Beauty and the Best - Two Mothers










“Tell me again how we ended up babysitting for the afternoon,” Gail said as she looked across at her sister.


“Dumb luck ever since our mothers became partners, we have to take one Saturday afternoon a month watching them before we can go out,” Sarah said with a sigh, “and this is that Saturday.”


“Doesn’t mean we cannot try our outfits on for tonight,” Gail said as she crossed her legs. The seventeen-year-old girl had long dark brown hair, and was wearing the clothes she intended to wear to the club that night a white dress with a very short skirt and long sleeves, the top cut to show her chest and belly off, as well as camel coloured leather stiletto heels.


“At least we get a chance to change before Mum catches both of us,” Sarah said with a laugh. She was wearing a tight grey woollen dress with as short a skirt as her sister, grey tights and black stilettos.


Technically, Gail and Sarah were half-sisters each of them had a younger brother, who were both playing in an upstairs room, but now that their mothers were married to each other they thought of themselves as sisters.


“They have no room to talk anyway,” Gail said with a laugh, “did you see the skirts they were both wearing today?”


“I know but they had no choice, not for this meeting,” Sarah said as they sat down. “Gotta admit though we look hot.”


“I agree you do both look rather fetching.”


Gail and Sarah looked at each other, and then to the open doorway and the two people who had walked in. The man had short dark hair, and was wearing a black jumper, pants and shoes, while the woman had blonde hair and was wearing a tight sweater, leggings and over the knee fabric boots. They also had other things in common the black wool hats on their heads, the black gloves on their arms, the guns in their gloved hand, and the black eye masks with the skin noticeably darker under the mask itself.


“What the “


“Please, no loud calls,” the man said with a smile, “Beauty here is going to come over, and you are going to hand her your purses and mobile phones.


“Aren’t you?”




“Pleased to meet you both”, the blonde masked woman aid as she came over and held her glove hand out. The two teenagers looked at her before Gail said “you’re not much older than us.”


“True but I have the gun, so hand over your purses and phones, please.”


Sarah nodded as she handed her handbag over, Gail doing the same as Beauty said “thank you. Now, give Best here your jewellery put it in the bag he is holding.”


“This is a robbery?”


“Yes, yes it is,” Best said as he put the bag he was holding down, and took a small velvet bag from his pocket. Coming over he watched as both girls slowly removed heir earrings, necklaces and rings and placed them inside.


“Thank you,” he said with a smile as Beauty looked in the bag, and took out a roll of white tape. Walking behind Gail, she pulled her slim wrists behind her back and taped them together, and then wrapped tape round her arms and body to hold them in place.


“Sit down,” she said as she went behind Sarah, and taped her wrists and arms in the same way, before she sat down next to Gail, the two girls looking at each other as Best took the roll of tape and knelt down.


“Would you go and see where the boys are and bring them in Beauty?”


“Of course Best,” the masked woman said as she left the room, and walked slowly up the stairs. She smiled as she heard the talking and made her way to one particular door.


“YES! UNO!!”


Beauty opened the door and walked in, saying as she did so “hello boys stand up and put your hands in the air please.” She watched as the two boys saw her, saw her gun, and slowly stood up with their hands in the air.


“Who are you,” the younger boy said. He was wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans with turn-ups, while his older brother was wearing a grey and white t-shirt, blue denim shorts, white sports socks and black plimsolls.


“My name is Beauty - what’s your name?”


“Fred this is my big brother, Barney.”




“Well she looks nice, even if she has a gun.”


“Why thank you now, come downstairs with me, and keep those hands up where I can see them, all right?”


The two boys nodded as they walked out of the bedroom, and down the stairs, Barney’s eyes opening wide as they went in and Fred saying “oh my “


“Whhshhrughhnhdh,” Gail mumbled through the white tape that covered her mouth, both girls twisting in the seat as the boys looked at their sisters, their chest forced up and framed in bands of white.


“Coo,” Fred eventually said “and you’re going to do that to us?”


“My friend Best is -aren’t you Best?”


“you’re Best?”


“I sure am boys now,” the masked man said as he knelt down, “turn round, and put your hands behind your back I’ll tape you up like your sisters, and then we’ll explain what is going on.”


“All right,” Barney said as Fred, nodded, the two boys turning round and putting their hands behind their back as Fred asked Beauty “why are you doing this to us?”


“Well, Fred we’re robbers, and we are going to rob your mothers when they get home. But we don’t want them to know we are here so we have to keep all four of you quiet, all right?”


