wrap dress in your wardrobe. Put that on... unless you’d rather be naked...” she nodded and made her way round.


“No, I’ll put it on!” She had only worn it twice, but as she put it on she realized he had picked this, wanted to see her in it.


“Uh, would you mind turning around please?”


He turned round as Christyne removed her blouse and skirt, unaware of the mirror he was looking in but then when she had fastened it up, and turned, she realized


“That dress does suit you Christyne.”


“Thank you....” She smoothed down the dress, wondering if it would stay like this.


“Now I need to get some rest and relax so I have to make sure you stay in this room. So you have a choice - I can tie you on the bed, or to the bed.”


“But could you trust me by not tying me to the bed?”


He raised an eyebrow and said “what do you think Christyne after earlier.” She saw his smile, and groaned as she realized she had just talked herself into the situation, before she said “I guess you’ll want to tie me to my bed.”


“That is your choice Christyne?”


Christyne meekly nodded and removed her glasses, handing them to him as he said “lie on your back.” She slowly lay down in the centre of the bed, and then realized she would have to move to one side.


As he picked up a long scarf from the floor, he said “Give me your right wrist.” Christyne held her hand up as he tied one end of the scarf round her wrists, and then lifted it above her head as he tied the other end to the headboard.



“I never knew my scarves could tie me up so well” she said as she tugged on her wrist.


“Now your other wrist.” As he secured her left wrist above her head, he said “not just useful for keeping you quiet...:”


“They feel soft....”


As he tied her ankles apart to the foot of the bed with more scarves, he looked at Christyne and said “you’re surprised?”


“Maybe a little.....” Christyne was regretting what she had said, but it was not uncomfortable in fact, the secure feeling made her feel even better


“There now, comfy?”


“I think so.....I guess a gag comes next?”


“You’re much more accepting of this than earlier Christyne. “


“I just know what to expect now.” After all, the term I always heard growing up with playing games like this with my cousins was “bound AND gagged”


As he stroked his hand up her leg, he said “so are you still afraid?”


“Maybe a little.....”


“Of what?”


“I don’t know....”


He stroked her cheek as he said “do you think I would hurt you?”


“I just don’t know what to expect. I’ve never been tied up before.... not like when I was younger, those were just games. Ironically, Cops and Robbers.”


“Well I am a robber... Relax Christyne I will not do anything bad.. “


“I trust you....” She said it even as she felt she did not know why she just did


“Time to be quiet.” He picked up a clean set of pantyhose, and started to ball up the gusset, Christyne watching and then opening her mouth as he gently ushed it in, then tied the legs round her head to keep the gag in place.


“Mmrrwwff” was all she could say as he lowered her head onto the pillow.


Stroking her cheek, he smiled as he said “stay there...”


“Wrfffnnmmph.” Not a recognizable sound, but he smiled and kissed her forehead before he left the room, Christyne struggling as she heard the water running. She felt the scarves tightening, keeping her secure. Every move she made reminded her of what happened on the couch, and the gag just added to the sensations as she moved round


She saw him walk in, just wearing boxer shorts, as he lay by her and put his arm over her, looking at his captive. Christyne turned her head to look at him, and then realized something was different


“What do you want Christyne?”




He stroked her cheek again, and then said four words. “May I kiss you?:




He turned her head and gently kissed her lips, Christyne closing her eyes and wondering why it felt so nice as she felt her nipples hardening, rubbing on her bra cups


He then started to kiss her neck as his hand went down and stroked over her chest, and then started to gently squeeze them as her body responded. She moaned and closed her eyes as he continued to do this, and then started to open her dress up.


“Whrrywwdnn?” Christyne looked at him as he exposed her bra.


“Admiring you. Do you want me to stop?”




He smiled as he opened her dress up and knelt across her waist, slowly easing her bra up to expose her breasts and then he kissed them, sucking gently on her firm nipples




Christyne pulled on the bindings again as she moved her hips, grinding against him as he continued to kiss her there. He grunted softly, and then moved down and pulled her panties away, before kissing her between her legs


“Hmghhddddhhhttt “


“Do you want me to Christyne?”


