Christyne and Suzie









To tell the truth, Christyne really was not having a good day. She had had to endure meeting after meeting in her role as the company financial officer, and had only wanted to have a quiet night at home with her friend Suzie. What she had most wanted to do was to get out of her work clothes the dark blue jacket over a crimson top, the long dark pink leopard print skirt with the black belt around her waist, and the black suede boots with the block heel.


The proverb about best laid plans, however? When she had walked into her house, he had been waiting. Wearing a smart three-piece suit, the red tie knotted under the collar of his white shirt, and the black leather gloves and shoes but what had really attracted her attention was the Glock he had pointed at her, as he smiled and told her exactly what was going to happen.


So there she was, sat on a dining chair and typing on her laptop as he stood behind her. He had ordered her to sit on the chair, her hands palm down on her head, and then used white rope to secure her upper body to the back of the chair, the two bands holding her firmly in place as they framed her chest with her jacket pulled to the side. He had then bound her ankles tightly together, the black fabric lightening under the tightly cinched binding, before folding her skirt back and securing her legs together in the same way.


She could not even call for help the clear tape over her lips made sure the folded black scarf stayed in er mouth


“Yww wnn gph wyy wff thph,” she mumbled as she continued to type on the keyboard.


“Oh but I have only just begun - I do bless the days home working became more of the norm... By the way, you forgot to add a zero there - naughty naughty...”


Christyne blushed as she made the correction on the screen, before he put his hand on her shoulder and said “Much better, carry on...” She tried not to think about the fact he was forcing her to transfer the company funds to a series of offshore accounts and then grimaced as he gently squeezed her on her shoulder, moving to the next screen and beginning another transfer. For some reason, the binding felt tighter than she knew it was not that she wanted it any tighter. She knew her thoughts were moving between what was happening now, and what was likely to happen next


“Good, good... you are doing very well Christyne...” he said as Christyne watched the screen. “Oh, by the way, I looked at your diary... I am sure your friend will be a fine addition to the evening...”




“Just finish typing, Christyne, and don’t concern yourself about that for now...”


“Bfff...Bff ywww......” She looked back at him, and then back to the screen, sighing as she completed the transfer. Looking at the screen, she let her arms drop to the sides of the chair, hoping he would just finish binding her and then leave


“There now - that wasn’t so difficult was it? But why have you put your arms there?”


The question sounded genuine, as Christyne turned to look at him and said “Yrr tynn mm uhff, ryph?”


“Yes I am - but not like that. Put your hands together in prayer “ Christyne watched as he looked in the bag he had on the table, and took out a long length of white rope, doubling it over in his gloved hands as he smiled. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses as she raised her hands, palms together, and wondered what was going to come next.


“Now, round the tree, and under the rope,” he said quietly to himself as he started to secure her wrists tightly together.


“Dww yww hff tw?” She could not move, could not talk she could only watch as he secured her wrists, trying to ignore the feeling she was going to be in the chair all weekend until her cleaner came in.


“Oh yes I do - we don’t want Suzie to have the surprise spoiled when she comes to meet you, do we?”


Christyne started to struggle at that, as she said “Lff hrr lnn!”


“Now I told you not to struggle Christyne,” was his stern reply as he pulled the rope between her arms, the cords rubbing on her wrists.


“Bff lff hrr lnn pwff!” Her pleading was ignored as he tied the rope off, and then lifted her hands up and behind her head, eliciting a gasp of “Mwwff!” as he secured her wrists to the chest ropes at the back of the chair. He walked round and looked at her, smiling as he said “There - comfortable?”


“Ssiff mddr?” Christyne tried to pull her wrists back but realised her mistake as the ropes tightened round her chest.


“Honestly, I do not want you to hurt yourself - so if I was you, I would not struggle.” Stroking his gloved hand over her cheek, he continued “because I do not want to hurt you either.”


Christyne knew this was a wise thing to say but her fear over what he might do to Suzie was making her afraid as she tried to get free.


