Beauty and the Best - Babysitting









“So, when are they going to come round,” Fiona asked her mother as they sat in the front seats of the SUV.”


“Later this afternoon,” Sarah Campbell said with a smile. The forty-year-old had brown hair styled in a bob, and was wearing a V-necked cream jumper and dark blue jeans, with black Chelsea boots on her feet. Her sixteen-year-old daughter Carolyn was sat next to her, her long blonde hair falling down over the light brown fur gilet she was wearing over a long-sleeved purple dress that came to her knees. A pair of loose-fitting brown leather boots covered the lower half of her legs.


“I can’t believe it has been that long,” Fiona said with a smile.


“Well, it will still be good to see them,” Sarah said as they pulled up outside a detached house. “Come on Tilly you have homework to finish.”


“Don’t remind me,” twelve-year-old Tilly Campbell said from the rear seat. The young daughter had longer slightly darker blonde hair and had a grey sheepskin gilet on over a long-sleeved white top, the legs of her bleu corduroy pants tucked into a pair of knee length burgundy leather boots.


The family went into the house, Tilly going to her room and ten coming back with a satchel which she took into the front room, while Sarah and Fiona headed to the kitchen.


“Want some coffee?”


“Are you going to allow me it?”


“Yes, I am,” Sarah said with a smile as she started the coffee maker. “So, how is sixth form?”


“Yeah kind of enjoying it,” Fiona said quietly, “I get to wear my own clothes rather than a uniform, but at the same time nobody told me Economics was that hard.”


“I can’t believe you two are growing up so fast,” Sarah said as she handed Fiona a mug, “it seems like only yesterday I was bringing you home with your father “


He daughter saw the sad look on her mother’s face and said, “I know I miss him as well.”


“Every day,” Sarah said with a smile as she turned to the fridge. “Let me get Tilly a What the “


Both of them looked at the kitchen door as it opened, and a young couple walked in. The man had short dark hair, and was wearing a black jumper, pants and shoes, while the woman had blonde hair and was wearing a tight sweater, leggings and over the knee fabric boots. They also had other things in common the black wool hats on their heads, the black gloves on their hands, the guns in their gloved hands, and the black eye masks with the skin noticeably darker under the mask itself.


“Oh my god,” Fiona said a ssh stood up, but the young man smiled and said, “let’s not shout and scream the place down where is your other daughter Mrs Campbell?”


“Doing her homework oh my god what are you going to do,” Sarah said quietly.


“Well, for starters, if you and your daughters keep nice and calm, we will all have a better time,” the man said as his female partner put a large bag on the kitchen table, and removed from it a length of white rope, moving round and taking Fiona’s wrists behind her back before she started to bind them tightly together.


“Who are you,” The teenager asked.


“I’m called Beauty, and this is The Best,” the masked woman said as she took the rope between Fiona’s arms. “We are going to rob your mother today, so you’re right about that and that means everyone needs to be kept nice and secure, but just do as we say, and you won’t be more than slightly inconvenienced.”


“But you’re tying my daughter up,” Sarah said as Beauty went back to the bag, took out a longer rope, and then wrapped it round Fiona’s arms and chest.


“Indeed but we do it so that there are no problems,” Best said quietly, “so relax, all will be well.”


Fiona and Sarah looked at each other as Beauty tied the ropes off behind the teenager’s back and said, “stand up let’s go into the front room.”


“You as well, Mrs Campbell,” Best said as he picked up the bag, and waved the gun to the doorway, both women walking down the corridor and into the front room.


As they walked in, Tilly looked over and then looked again as she said “oh no “


“You must be Tilly,” Beauty said as she walked over, “My name is Beauty. Are you doing your homework?”


“Yes “


“Well, I need to make sure you cannot get off the chair, and that you stay quiet,” Beauty said, “but then you can finish your homework.”


“Are you going to tie me up as well?”


“Your legs, yes, and some rope to keep you in the chair, but you need your arms to write, true?”


Tilly looked at the smiling masked woman, and then nodded as Best said “take a seat Mrs Campbell Fiona, I want you to sit in the other armchair, and stretch your legs out.” He took some lengths of rope and handed them to Beauty, before he knelt down and crossed Fiona’s ankles, Tilly hearing the squeaking sound as he bound them together.


“Am I going to make that noise as well?”


