Beauty and the Best - Friends









“Hey,” Tom said as Barbara came in, and slumped into the comfy chair, “long day?”


“Like you would not believe,” Barbara said as she opened her jacket up. “There’s a number of shows coming up our group are doing the backgrounds for, so it was all hands to the pump.”


“You love it really,” Tom said with a smile. “So, what was this one?”


“Hopkins Studios.”


“The photography firm? I hear they have had some very big contracts recently.”


“They have Natalie Hopkins is a talented photographer,” Tom said as he passed his partner a magazine, Barbara looking through it. “Oldest daughter of John and Mary Hopkins.”


“THE John and Mary Hopkins?”


“The very same in some ways she is the black sheep of the family, not working in high finance and modelling,” Tom said with a laugh, “but making a good and profitable living out of it.”


“So why this interest in her?”


“Because we have the water rates to pay?”


Barbara nodded as she said, “so when do we visit them?”





“No, no and for the third time NO!”


Natalie Hopkins was sitting forward in her armchair as she looked at her sisters. She was casually dressed a grey top, faded blue jeans with ripped knees, and flat black shoes and had long blonde hair which fell loosely.


“But I don’t understand?”


“I know neither of you do,” Natalie said as she stood up, “I don’t think you ever did.” She looked at her two younger sisters as she said, “I’m happy as things are, I don’t need any handouts.”


Joy and Fi Hopkins just looked at each other. Joy was the middle sister, a talented financier, and was wearing her work ‘uniform’ as she called it a black silk blouse and skirt, dark horse and knee length tight black leather boots. By contrast, Fi Hopkins was wearing a red dress with elbow length sleeves and a deep neckline, matching high heels on her feet, reflecting her position as a fashion designer.


“But it is a tribute to Dad,” Fi said as she held her hands together on her lap.


“Look,” Natalie said, “I have my reasons “


“Ah are we interrupting a family discussion?”


“Come, on in Akira I need the moral support.”


As she came in, the Asian woman looked at Joy and Fi. She was wearing a short sleeved green satin blouse, a short black skirt, dark hose and black heels. With her was a blonde-haired woman, who was wearing a similar outfit, only her blouse was purple.


“This is Jade,” Akira said, “the new model I told you about. I thought we could have a chat before the session.”


“Sure let me get some more coffee,” Natalie said as she left the room. Akira and Jade sat on another small couch, as Joy said, “when’s the session?”


“Tomorrow did we walk in on you trying to persuade her to go to the memorial?”


“You did,” Fi said, “why won’t she come?”


“If she will not tell you, I cannot tell you.”


“But you know, don’t you?”


The conversation was interrupted as Natalie came back with the coffee.


“I take it Ally and Belle are upstairs?”


“No they’re with their father. He’ll drop them off, but not come in, if you know what I mean.”


All four of them nodded in agreement as there was a knock on the front door.


“That’s not him, is it,” Joy asked.


“No they would run in. Give me a minute.”


They watched Natalie as she walked out of the room and to the front door, opening it before she said, “It’s not Halloween, is it?”


“No, no it’s not, Natalie. Please go back in nice and slowly, hands in the air.”


“You You’re serious?”


“We are now do as Best says please.”


Natalie walked back, raising her hands as the young couple came in. The man was wearing a black jumper and pants, with black shoes, while the woman was wearing a tight black sweater and leggings tucked into over the knee black suede boots nut both of them were also wearing black gloves, black woollen hats, and a black eye mask with their skin noticeably darker under the eyeholes as well as very real pistols in their hands.


“What’s going on,” they both heard Akira call out from the front room as the woman closed the door.


“Shall we tell them Beauty?”


“We shall Best we shall.”




As Natalie came back in, Fi said “Fashion statement, Nata OHMYGOD!”


She cried out as she saw the masked couple come in, the man saying as he said “please, don’t do that again we have no desire to harm anyone, but if you insist on continuing, we will need to take measures.”


“I think I’m being robbed,” Natalie said.


“Natalie is quite correct you can call me Beauty,” the masked woman said, “and this is my friend and partner, the Best.”


“The best at what?”


“Making sure you do as we ask,” Best said quietly, “Would you like me to show you how now?” He smiled as he said this, but Fi fell silent as she saw the look in her eyes.


“That’s better,” Beauty said with a smile. “Now as you may have realized, we are here to relieve Natalie of her valuables but you all should play apart in that experience. First, however, I must ask you to show me your mobile phones.”


The four women looked at each to her as Natalie said, “mine is on the table.”


“As I can see ladies?” Beauty watched as Joy, Fi, Akira and Jade removed their phones, then collected them and put them in a plastic bag which she placed to one side.