“I thought I said not to struggle,” he said quietly, “do I have to - discipline you?”


“Nn-nmph!” Christyne really was afraid now as she shook her head, looking at him.


“That’s better,” he smiled as he stroked her cheek again and then took his hand down and over her chest.


“Dnnnff....” Christyne said as she tried to push herself back. The man just smiled as he continued to stroke both hand over her tightly stretched top, and whispered “Don’t what?”


“Dnn dww thff...”


“All I am doing is stroking you - is that so wrong? Or would you prefer me to do this,” he said as he started to gently squeeze her breasts. Christyne really was afraid now as she shook her head and called out “NnnnWWWWPH!”


“Make your mind up, my dear... I think you would prefer this, no?”


Christyne kept trying to struggle, the warning he was giving, the way he smiled as his hands massaged her chest, she was beginning to believe he was a man who enjoyed tying women up, and playing with them against their will




If this had been a former boyfriend, she would have loved this, but he had forced her to be bound and gagged, made her helpless, made her rob her company, and now


“Really? I would have thought... ah...”


“Christyne? Where are you?”


He walked quickly behind the bound and gagged woman as Christyne looked at the door, and called out “RNNN! GFF WYY!! RNNNFF!!”


“Hush” he said quietly as she felt the end of the gun barrel against her head. “MWF!” The silence came as she felt the cold ring on her temple, and then they both looked to the door “


“Are you in there...” Both of them looked as a woman the same age as Christyne walked in, with short mousey blonde hair, wearing a pink and grey sweater with little cats on the centre panel, and a pair of straight leg jeans, the legs tucked into a pair of thigh high tan leather boots with a four-inch heel.


“Christyne, are you - OH MY GOD!”


He looked at the new arrival, smiled and said “Don’t say a word - just nod if you are Suzie.”


“Hff gd’a gnn!”


The new arrival swallowed as she said “I... I can see that Chrisy - I’m Suzie...”


“Hello Suzie,” he said quietly, “you’re not going to scream or call for help, are you?”


Christyne shook her head from side to side as she looked at her friend, terrified qat what was going to happen next.




“Good - Christyne, would you like to explain to Suzie what has happened?”


Christyne turned her head and said “Hwwph?”


“If you promise not to scream, I will remove the gag for a while.”


She looked at Suzie, and then nodded as she said “Mm-hmf!” He then put the gun down where both women could see it, and peeled the clear tape away from her mouth before he removed the soaking wet black cloth from her mouth.


“What’s happened Christyne?” Suzie asked as her friend worked her jaw.


“Oh gawd that’s better.....He....He’s hired by someone to destroy the company....I guess he knew as a vice-president I have access doesn’t...he broke in and took me hostage, forced me to transfer the company’s liquid assets to some other account overseas....I’ve been tied up here for hours it seems.”


“Tied up?” Suzie cocked her head to one side as she looked at her friend, and then at the man.


“Suzie, I need you to put your purse and your cell phone on the table - nice and slowly.”


“Do what he says Suzie, he’s dangerous”.


“I would listen to Christyne Suzie...”


“All right - I’m doing it” Suzie said quietly as she walked to the table and removed her cell phone from her purse before she put both down. “Now what - are you going to tie me up as well?”


“She has nothing to do with this, please let her go........”


“And have her raise the alarm? I’m afraid not Christyne,” the man said quietly as he went to his bag, and removed more ropes, Suzie’s eyes widening as she said “That’s a - new way for you Christyne. How does it feel?”


“It’s tight....and really effective, I can barely budge.”


“Oh,” he said quietly as he doubled over a length of white rope, “not your first rodeo, as they say?”


“Oh no - we’ve been tied up by gentlemen and ruffians, haven’t we Chrisy?” She watched him until he walked behind her and took her hands behind her back, placing them palm to palm.


“It’s - it’s been a while,” Christyne said with a nod of her head, “but we definitely have.”