She looked up and nodded as he pulled his boxers off, and she saw his manhood, groaning as he slipped into her and she gripped him there.


“Hyyhshsss ..” She moved with him, feeling the throbbing intensify as he groaned and moved with her, feeling him growing larger in there and rubbing against those most special, most sensitive of places. It had been so, so long


She groaned as the pressure turned into a pulsing, sending shocks through her body before she felt the jerk.




He groaned softly as he felt the rush from him into her, and felt her body shake under him as he gave all he had


“Mmmmmmmmmfmffffffmmmmmmmffffff!!” She collapsed onto the mattress, the sweat glistening on her body, as she twisted the bindings again and saw him come out, kiss her chest, and then lie next to her.

“You’re wondering if the scarves have loosened aren’t you? Try.”


“Whh mmhf?”


“Satisfy your curiosity...”


Looking up at each hand in turn she pulled and tugged, but it still felt tight if comfortable. She tried to move her legs as he moved with her, and realized she could not stop him again.


And she was not sure if she wanted to stop him


“So, what would you like to do now,” he whispered as he stroked her chest.




“Do you still think I am going to hurt you?” As Christyne shook her head, he said “of course I’m not, but you have discovered something about yourself, yes?”


Christyne looked at him, as she slowly nodded.


“So, my question is, do you want to try something else?”


“Lhff whph?”


“If I untied you, would you like to put some night clothes on?”


“Mm-hmph”, Christyne said as she nodded she loved this dress, and at least all she would have to do now was clean it


Smiling, he got up and untied her hands and legs, watching as she slowly stood up with her dress open and her bra up. “The gag stays... for the moment.”


Christyne slowly nodded she knew it was necessary, and if truth be told, she was used to it by now, it remined her she was a hostage. Slowly turning, she cleaned herself with some tissues from a box on the dresser, and then stripped before she put on a pink baby doll nightdress.

“Very nice - and short. That will be good.”


Christyne smiled if he was going to use her again, then this would work


“When you are ready, come over this side of the bed.” As she walked round, he said “sit down I am going to secure your legs first.” As Christyne sat, she watched as he bound her ankles tightly together with rope, and then her legs below her knees.


“Not too tight?”


“Nsshhfhn,” Christyne said as she twisted her legs round, and then grunted as he helped her to stand up and take her hands behind her back. She steeled herself for the rope holding her wrist together but then she grunted as she felt the rope pulling her elbows together, as her chest was forced out.




She then felt the rope round her wrists as they were secured together, and then watched as the rope was passed round her below her chest and pulled tight, the material of her nightdress stretching over her chest as the bands were formed above and below her breasts.


He pulled the ropes tighter, and then fed the rope under one arm, up and around the back of her neck under her hair and then under her other arm before he tied it off...


Christyne was mewling, each tug making the binding tighter and her nightie stretch even more but she still felt safe


“Tell me how it feels,” he whispered into her ear as he gently caressed her chest from behind. Christyne rested her head on his chest, and said “Mmrrrfffrrr....”


He started to kiss her neck again, as she watched his hands fondling her chest, forcing her to squirm as she tried to stay standing


“Not yet,” he whispered as he stopped and walked in front of her, feeding another rope under the bands that framed her chest, and then pulling them together.




“You look so beautiful like this...” he said as he dropped the rope to the floor, and walked behind Christyne. He then reached through and pulled the rope back between her thighs and then pulled it up and back as the cords sank between the damp lips of her clit.


“Mmmfff!” She twisted her head round as the skirt of her nightdress was hiked up, and he secured the rope to her elbows.