“Let’s find out,” Beauty said as she turned the chair Tilly was sitting on, and then crossed and bound the young girl’s ankles tightly together as well. She heard the squeaking sound and giggled, as Beauty then secured her legs together below her knees, and she watched the masked man do the same to her older sister.


“Back to work now,” Beauty said as she turned the chair back, and then used her final length of rope to secure Tilly’s waist to the chair.


“If you’re robbing us, how are you going to stop us calling for help?”


“Like this,” Best said as he took a roll of white tape from the bag, peeled a length off, and then pressed it firmly down over Fiona’s mouth so that Sarah could see the shape of her lips underneath. He then tossed the roll to Beauty, who peeled a second length off and pressed it down over Tilly’s mouth.




“I know now back to your Maths homework .


“Why us?”


Best looked at Sarah and said, “Why are we robbing you?”


“Yes why?”


“Because we can, and because we must,” Best said quietly as he looked at her. “Now, where is your mobile phone?”


“In my bag in the kitchen.”


Best looked at Beauty, who nodded and walked out of the room, before he said, “so this is what is going to happen we are going to stay for a while, and once young tilly there has finished her homework and is with her sister, we are going to take a walk round the house and take whatever is valuable.”


“But “


“Mrs Campbell, I promise you, this is not personal no harm comes to anyone so long as you don’t raise an alarm or try to stop us.”


“Do you get off on terrorizing families?”


“No but this is what we have to do.”




“To survive,” Best said as Beauty came back in and then there was the sound of the doorbell ringing.


“You are expecting guests?”


“Yes my sister and her family.”


Best smiled as he said, “then welcome them, and bring them in here and just remember Beauty is in here with your daughters, so no warning them.”


Sarah slowly nodded as she stood up, Fiona and Tilly looking at her as she slowly walked to the front door. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and said “hey come away in.”


“How are you sis,” Esther Brooks said as she came in. She was two years older than Sarah, and wearing a brown cardigan over a blue top, her blue jeans tucked into knee length leather boots.


“Fine, Esther my she’s grown, hasn’t she?”


“She sure has,” Gail Freeman said as she came in. Esther’s daughter was 21, and she was wearing a black quilted gilet over a cream top, her own blue jeans tucked into long brown suede boots. In one hand was a baby chair, the six-month-old girl sitting in it looking round and smiling. She had been dressed in a white jacket and blue leggings, little brown booties on her feet and a red bow in her hair.


“Hello Jilly,” Sarah said with a smile as she waved at the baby girl, before she closed the door.


“So, where are my nieces?”


“In the front room -Tilly is doing her homework,” Sarah said quietly, “come along in.”


“Okay then but I am not helping her with “ Esther stopped as she saw Tilly and Fiona, and then said “Sarah “


“I’m sorry they just came in a while ago, and now “


“And now,” Best said as he looked at them, “we need to “ He then saw the baby chair, and looked at Beauty, before he said “we need to make sure you cannot raise the alarm but we also need to make sure this little one is looked after. What is her name?”


“Jilly “


“And you are?”


“I’m her mother, Gail. Aunt Sarah, what is going on?”


“We are robbing your aunt, Gail,” Beauty said as she came behind the young woman. “And that means you and your mother are also going to have to be secure.”


Gail blanched as she said “please, not Jilly “


“Gail, what do you take me for? We’ll make sure you can take care of your daughter as needed but you may have to do it quietly. Also, Best and I can help with any hygiene matters?”


“We can?”


Beauty looked at Best as she said “yes, we can. Do you have a changing bag?”


“I left it in the hallway “


“Good But Jilly down in her seat, and then both of you sit on the couch, hands on your head, and stretch your legs out.”




“I’m going to tie your ankles and legs,” Beauty said as she took more ropes from the large bag.


“I guess we’re all going to be like Fiona, right?”


“Maybe but we can manage,” Sarah said as she watched her sister and niece sit down, Beauty kneeling next to Esther as she wrapped the rope round her booted ankles and pulled it tight. Esther was not able to take her eyes off as the rope went around and between her legs, and then was tied off, before her legs were secured together below her knees.


As she twisted her legs round, Gail said “how bad is it, Mum?”


“It’s actually not that bad,” Esther said as Beauty brought Gail’s ankles together.


“Well, the girls seem to be all right.”


Whcchnhchnphln,” Tilly mumbled, Sarah smiling as she watched the masked woman securing Gail’s legs below her knees, while Best took Esther’s hands behind her back and began to bind her wrists together.