Suzie then let out a gasp as she felt the way her elbows were being drawn together behind her back by the rope, her shoulders forced back and her chest forced out as he took the rope around and between her limbs.


“Please don’t hurt her!”


“Have I hurt you Christyne? Really?”


“You’ve scared me,” Christyne replied quietly, but she had to acknowledge, as tight as the ropes were, he had not really hurt her .


“I guess dinner is off tonight then?”


Christyne had to smile as she whispered “I guess it is.......”


He looked over Suzie’s shoulder as he tied the rope off, and then collected a second length. “But hurt you?” He started to secure her wrists tightly together in the same way as her elbows, as he said “I might get you both something to eat - later...”


“Just so long as it’s not fast food...”


“Given the choice I avoid that stuff.”


“Wise and sensible” he said as he cinched the rope between her wrists. “You both have beautiful bodies, and they should be worshipped as temples.”


“Do you really think so? At our age?”


Christyne was not quite sure how to feel at that comment, and Suzie’s response. She knew she was no slouch, and Suzie certainly was not, but still.....


“Indeed,” the man said quietly as he held Suzie’s arms. “Does not Christyne look beautiful?”


Cocking her head to the side, Suzie smiled as she said “Well - the ropes do emphasise her best aspects...”


“Suzie!” Christyne blushed as they both looked at her.


“Oh - and you do not think Suzie also has her beauty accentuated?” he said as he passed a rope around Suzie’s body and pulled it tight, forcing her arms against her back. “Hmmmmm?”


“Oh Suzie has always looked amazing!”


“Now you’re embarrassing me,” Suzie replied, As Christyne watched the intruder bind her friend she could not deny she was enjoying what she was seeing, this was far tighter than anything she had seen since the night when they had their party


He then took the rope over Suzie’s shoulder and stood in front of her, wrapping it round the lower band between her breasts and hearing her soft moan as he took it back up and over her other shoulder.


“Oh yes...” Christyne was barely away she was trying to look at her friend now as she stood there.


“So how do you think she looks,” he said as he secured the ropes off, Suzie twisting as the ropes encircled her breasts.


“Wonderful......” Christyne then blushed as she realized what she had just said.


“You don’t look so bad yourself” Suzie said with a smile as she wriggled round, enjoying the embrace of the tight bands.


“I want you to kneel in front of Christyne, Suzie.” The blonde nodded as she allowed him to move her closer to the chair, her fellow captive wondering just what he was going to do next to her friend.


“Want to know a secret,” she whispered as she knelt down and looked into Christyne’s eyes.


“What’s that?”


“You look wonderful as well, she whispered as they both heard the squeak of rope on leather, Suzie feeling her ankles as thy were drawn together. “I could eat you up right now “


“I wish you could,” Christyne whispered back as she winked and watched the man as he secured Suzie’s legs together below her knees.


“Something you wish to share, Christyne?”



“Uh, no......we were.... just talking.....aaaaaabout what’s going to happen to us....”


“And what do you think is going to happen to you,” he said quietly as he tied the ropes off and then straddled Suzie’s legs as he reached round and started to caress the other woman’s chest, hearing her moans as he did so.


“I don’t know.... watching you now doing what you did to me earlier I......I don’t know......”


“Ohhhh “ Suzie moaned as she rubbed against him, and then looked at Christyne, licking her lips as she did so.


“Are you hungry Suzie?”


“Yes... That feels good “


Christyne could not take her eyes off them as they moved, feeling more and more aroused as she did so


“Would you like to have something to eat?”


“Yes...” Christyne tried to lean in, it hear what Suzie was saying She then watched as he stood up and walked round, reaching under her skirt and pulling her damp panties down.


“Then eat, Suzie...”


“Omigawd!” She had wondered what was going to happen, but this Suzie looked at Christyne, and then shuffled forward, smiling as she said “I hope you are ready...”