“Excellent,” Beauty said as she covered them. “Noe remove your watches, and your jewellery, and place them in the bag that my friend Best is going to bring round.”


“We had better do as he says,” Jade said as she removed the gold necklace from round her neck and placed it in the bag along with her watch and earrings. He walked along the line and collected the rings, earrings and other items, before he collected the purses that sat on the floor and took them out of the room.


“Excellent,” Beauty said, “now place your hands on top of your heads, palm down. Natalie, place your hands slowly behind your back.”


“What are you going to do,” ~Natalie said a ssh slowly moved her arms down and then the others watched as Beauty took a length of rope from her waistband and used it to secure the young woman’s wrists together behind her back.


“That’s tight,” she said.


“I know - sit down please,” Beauty said as Best came in, carrying a duffel bag which he placed on the floor and opened, removing several lengths of white rope from the inside. He handed one to Beauty before he walked behind the couch Jay and Fi were sitting on, taking Jay’s wrists behind her back and securing them together as well.


“Once we have you all secured and silent,” Beauty said as she stood in front of them, the gun in her gloved hand, “then we will take Natalie here for a walk round the house. After that, we will see what happens.”


“Why, what is likely to happen,” Joy said as her own arms were gently pulled down behind her back.


“You will find out,” Best said as he tied the ropes off, and then went behind Akira and Jade, the two women looking at each other as their wrists were secured as well.


“You seem to be remaining calm,” Best said quietly.


“We may have some - experience,” Akira said quietly as the masked man knelt down in front of her and wound more rope round her slender ankles to hold them together. The rope went around and between her limbs, holding them tightly together before he moved along to secure the ankles of the other three women.


“Now then,” he said as he stood up, “I am going to make sure you stay quiet.” He went back to the bag and removed a roll of silver tape, tearing strips off and pressing them down over the lips of the other four women as Natalie watched.


“Whhlthstht,” Fi said as she looked round the room.


“Now,” Best said, “shall we?”


All of them then looked to the door as the front door opened and closed, and two young girls ran in. One was nine years old and was wearing a long-sleeved peach top with denim shorts over striped wool tights. Her long brown hair was loose, while that of the seven-year-old girl was pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a black leotard, white tights and silver ballet slippers, a pink lace ballet skirt completing her outfit.


“Mum, we’re ba What’s going on Mum?”


The two girls looked at the masked man and woman, before she came over and squatted in front of them. “Hi,” she said as she smiled, “you must be Ally and Belle.”


“Who are you,” the younger girl said quietly, “and why are my aunts like that?”


“Well, Belle,” Beauty said, “my name is Beauty, and my friend here is called the Best.”


“Why are you wearing masks?”


“Because we are criminals does that scare you?”


“A little,” Ally said as she looked at her.


“Well, I promise you, there is nothing to be afraid of, but now that you are both home, I need to make sure that you are both just the same as your aunts. Best will you hand me some rope please?”


The masked man nodded as he handed Beauty two lengths of rope, which she gave the girls to hold. They looked at Natalie, as she said “I promise you, it doesn’t really hurt, but they do need to do this. You can sit with your aunts while I go and do something with them, and then we can all be together.”


Ally nodded as Beauty took the rope from her, and turned her round before she crossed the young girl’s wrists behind her back and secured them together as well.


“Mum’s right it doesn’t hurt,” she said as Belle was turned round and felt the rope on her wrists as well. They then walked over, Fi and Joy moving to the side as Belle sat between them, and Akira and Jade allowing Belle to sit there. They watched as Beauty collected more ropes and then secured their ankles as well, before she stood up and covered their mouths with the silver tape.




“WWhrrhfhnmhm,” Ally mumbled, Belle nodding as Akira and Jade looked at her.


“Please come with me, Beauty will look after the others,” Best said as he helped Natalie to stand up, and they walked out of the room, heading up the stairs.


“Which bedrooms do the girls use?”


“Those two “


“Then we head in here,” Best said as he opened the third door in the row, and they walked into the master bedroom. Looking round, he said “nice sit on the bed, and tell me where you keep your valuables.”


“Do you get off on tying little girls up?”


“Well, forgive me for stating the obvious, but it was Beauty whop tied them up,” Best said with a smile, “but no it is something we have to do, but we try to make it as painless and non-frightening as possible. Did they look afraid?”


Natalie shook her head before she said, “so why me?”


“You are a wealthy and talented woman Natalie, and we have need of your funds,” Best said.




“To live.” He looked at the bound woman, who was staring at him. “Oh, I do not kid you, Natalie this is what we do because it is our way of surviving. Our way to ensure we do not starve, do not lose our home, do not go cold.”


