Beauty and The Best - In Their Own Way











“Tonia! Eric! Lunch is nearly ready!”


“Okay Mum,” two voices called down the stairs in reply as Georgina stood at the sink, shaking the lettuce dry and then arranging it on the plates. Their long blonde hair was falling over the shoulders of their black short sleeved top, their bare skin visible in the sleeve slits, and a black lace waistcoat over the top. A pair of dark purple pants and black brothel creepers completed their outfit that, and the smile as she heard the footsteps on the stairs.


“ Sit down,” she said as the eleven-year-old twins came in. Tonia had long brown hair which was curled, and was wearing a white tunic top with a thin belt round her waist, grey leggings and grey moccasins. By contrast, Eric was wearing a grey and black t-shirt with a skull on the front, blue jeans with ripped knees, and black trainers. He sat at the table and ran his fingers through his short black hair, as Georgina brought two plates of salad over and set one down in front of each of them.


“When’s Dad due back,” Eric asked as he took a drink from his glass of water.


“In about an hour and a half we can go to see the film once he has eaten,” Georgina said as they took a seat at the table as well. Putting some salad on a fork and eating it, they then said “now who could that be?”


The children looked towards the door to the hallway as the doorbell rang again. “I’ll go and look,” Tonia said as she stood up and ran to the door.


“Hello, can I “


Eric looked at his mother and then they all heard the footsteps -= three sets, as Tonia came in with a man and a woman. The man had short dark hair, and was wearing a black jumper, pants and shoes, while the woman had blonde hair and was wearing a tight sweater, leggings and over the knee fabric boots. They also had other things in common the black wool hats on their heads, the black gloves on their hands, the gun in his gloved hand, her gloved hand over Tonia’s mouth, and the black eye masks with the skin noticeably darker under the mask itself.


Mum .


“Good afternoon,” the woman said as she let Tonia go, and she ran into Georgina’s arms, “I apologise for our sudden entrance, but I need you all to remain nice and calm.” She then looked at the trio, and said “which one of you is Tony?”


“My name is Tonia,” the girl replied, “and his is my twin brother Eric.”


“Not Erica?”


“No, I’m Eric - isn’t that right Mum?”


The woman looked at him, and then said “of course you are Eric and you are indeed Tonia. So you would be - Georgina?”


“That’s right,” their mother replied as they held Tonia, “who are you?”


“My name is Beauty this is my friend The Best.”


“Are you robbers,” Tonia whispered. Beauty walked over and stroked her hair as she looked through her glasses, and said “yes we are and we are here to rob your parents, but you don’t have to be afraid. We’re not going to hurt you.”


“But you have a gun,” Erica said quietly.


“Yes we do,” Best said as he put it down, “there - is that better?” Erica nodded as the masked man continued “Finish your lunch Georgina, I want you to put your hands behind your back, and Beauty is going to secure them together.”


“You’re going to tie us up?”


“We are,” Beauty said as she walked behind Georgina, and produced a length of white cord which she used to secure their wrists together behind their back. “It is what we have to do, but if you stay calm and don’t panic or struggle, you will be just fine.”


Georgina nodded as they felt the rope tighten on their wrists, and said “We’ll be fine kids. Finish your lunch, and then put your hands behind your back as well.”


“Will you be with us Mum?”


“All the way,” Georgina said with a smile as Best took some rope from a pocket, and took Eric’s hands behind his back while Beauty did the same to Tonia. “But why us?”


“You have wealth to share we need to take our share, as simple as that. Your husband is a successful gem trader, after all.”




“What is it Tonia?”


“Roberta is coming with her parents as well, isn’t she?”


“So you are going to have visitors? Then we need to be prepared for them let’s go into your front room,” Best said as the family stood up






“Well, here we are, Roberta.”


The ten-year-old girl nodded as her father knocked on the front door. She was wearing a cream-coloured parka over a black jumper and blouse, a knee length pleated black skirt, white socks and silver shoes, her short brown hair loosely combed. Her father was a large man, a black beard on his chin, and was wearing an orange parka over a purple checked shirt, blue jeans and trainers.