“There now - you were saying,” he whispered into her ear before he caressed and kissed her, Christyne biting into her gag as she started to breath more heavily. The ropes the ropes



“Kneel down, Christyne...” She wondered how she was going to do that, but she managed to lower herself to her knees as he held her, her fingers stroking over his crotch as her eyes opened wide. That felt so good


As she fell onto her knees, she felt the caress on her chest and the kiss on her neck, before he walked to stand in front of her. He cut through the gag and removed the soaking wet cloth from her mouth, before he said “do you see something you want?”


Christyne gasped, and then said “just take!”


“No - I want you to take me.”


He opened his pants and she saw his cock again, long, large, hard. “Is this what you want....” she said before she leaned forward and kissed the head.


“that’s right - keep going, and feel free to bring yourself on as well...”


He kissed the member again and then glided her lips along the shaft, before opening her mouth and taking it in as he held her head in his gentle hands.


“Thank you Christyne - now take it in your mouth...”


She nodded and complied, moving the ropes between her legs as she did so and started to push it in and out as she sucked gently. He started to move in time with her as she felt the cock engorging, pressing her tongue down as she felt the throbbing


She groaned as she felt the movement and the hands on her head but she was focused now on bringing him on despite herself, as the ropes started to drive her crazy with their movement as well.


“Oh yess...” he moaned as Christyne started to vary the sucking she was making, and tasted the pre-cum on her tongue. The pressure was immense, the throbbing and pulsing intense as he groaned more and more


I moan as I close my eyes, my cock pressing your tongue down and throbbing...


Squirming on her knees meant she was rubbing herself as well, but she could feel him harden, and felt a jerk as she increased the speed, the movement


“I.... I hope you are ready....”


Christyne steadied herself and then it hit her the hot, salty flow on the back of her throat as he moaned out loud, and she swallowed as much and as quickly as she could. Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, she felt the flow lessen as he released her head, and her lips popped as he withdrew.


He knelt down and put his hand on her cheek as he said “there now are you ready for bed?”


She slowly nodded as he helped her to stand and then lie on the bed, panting as he pulled her ankles back and hogtied her, tying her ankles to the ropes round her chest.


“So, do you think you can raise the alarm and try to escape?”


Christyne struggled and shook her head as she said “Right now I’m not.... you’re seeing to that.... You know I’ll never get out of this.....” With a slight shifting of my legs I don’t think I want to, not too soon anyway.


“I’ll alert the authorities once I am far enough away. Now open wide.” She watched as he picked up something from the floor.


“Not too soon,” she opened her mouth, then saw he had picked up a pair of her panties


“No not too soon,” he said as he folded the panties and pushed them into her mouth.


“Not my undieffph!”


“Please Christyne at least they were clean ones.” He left and came back with a roll of sticking plaster, tearing a strip off and pressing it down over her mouth.



“Wwrrmmmffph!” She felt him pressing the brown fabric down, felt the ropes rubbing on her again


“There - want to know one advantage of leaving you like this?”




He leaned over and whispered into her ear “nobody is going to hear your screams of pleasure, not until rescue comes.”


“Hwh nwwf...” Christyne knew he was right, but to hear him say it was an invitation to do just that as she moved her hips. He smiled as he got dressed and watched her.


Christyne looked at him. He was a good looking man despite what had happened to her today, and as she watched him she was grinding herself, mewing, struggling and rubbing herself deliberately....


“Don’t be embarrassed any more Christyne - be what you want to be.” As he pulled his trousers on, she screamed “Mmmhhhhhnnnmmmmff....” as another climax washed over her.


A climax goes through me, I try to hide it wondering if you noticed.....




“Mm-hmph.” Christyne blushed red as she realized he had noticed


He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m not embarrassed - don’t you be. I’m going to borrow your car - you’ll get it back, I assure you.”


“Mh crr?”


“Your car. Now, I would say sleep well, but I suspect you are going to be keeping yourself awake. Anything you wish to say before I go?”


“Gd lgph”


“Thank you - you were amazing Christyne,” he said as he turned the light off, Christyne listening as the front door opened and closed and then her car moved off, before she started to move the rope between her legs again







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