How I Spent My Weekend









I was looking through some old diaries before I left for college when I found what you’re going to read now. I must have done it for a school essay, and then shown it to Mum and Dad, who said it may be better not to let the teacher see it. Looking back, I understand why now, but then I was so excited at what had happened


Anyway, I was twelve years old when this happened


I woke up and looked at the clock on my bedside table it was after ten, but I was hungry and wanted a drink, so I got out of bed and left Lucy on the pillow. We were both wearing the same nightdress a pink one with a picture of a unicorn and a rainbow, with long sleeves. I put my slippers on, and went out of my room, down the stairs and poured myself a glass of milk before I got some biscuits.


As I was walking back up, however, I saw the light was on in my parent’s bedroom, and I could hear some funny noises Dad was talking, but he was putting on an accent, and Mum was saying something about “why are you doing this?”


“Mum? Dad? What’s going on?”


I slowly pushed the door open and saw Mum lying on the bed. She was wearing a short sleeved white nightgown, but her hands were above her head, and she looked as if she could not move them. Dad was at the foot of the bed, but he was wearing black leather gloves, and he was doing something to Mum’s ankles.


As I watched, he then was going to put something on her mouth when she looked over and saw me. Dad then turned and saw me as well, as he said “hey Chloe what are you doing up?”


“I wanted a drink Dad, what are you and Mum doing?”


Mum looked at Dad and made a funny noise, so he took off what he had put over her mouth and then did something to her wrists so that she could sit up. “It’s all right, darling,” she said as she looked at me, “come over here.”


Dad came and took me by the hand and walked me over to the bed, and I saw that she had some sort of tape round her ankles. “Now,” Mum said, “what you saw was me and your father playing a game together.”


“What sort of game,” I asked quietly.


“Well, Dad was pretending to be someone who had broken into the house, and he was stopping me from raising the alarm. That’s why he is wearing gloves it’s part of the game.”


I saw the black leather gloves he was wearing, and said “so he was making sure you stayed on the bed?”


“That’s right,” Mum said as she stroked my hair, “so it was just a game we like playing.” She then looked at Dad and said “can you let me walk?”


He took the tape off her ankles as he said “Chloe would you like to play the game as well?”


I looked at them it did look kind of fun and nodded as Mum got up and went to the drawer she kept her scarves in.


“If the burglar is going to make sure I stay in the bed, he will have to make sure Lucy stays as well,” I said quietly.


“Of course she will have to but I may do something different to stop her.. All right?”


I nodded as Mum put on gloves as well. “I’m going to pretend to be his partner, and he tells me to make sure you stay on the bed, all right?” I nodded as she took some scarves out I knew Mum and Dad were not going to hurt me, and I was curious to see what they would do.


“Put your hands behind your back, Chloe.”


I saw Mum was holding a bleu chiffon scarf, so I did what she asked me to do, and then I felt the soft material on my wrists as she used it to keep them together behind me. It made me feel excited that my parents were doing this


“Now,” Dad said as I saw him fold up a white scarf, “the burglars have to make sure you stay quiet.” He pressed the band on my mouth, and as I opened it up it slipped between my teeth and lips while he tied it round my head.


Chhihhrhrmhhh,” I said as I smiled at my parents. They nodded and then Mum picked up another scarf and took my arm while Dad picked up something that was white, and they walked me back into my bedroom.


Whrrbhnnrhbbhdlhhshshh” I said as I sat on the bed, and Mum knelt down, smiling at me as she used a blue scarf to tie my ankles together. It was soft but tight, and I really did feel as if a robber was keeping me in the room.


I watched Dad as he used what I now saw was white tape, winding it round her arms and her legs and then putting a little bit over her mouth before Mum kissed me on the forehead and helped me to lie on my side. I wriggled round a little as Dad put Lucy next to me while Mum took off her gloves and Dad put his gloved hand over her mouth.


“Now it’s your turn,” he said as I watched him take her hands behind her back. Looking at me, he said “are you all right like that?”


Yhhssdhdh,” I said as Mum said “well, we are right next door, so if you get scared, jump in and we’ll take care of you, all right?”


I nodded and kissed Lucy on the head, saying “hlllhkhfhthrruh” as Dad took Mum out of the room, and I tried to move my arms and legs with no success, I then felt my eyes slowly close .




When I woke up, the sun was coming through the windows, and the scarves had been taken off my wrists and ankles, and out of my mouth at first, I wondered if I had dreamed it, but then I saw Lucy, with the white tape round her and over her mouth, and smiled as I remembered how excited it had made me feel


I came downstairs to see Mum making some breakfast.


“Hey there e- did you enjoy the game last night,” she said as she gave me a glass of orange juice.


“It was exciting,” I said, “but who took the scarves off?”


“I did when we finished playing, I checked and you had fallen asleep. It’s not safe to sleep like that, so I took them off.”


I nodded as Dad same in and said “well now, how is my little hostage?”


“I’m fine, thanks Dad do you and Mum play games like that a lot?”