“Have you knocked on the door yet?”


“Of course I have Janey,” he said as his wife locked the car and came up to join them. She was wearing a black cardigan over a red checked blouse, black pants and Dr Marten boots, a red tartan scarf over her shoulders.


As the door opened, Roberta’s father smiled as he said “hey Georgina the kids staying quiet?”


“Yeah you’d better come in, take your coats off “


“Tonia are you ready to . MUM! DAD!”


As they came in, they saw Roberta standing with a woman behind her, her hand on the young girl’s shoulder and the other hand aiming a gun at the latest arrivals. “Thank you, Georgina,” she said quietly as the door closed, and Roberta’s father turned his head to see a masked man behind them, holding Georgina’s arm. “Welcome I understand you are Daniel’s business partner, correct Janey?”


“That’s right,” the woman said quietly as her hands were taken behind her back, and she felt the rope holding them together.


“My name is Beauty be calm, we just need to make sure you cannot get in the way while we rob Georgina and Daniel. My friend The Best is going to secure your wrists Roberta, why don’t you come with me and be with the twins?”




“Go with her,” Janey said as Best stood behind her husband.


“We have read about you,” he said quietly as he pulled her hands behind her back, “and personally, I applaud your bravery, and that of Robert.”




“Sorry of Roberta. Now, both of you, stand still “



“Tonia? Eric?”


Hllhhlrhbhrth,” Tonia said as she and her twin brother looked at the latest arrival, Beauty taking her coat off and putting it to the side. They were both sat on the couch, and Roberta could see their hands were behind their backs, the white bands of rope holding their ankles and their legs together, and the white scarves that were pulled between their lips, then tied round their heads.


“Wow you really are a robber?”


“Yes I am now put your hands behind your back please. I am going to make you just like them.”


Roberta nodded as she felt the rope holding her wrists together, Beauty taking care to make sure it was tight but comfortable. She then walked over and pushed herself back to sit next to Eric, before Beauty took more ropes and knelt in front of her, wrapping one length round her ankles and securing them tightly together. The masked woman then passed a length of rope round her legs below her knees and bound them tightly, Roberta watching as her legs were forced together. She then looked over to see her parents walk in with Georgina, all three of them sitting in armchairs as Best started to bind their ankles.


“I don’t understand,” Janey said, “why are you being robbed?”


“I guess we’re just unlucky Ted, are you going to be all right?”


“I think so,” Roberta’s father said as he watched Best securing his legs together. “They have not hurt you or the others?”


“No we just have to wait and see what happens,” Georgina said as Beauty rolled up a white scarf, and walked behind her. “I am afraid I need you to be quiet now,” she said with a smile, “so open wide please.”




“We’ll be all right,” Ted said as he watched Best gag his wife, and then tasted the clean silk on his tongue before he and his daughter were gaged in the same way, all of them looking at each other




“I’m home everyone ready to head out?”


Daniel was wearing a red short sleeved checked shirt, jeans and trainers, their black hair cut short, and glasses over their eyes but they were surprised not to at least hear Tonia or Eric run out to greet them. Slowly, they walked into the front room, and said “what the “


Whrrhbhhnrhhbhhd!” Eric called out as he looked at the three young children on the couch, then his wife and the other two adults sat in the armchairs, before he felt the pressure on his back and Best saying “hello, Daniel your family and friends are safe, and secure, and you have no cause for alarm on their part. MY friend Beauty is going to go with your wife to prepare some food for everyone.”


Daniel looked at Georgina, the white scarf noticeably darker at the corners of her mouth as she was helped to stand up by a masked woman and then jumped out of the room.


“What is it you want me to do?”


“Come and open your safe.” Daniel looked round the room and then nodded as Best said “remember stay calm, do not struggle or try to get free. First, you will not be able to do so - and second, we have no desire to secure you more tightly. Make no mistake however we will do so.”


Whllshtthhrhhh,” Ted said as the others nodded, the children trying to talk to each other as Janey rested her head on her partner’s shoulder. Daniel nodded and then went with Best to the downstairs office.