“You’re not joking, are you?”


Best turned and shook his head before he opened a wardrobe.


“My god if my father is involved in this “


“Oh, I am well aware of your father and his business interests,” Best said as he removed a long box, opened it, and then placed a set of pearls into a black sack.


“If you are aware,” Natalie said with a small smile,” then you’ll know I’m not exactly unhappy you are taking my mother’s pearls.”


“I understand were your sister’s trying to get you to attend that awards dinner for him?”


Natalie looked up at him, and then nodded as she said, “so you’re one of his tenants?”


“No but I understand where they are coming from,” Best said as he emptied the contents of a jewellery box into the bag. “I admire your convictions as well as your photography. I recognized Akira when I came in.”


“You are a fan?”


“In a way,” Best said with a smile. “Now, where else should I look?”






As Best came into the room, Joy looked at Natalie and said “whhdhdhhdh?”


“Robbed me of course are you two hungry?”


Ally and Belle nodded as Beauty said “well, I will help your mother prepare some food. Best, keep an eye on them, will you?”


“Of course,” Best said as they swapped places, Beauty taking Natalie into the kitchen before she untied her wrists. Natalie brought them round and rubbed them, before she said, “Best told me what your motivation is I am truly sorry you have to do this.”


“So are we,” Beauty said with a smile, “so are we. Now, what shall we cook?”






“Thanks, Mum,” Belle said as she accepted the plate from Natalie. All of them now had their hands untied and the tape removed from their mouths, but they also now had rope holding their legs together below their knees as well.


“So, what happens next,” Jade asked as she looked round the room, “I mean if we need to go a place “


“One of us will escort you,” Best said quietly. “For now, eat, drink.”


“And after that?”


“We make sure you cannot raise the alarm,” Beauty answered with a smile as they looked at each other. “Then we wait.”


“For what?”


“Sundown eat up.”




“Look at me Mum!”


Natalie looked over as Ally jumped into the front room, Beauty following her. She now had her wrists secured behind her back, while bands of rope held her arms against her sides at her stomach and shoulders.


“All done and comfortable?”


Ally nodded as she sat down next to Natalie, while Beauty helped Belle to sit up and jump out of the room. Her mother had her wrists and arms bound in the same way, as Ally rubbed her head on her mother’s arm.


“How are you Aunt Joy?”


“I guess I will cope,” Joy said as best pulled the ropes tight around her upper body. They forced her arms against her sides as Fi, Akira and Jade looked over. As they wriggled round, Natalie said “I guess we are all going to stay here.”


“Nats,” Fi said as Best went behind her, and she wriggled her fingers as the rope was pulled around her arms, “Dad isn’t like that.”


“Yes, he is I have seen the properties, when I did a shoot in the city,” Natalie said, “I cannot see him being honoured when he does that.”


“Mum can’t know “


“Mum is the co-director of the firm,” Natalie said as she looked at Joy, “she knows.”


Fi looked at her, before she said “we had no idea “


“I know,” Natalie said as she watched Best pull the ropes tighter. Once he had finished, he walked over to the armchairs, Akira and Jade feeling the ropes as their arms were tied as well.


“This is fun, Mum!”


Natalie smiled as Belle jumped back in, the rope tied round her body now as well as she pushed herself back on the couch and snuggle into her other side.


Beauty smiled as she took a roll of white tape from the bag and peeled a length off before she said to Belle “Youngest first put your lips together.”




“Like that,” Beauty said as she smoothed the tape down over the young girl’s mouth, Natalie seeing the shape of her lips under the tape before she peeled a second length and pressed it down over Ally’s mouth.




“Good,” Beauty said as she rubbed them both on their head. “We are going to do the same to your mother and aunts now.”


“Ghhdhd,” Belle said as she placed the tape over her mother’s mouth, Natalie pressing her taped lips on their heads as one by one the other older women were silenced as well.


Best turned the television on as Belle and Ally relaxed, the other women nodding as Beauty walked over.


“A fan of Akira?”


“Her usual modelling I know she does other work, but still “


Beauty smiled as she stroked his cheek with her gloved hand, and then said “all right, I believe you. Keep an eye out.”





Natalie suddenly opened her eyes and looked round. The room was in darkness, but she could hear her daughters gently snoring as they rested against her arms.


As her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw her sisters and friends, all asleep, their chests gently rising and falling.


“Thffghn,” she mumbled as the door opened and she was blinded by torch light.


“In here seven bound and gagged, including two children.” She saw the police and ambulance crews as they came in, and started to cry







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