“Don’t talk” Christyne replied, breathless with anticipation as Suzie came closer, knowing what she was going to do what they would both have to do but wanting to do it at the same time. Suzie looked up and smiled, before she put her head under Christyne’s skirt and kept moving forward. At the same time, he knelt behind Suzie and caressed her bottom in his gloved hands.


“Now where are ah “


“Ohmygaw.......mmmmmmmmm.......” Christyne moaned as she closed her eyes, feeling the touch of her friend’s lips on her clit, feeling the shocks running through her as she pushed her own body out as much as the ropes would allow


She could feel Suzie’s lips and tongue working her as the intruder slowly reached round and unfastened her jeans but she didn’t notice as she said quietly “Hmmm that does taste good.”


“Oh Suzie....ooohhh please......” Christyne knew she was not going to be able to control herself as she struggled. She never did with Suzie, and it was not as if her friend was feeling forced to do this she actually wanted to


“Oh yes,” she heard Suzie say as she tasted the juices now flowing freely between her legs, not realizing he had pulled her jeans down over her boots - or that he had lowered his own pants as well, she was so intent on moving her tongue over Christyne’s sex and hearing her gasp loudly


A loud sudden gasp escaped her mouth as she twisted in the chair it made it more intense, more amazing as Suzie worked her there. She could also see him come behind her friend and put his arms round her waist.


“Omigawd, what couldn’t we have planned this for real” she said loudly as she saw him position himself - the evening has gone from terrifying to scary-amazing and she was so into it she was fighting not to come to her own climax too soon


“HMGHDDDD” she heard Suzie say as she also felt his face against her sex, while the intruder entered her from behind, all three of them working together with his thrusts, Suzie’s tongue, and Christyne’s twisting


As he trust in and out, feeling Suzie grip him, she pushed her tongue past Christyne’s petals and worked inside her as well, touching those most sensitive and wonderful of places as Christyne called out “AUHH! Oooohhhh don’t stop.... don’t stoooooop...............” She was struggling to maintain control as she felt beads of sweat on her body, and he felt the pressure inside himself as well


“HHHYYHHHHHSSSSSS!” Suzie called out as she felt him release inside her and also felt the flow increase against her lips as her whole body started to shake.


Not just her own body Christyne threw her head back and screamed “GAWD YES!” as her own climax swept over her, every muscle and nerve tightening as it did so. “AAAAUUUUHHHHHGGGHHHAAAaaahhhhh oooohhhh gawwwwd Suzzzzzzzzzze.......ohgawdIloveyou.....Oh gawd......”


Eventually, he slipped out as Suzie shuffled back and removed her head, the dampness clear on her lips as he stood up. Christyne let out a silent prayer of thanks as he removed the condom and then pulled his pants up.




Christyne was lightheaded as she slowly came down, and then lowered her head as she said “Y-Yes?” She was dimly aware of the man releasing her wrists from the back of the chair as she watched Suzie pushed her own body up and whisper “Kiss me.” She slowly lowered her wrists and tried to lean forward but had to wait until he released her body from the chair back.


When he did, however, Christyne leaned forward and put her arms round Suzie’s neck, the two of them with their mouths wide open as they passionately kissed each other, their tongues entwining as he coiled the ropes.


She could taste herself on Suzie’s lips and inhaled her scent, opening one eye as she saw the man pass a rope round Suzie’s waist. He then pulled I back between her legs, as she moved her arms up and over her head, and started to play with her chest.


“Hmmmmhsnhhsss “


Suzie was aware of the new ropes on her, holding her wrists to her ankles as the intruder whispered into her ear “what should I do to Christyne, Suzie?”


“I know what I want to do...” Christyne looked into Suzie’s eyes, her fingers playing with her nipples as she sighed “Anything you say..........” Her friend smiled and buried her head in Christyne’s chest before she heard the man say “I wish to feed Christyne as well, Suzie - and then you can both be together.”


“I’ll be waiting...”