Dad and Mum both looked at me and said “why?” I just smiled seeing Lucy this morning, I was wondering if Dad would do something for me after we had been at church that morning






As we drove back, I sat in the back of the car, wearing a long pink dress with capped sleeves and a white and black rose pattern on it. Mum was in the front, wearing a blue short sleeved dress with white polka dots, and Dad was wearing a suit, shirt and tie.


Dad pulled in outside our house, and as we went in Mum went to the kitchen to start cooking Sunday lunch. I held back and said “Dad?”


“Yes Chloe?”


“Lucy liked it when you kept her in the bed last night with the tape.”


“Well, I’m glad she “ He then looked at me as I had my hands in front of me, and said “what do you want Chloe?”


“Can the bad robber stop me from telling Mum he is here again?”


Dad looked at me and smiled as he said “go and sit in the front room.” I skipped in and turned the television on, then sat down to watch a film only for a leather gloved had to be pressed down over my mouth as I heard Dad say “well now I guess you and your mother did not learn from last night.”


Phlsshdhnthrtmh,” I mumbled into the gloved hand.


“I won’t when I take my hand away, put your hands behind your back.”


I nodded, feeling thrilled as Dad took his hand away and then I put my hands behind my back. I heard a funny peeling sound and then felt some sort of tape going round my wrists. It was soft, didn’t pull on my skin, but it held my wrists tightly together.


Dad then walked round in front of me and winked as he knelt down. He was holding a roll of white tape, and I watched as he wound it round my ankles to hold them together.


He then tore another strip off, and said “can you put your lips together for me Chloe?” I nodded and waited as he put the tape over my mouth and I realized why he had done that to Mum last night, because I really could only say “fhnkuhhh.”


He then helped me to lie on my side, with my head on a cushion on the arm of the chair, and moved the skirt of my dress so it covered my legs, before he kissed me on the head and left me to watch the television. I felt so safe, so secure as I lay there and I heard Mum and Dad talking in the kitchen.


Mum then came into the room but she had her hands behind her back, and the white tape over her mouth. She saw me and raised an eyebrow, but I nodded and tried to tell her I was all right while Dad sat her in her favourite armchair before he wrapped the white tape round her ankles as well.


“There now just stay there while I finish cooking your food,” Dad said, “and you can eat and then I’m going to leave you both on the bed while I make my getaway.”


Mum nodded and said something like “whllbhthghfhr” her lips moving under the tape. “Hrruhhlrhtt?”


Yhhssmmhm,” I said as Dad left the room, and we both watched television, the smell of Sunday Lunch coming through from the kitchen. It felt so exciting for us both to be like this



Dad cooked a lovely lunch for us, and after we had eaten he became the robber again, as he told us both to put our hands in the air and walk up the stairs in front of him. Mum smiled as she put her hands up, and I did the same as we walked up and into their bedroom. Laid out on the bed were two identical white nightdresses, which were sleeveless and came down over our knees, and four pairs of white socks. Dad told use to take off our dresses, and put on the nightdresses and then put some socks over our feet.


He turned his back while we both took our dresses off and put on the nightdresses, and then the socks over our feet. I wondered why he had asked us to put them on and then Dad turned round and said to Mum “put a pair of socks over your daughter’s hands.”




He held up a length of thin white cord, and said “so that her wrists are protected, and she cannot unpick the knots. Please, do as I say.”


“We’ll be all right, Chloe,” Mum said as she pulled the socks up over my hands, and then Dad told me to lie down and cross my hands on my lap. Mum watched as I did this, and then he wound the rope round and between my wrists to hold them together.


“Is this what Dad did to you last night Mum,” I asked as he tied the ends off.


“Yes it is,” Mum said with a smile as I put my head on the pillows, and watched as Dad pulled the last pair of socks up over Mum’s hands, and then tied her wrists together as she lay next to me.


He then crossed Mum’s ankles, and used a longer length of the rope to tie her ankles together, then took the rope down and tied it to the wood stand at the end of the bed.


He then came to my side and said “cross your ankles as well Chloe.” I did that, and watched as he tied the rope round them to hold them tightly together and then he tied the rest of the rope round Mum’s legs above her knees, gathering the skirt of her nightdress round them as he did so.


Dad then tied a length of rope between my wrists, and tied the other end to Mum’s ankles, before he tied Mum’s wrists to my ankles as well.


I tried to move my legs, which made Mum move hers, and I giggled as she smiled at me and kissed me on the head. Dad then tore a strip of the white tape off and pressed it down over my mouth, before he did the same to Mum, and said “right just lie still, I’m sure someone will come to your rescue eventually.”


We watched him walk out and close the bedroom door, before I looked at Mum and said “hthdhwhdhnh?”


Whlhlwhchkdlthrrhnghtfhrr,” Mum said as she twisted her wrists and ankles, but that just made me move my wrists and ankles as I giggled. She then said “whshtthk.”


Hknhhh,” I said, “bhtthllrhschhs?”




It was an hour later when Dad came in, and said “what happened?”


Whwhhrrrhbbhhdd,” Mum said as he came over and untied us, then peeled the tape from our mouths and hugged both of us.


“Thanks Dad for letting me play with Mum,” I said as I hugged him back. I had loved every second and I knew I would want to play again






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