“When are your husbands expecting you,” Best asked as he tied the ropes off, and then began to wind rope around Esther’s arms and body.


“Not until later,” Esther said as she felt how tight the ropes were.


“Where is your mobile phone?”


“In my handbag, why?”


“You’re going to tell your husband you are staying here for dinner and ask him to contact Gail’s husband as well. No sense in them worrying, is there?”


“Or them stopping you,” Gail said quietly.”


“Or, indeed, them stopping us. A happy coincidence,” Best said as he tied the ropes off, and then opened Esther’s handbag.


As he held this, Beauty noticed Tilly opening her eyes. “I’m not going to tie your arms,” she said to Gail, “so that you can hold her as if everything was normal but I am going to stop you from talking for a while.”


Gail slowly nodded as the white tape was pressed over her mouth, before Beauty lifted the young girl out of her chair and put her on Gail’s lap. She looked round, and seemed to be curious before Gail lifted her up and kissed her on the forehead which made her giggle.


“Thanks Tom I’ll let you know when we are on our way back. You and Jeff enjoy the game,” Esther said as Best ended the call.


“Very good now put your lips together.”


From the table Tilly watched as her aunt was gagged, and then Best helped her mother to stand up. Beauty looked at her and smiled as she said, “are you finishing your work?” Tilly nodded, before Beauty said “good let me know when you are done, and you can come over here as well.”




“You said you have to and need to rob us,” Sarah said as Best walked her up the stairs, “what did you mean by that?”


“Where is your bedroom?”


“In here,” Sarah said as she opened the door, both of them going in before Best said, “you are comfortably well off, want for nothing, true?”


“Not quit e- I wish my husband was still here,” Sarah said quietly, “but he would not have been able to stop you, would he?”


“No if I may ask “


“Two years ago.”


Nodding, Best said “Beauty and I have nothing except what we can get to survive so to answer your question, this is how we survive, pay bills, buy food.”




“Seriously, Mrs Campbell this is what we need to do to survive. I know it scares and upsets you, but we are as gentle as we can be, and we do not cause any more stress than we need to. So, make it easier for all of us where do we start looking?”





“There you go,” Beauty said as she tied the ropes off that held Tilly’s arms against her sides, “Like a big hug, isn’t it?”


Tilly nodded as Fiona nudged her, and said “Ghththhlfhhnhshd?”


Hmmhmh nhthththrd.”


Ohdhr,” Gail said as she looked at Beauty. The masked woman went into the hallway and brought in a floral bag, detaching the mat from the outside and laying it out on the floor before she took Jilly from her mother and put her on the floor, taking from the bag a clean nappy, wipes and a pink bag. A few minutes later she gave the baby back to her mother, who moved her top and allowed Jilly to start to feed.


Huhhlrht,” Esther said as she looked at her daughter.


Nhthtrhllhh,” Gail said as she tried to smile, “httshshthmhnhn, rht?”


Esther nodded as Beauty turned the television on, and then sat to watch the captives.





“Did you have to look here as well?”


“It is only fair,” Best said as Sarah sat on Tilly’s bed, watching as he looked in her jewellery box, “but relax, there is nothing here of worth to me.”


“Unlike Fiona?”


“Well, she is older,” Best said with a smile, “and if it makes you feel better, it covers our fuel bills for the next couple of months.”


“It does, funnily enough,” Sarah said as Best looked at her. “So, what now I get tied up as well.”


“Not yet we go downstairs,” Best said as he looked at the bedside clock. “I imagine they are getting hungry downstairs so you can cook some food with Beauty’s help, and you can all eat.”




“Well, we will not leave until it gets dark so yes, I am serious. Shall we?”


Sarah stood up and walked down the stairs, seeing as they went into the front room Beauty with Jilly over her shoulder, walking her around and patting her back as Gail watched her.


“Did she have a good feed, Gail?”


Fhrrnh,” Gail mumbled as she sat with her hands on her lap, Beauty smiling as the baby girl burped.


“There now,” she said as she gave Jilly back, Tilly watching and trying to make faces as the baby giggled on her mother’s lap.


“Beauty, will you please help Mrs Campbell to prepare some suitable food for all of them,” Best said, Beauty nodding as she and Sarah left the room





“Thanks Mum,” Tilly said as she took the plate from Sarah. Oen by one, they had been untied and ungagged, and allowed to go to the toilet before Sarah and Beauty had brought through a selection of finger food for each of them. Jilly was now back in her chair, giggling as her mother made funny noises and faces in front of her.