“You know, don’t you?”


“We do but we treat everyone as they are, not as they are perceived. Please, open the safe, and then start with your hands behind your back.”


“What happens when I do this?”


“You join your family and friends for a meal, while my friend Beauty searches the rest of the house - and then we leave you to enjoy a film or something else together.”


“Why do you do this?”


Best looked at Daniel, and said “how much opposition do you face?”


“Enough why?”


“So if I was to tell you this is what we do to survive and live, and we see how you do what you to do to be what you are?”


Daniel slowly nodded as they opened he safe, and then felt the rope on their own wrists as they were secured together behind their back. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”


“I am and thank you. Now, take a seat while I look through “






“Thanks, Mum,” Tonia said as she accepted the plate of food, swinging her legs up and down as she did so. All of them still had he ropes holding their ankles together, as well as their legs below their knees, but their wrists had been tied when they had sat at the table and the gags removed, the wet scarves now in a clear plastic bag.


“So what happens after we eat, Miss Beauty,” Roberta said as she looked over.


“Well, you get to go to the toilet,” Beauty said, “and then Best and I are going to make sure you all are very secure and quiet, while you watch some television. We’ll make sure someone is told about you before the end of the night, so don’t worry you won’t be stuck there until the morning.”


“What can we watch, Dad,” Eric asked.


“We’ll think of something for now, eat, drink. No snacks for us tonight.”


“So eat up,” Georgina said with a smile, “and then we can all be the same together.”


“Are you all right,” Ted said as he looked at Janey.


“Yeah you?”


“Not as scared as I was I guess because they have kept their word, and we are all in this together. Besides we’ve faced worse, haven’t we?”


“Yes, Dad we have,” Roberta said with a smile as she sipped from her glass.




“All right why don’t you three come with me to the toilet,” Beauty said as Roberta, Eric and Tonia jumper out of the room with her. Best, smiled, and then said “all right then I want you to sit back-to-back, husband and wife, link your arms and then bend your knees before resting your hands on them.


“What will you do with the kids,” Georgina said as they sat back-to-back with Daniel.


“They stay in here with you,” Best said as he knelt by their side, and secured their wrists together before tying them down to the rope below their knees. He did the same to Georgina before using a longer rope to secure their upper bodies together.


They tried to move as he walked over and did the same thing to Ted and Jayne, the two couples twisting round as Best stood up and went to the bag the ropes had sat in. He then produced a clear bag with sponge balls inside, and a roll of white tape, smiling as he walked back over.




“All done?”


“Yes,” Eric said as he came out, and looked at his sister and friend. They both had their wrists behind their backs, but they also had bands of rope around their arms and body so all they could do was squirm round.


“Good put your hands behind your back,” the masked woman said with a smile, waiting as he did so before she wrapped the white rope round his arms and secured them together.

“How does it feel,” he said as he looked at Tonia and Roberta.


“Like we are being hugged,” Tonia said, Roberta nodding in agreement as Beauty wrapped a longer rope round Eric’s body and gently pulled it tighter to force his arms against his sides. She secured the ends behind his back, and then said “so let’s go and watch something on television.”


The group walked back to the front room to see Best wrapping white tape round Ted’s head, covering his mouth and then they saw the same band round the head of each of their parents.


“All right then sit on the couchlike before,” Beauty said as the three children jumped over and pushed themselves back on the couch.


“Why are Mum’s cheeks so large,” Tonai sked a ssh settled on the seat.


“Let me show you u- can you open your mouth nice and wide?” As she did so, Beauty pushed a compressed sponge ball into her mouth, and she felt it expand, pressing her tongue down and pushing her cheeks out as the masked woman peeled a length of white tape from the roll Best handed her, and then pressed it gently down over her mouth.


Hkkhhnhnh,” she mumbled as Beauty gagged her brother and Roberta in the same way, Tonia seeing the shape of their mouths under the tape as they rubbed their heads together.


“Now, let’s watch something nice,” Best said as he turned the television on, Jayne and Georgina watching the children as their fathers tried to get free.


With no success









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