The sound of those words made Christyne shake, as he rolled up a black carf and tied a large knot in the middle of it, then used it to gag Suzie before laying her on her side on the floor. She looked so amazing lying there, mewling through the tight gag as it pulled back the corners of her mouth, the ropes so tight and the one going between her damp legs


Christyne was on her own knees now as he came behind her and started to massage her chest while he kissed her neck. She looked at Suzie, her red lips over the black knot, and locked it into her memory for the next time they played their games


The gag does so much for her, I love when we play and our gags are usually simple, I have to remember tying the knot in the middle for next time. She didn’t try to resist as he continued to tease her, twisting her bound ankles round before he slipped her jacket off her shoulders, and pulled her top up as he squeezed her chest under her black bra.


“Are you hungry Christyne?”


Suzie mumbled “Hknnnshshsss” as she looked over, Christyne leaned back and feeling his crotch with her fingers as she whispered “Uh-huh....”


“Do you wish to feed?”


“Uh-huh......Tie my hands, make me do it.... I want you to.....”


“Your wrists are still tied,” he said quietly as he stood in front of her, opening his pants up and allowing his erect organ to come out. “Go on...” He watched as she leaned in and nuzzled around his bush, inhaling the scent of Suzie that the hairs picked up. She then slowly moved her lips along his erect shaft, her mouth slowly opening to take only the head in at first.


“Keep going...” he whispered as Suzie twisted on the floor, the ropes rubbing on her sex as she moaned quietly. Christyne nodded as she slowly bobbed her head and took him in, bit by bit, until her nose hit his crotch and she could feel him against the back of her throat. She let him go and then greedily took him back in, her tongue wrapping round the base as she started to suck, feeling the throbbing in there


He groaned as he felt his own body responding, felt the way she varied how hard she was sucking on him.


“Does it feel good, Christyne,” he asked as he held her head.


“Mm-hmmff.” It had been a long time since she had done this, but it really was like riding a bike as she nodded and then tasted the pre-cum on her own tongue.


“OH yes “ The pulsing on her tongue was intensifying she moved her head to and fro, the organ now filling her mouth as she felt the pulsing there, wanting to take all he had as he held her head.


“AHHHHHHHHHHHH” The hot, salty flow hit the back of her head as Christyne swallowed, her lips forming a seal to try and stop anything escaping as she greedily swallowed. She could hear Suzie mewling through her gag and that just made this even more wonderful an experience


“Hthsshghhdhsnhtht,” Suzie moaned as she finally released him, licking her lips as a thin white line ran down her chin.


“Are you satisfied, Christyne?” he said quietly as he put his dick away, and then walked behind her with more ropes, framing her own chest in two tight bands of rope.


“Mm-hmm.” She did not want to admit the full truth that the ropes binding her once again made her feel so very special, party from the lust, and partly to make sure the company knew she had had no choice


“That’s good,” he said quietly as he tightened the ropes behind her back, and then took them through her legs, up and hiking her skirt up before he secured the ends between her breasts, and finally to her wrists in front of her.


“Chmmhndbhwhfmh,” Suzie said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Christyne. She looked at Suzie and smiled, then at the man as he rolled up a white scarf and tied a large knot in the middle of it.


Stroking her cheek, she smiled as she rubbed it against his gloved hand, and then said “Ready?”


“Uh-huh, ready.” He was more than ready, as she opened her mouth and accepted the white knot between her teeth, then felt the band as it was tied tightly round her head. He then helped Christyne to lie on the floor, facing her friend.


“Shhh - fhnnsshmhhtthnuhhr...”


Christyne nodded as she mumbled “Iph lff yww Szzy”.


“Hlhhffuhhswhlchwhyssy,” she said quietly as she nuzzled her mouth on Christyne’s neck.


“I trust I can leave you two now to - amuse yourselves?”


As Christyne nuzzled her back, she grunted “Mm-hmmff” as the intruder smiled and left the two of them







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