“So, what happens when we have eaten,” Esther asked Beauty.


“We secure you again, just as tightly, before we leave, but it will help if Jilly is fed, changed and asleep for all of us. So, you do what you would normally have done for her, Gail, while we get the rest of the family ready.”


Gail slowly nodded before she bit into a slice of pizza.


“And who is going to rescue us after you left?”


“I suspect your husbands will wonder where you are,” Best said as he looked at Esther and Gail, “and come to see where you are eventually.”


“The game kicks off at seven,” Esther said, “so that’s after half niner at the earliest.”


“More than enough time for us to get away,” Beauty said with a smile. “So, eat up you need the strength.”


“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about eating everything before leaving the ah.”




“I was meeting the girls tonight “


“Then I will give you your phone, you call them, and explain why you cannot make it in a way that does not raise the alarm,” Beauty said.


“Yeah yeah, I guess I can do that,” Fiona said as she smiled. “It might be fun to have a quiet night anyway.”


“Yeah real family bonding,” Esther said, the others looking at her before they burst out laughing “




Sarah looked at the door as Tilly walked back in with Beauty. She was sat on one end of the long couch now, the ropes holding her wrists together behind her back and two bands of rope pressing on her chest as they held her arms against her sides. Fiona was at on the other end, watching as her younger sister looked round, and then at Best as she bound her mother’s ankles together.


Esther and Gail were on the other couch, watching as Jilly sat with them. Beauty took the ropes and said “its’s time” as she took tilly’s hands behind her back and bound her wrists tightly together, and then forced her against her sides her gilet opening up as the bands got tighter.


“You’ll be all right,” Fiona said as the ropes were tied off, while Best bound their mother’s legs together below her knees. He then looked at Fiona and said, “your turn come with me, do what you need to do.”


Fiona nodded as she stood up and left the room, Beauty helping Tilly to sit next to her mother and then binding her ankles and legs together the same way as before. She twisted her legs around and looked at her mother, before she said, “are we going to have the tape again?”


“I think we are,” her aunt said as the white tape was smoothed down over Sarah’s mouth, keeping the folded cloth best had pushed in in place as it covered her lips and chin. She looked at Tilly and nodded, as Beauty folded up an old green triangle of cotton and said, “open wide Tilly- we need to make sure you stay really quiet.”


Tilly nodded as the masked woman pushed the cloth into her mouth, and then covered her chin with a de strip of the white tape. She then nodded as Beauty said, “do you want to lie down?” before she was allowed to lei on her side, her head on her mother’s lap.


“I think she’s asleep now,” Gail said as she gave Jilly to Beauty, smiling as the little girl was placed back in her seat next to her mother’s feet. She then stood up as Fiona came back into the room, her wrists and arms already bound and then sitting on the couch as Gail went with the masked man.


“Is what Sarah said about you right,” Esther asked as Beauty began to secure Fiona’s ankles together.


“That Best and I do this to get the money and resources we have to live? Yes this is not about greed, this is about survival, Esther,” the masked woman said as she bound Fiona’s legs together, and then gagged her with a folded cloth and the white tape.


“I don’t get it there must be other ways. The new government “


“Needs to deal with whatever the previous one left,” Beauty said as she stood up, “and that might take some time, so for now, we do what we need to do. Do you need to go to the toilet?”


Esther shook her head as Beauty said, “okay then time to get you secured as well.” Esther looked at her granddaughter, and then slowly stood up, putting her hands behind her back as Beauty brought more ropes over and started to bind her








Best nodded as he looked out on the dark street, and then at the others in the room, Beauty checking the binding ropes on each of them. Tilly was asleep, her chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out through her nose, while Fiona was watching a film on television. Gail was using her booted feet to rock the chair Jilly as in, her boots squeaking as they moved to and fro, while Sarah and Esther looked at each other.


“We are going now I’m sure your husbands will come later,” Beauty said, Esther and Gail nodding as the two masked robbers left the room. They heard the front door open and close, before Esther said “Chuhmhf?”




Esther nodded as she tried to find the knots, but they were out of reach of her long fingers, so she settled down, the only sound apart from the television the squeak of leather on leather as they occasionally moved their legs


It was half nine on the clock when they heard the front door open, and a voice say “hey why is it so quiet in here?”




Esther called out as she saw her husband and son-in-law walk in, her husband saying “What the . Call the police son, I’ll find some scissors to cut them free.”














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