“I guess that makes sense,” Fed said quietly as he heard the soft peeling sound, and felt the tape bands holding his arms against his side, before he was told to sit on the couch. As he did, he saw Best do the same to barney, before he sat next to him, and they watched him tape their ankles together, and their legs below their knees.


“Purse your lips, boys, and sit nice and quiet that way, you won’t get into trouble, all right?”








“Well, I can live without having to do that again,” Megan said as she bought the car to a halt in the driveway of the house. “A whole Saturday morning and midday wasted.”


“Well, not totally wasted, we got the contract after all,” Willow said as she open the doors and got out. Both women were wearing dark jackets and skirts, as well as black heels. Willow had light brown hair and a pink camisole under her jacket, Megan dark hair and a black camisole.


“Well, we walk in, we get changed, we slob out once the girls of out agreed?”


“Sunds good to me,” Willow said as they both walked into the house and then raised their hands in the air when they saw the masked woman pointing a very real gun straight at them.


“Forgive the surprise,” she said with a smile. “Close the door, and come into the front room and keep those hands in the air.”


“Megan Megan, just do as she says,” Willow whispered as she raised her hands, Megan closing the door and then doing the same as the masked woman nodded. “Good in the front room, and give your handbags to The Best?”


“The Best?”


“He’s waiting inside.” The woman said as they walked in, Willow whispering “no” as she saw the four children taped on the seats.


“Welcome,” the masked man standing there said. “To answer your unasked question yes, this is a robbery. Yes, we have held your family hostage. Yes, you are going to be our hostages as well. And yes, this will go more pleasantly if you do exactly what we tell you to do.”


“And what are you going to ask us to do,” Megan snapped back.


“Well, in your case, to lower your hands and put them behind your back,” Best said as he looked at her, Megan looking at Willow before she lowered her hands, while Beauty walked behind her and she felt the tug on her skin as she taped her wrists together.


Barney and Fred watched, their eyes wide open as the masked woman wound tape round their mother’s arms and body, opening her jacket up as her arms were forced against her sides, before she was helped to sit down in one of the armchairs.


“Now then,” Best said as he looked at Megan, “I need you to come with me please. Do not worry - you will join the rest of the family later.”


She looked at Megan as Beauty knelt down, and nodded as she walked out of the room with Best.




“Why what,” Best said as they walked up the stairs.


“Why do this to my family?”


“Because you have more than enough, and we have less than enough.”


“Huh you mean you are greedy.”


“No I mean you have resources we need to survive, resources you can afford to lose or replace later. If it means you and your family are inconvenienced, we apologise for that, but trust me this is what we need to do.”


“Are you trying to tell me,” Willow said quietly as they reached the top of the stairs, “you are stealing from us to pay your weekly bills?”


“As difficult as that may be to believe,” Best said, “yes. Take me to your bedroom.”


Willow looked at he masked man, and then opened a bedroom door as they walked in. He looked round, and then said “excellent. Please do something for me first.”




“I see in the open door two onesies. Take them out, and lay them on the bed for me.”




“So you can be comfortable later. Do it please.”


Willow shook her head as she took them out first the leopard print one with the hood, then the red one with black and white dogs printed on the material, and laid them on the bed.


“Thank you,” Best said with a smile. “Now, please remove your jewellery, and place them in this velvet bag.” He watched as she placed her ring, watch and earrings in the bag, before he said “now, avoid any mess tell me where your valuables are kept in this room.”


“And if I do this?”


“Then you get to watch,” Best said as he took from the bag he had carried up a second roll of white tape, “in a secure manner.”




“Hrruhuhllrht,” Megan mumbled through the tape covering her mouth as Best walked Willow back in, her upper body and mouth secured in the same way as her. Willow slowly nodded as she sat in another chair, watching as Best knelt down and taped her ankles and legs together.


“There now, I think you can watch some television,” he said as he turned the set on, and then stood by the wall, his arms folded as Beauty nodded and made her way out of the room.


“Whhrrhsshghnn,” Gail mumbled.


“To prepare some supper for all of you “


All six looked at each other as Best just smiled



“Wow so you steal so you can eat yourselves?”


“That’s right,” Beauty said as she looked at Barney. “Do you like what I’ve cooked?”


“It is nice,” Sarah said quietly, “but I’m worried about what you are going to do when we have eaten.”


“We need to make sure you cannot raise the alarm - any of you,” Best said quietly, “but think of it as a family night together just not one you can talk about for a while.”


“But we have friends expecting us,” Gail said from the other side of the table.


“Then one of you will call them and inform hem you won’t be there with one of us making sure you cannot give the game away,” Beauty said as she put her glass of water down. “That won’t be a problem, will it?”


“No no it won’t,” Gail said as she looked at Sarah.


“Well, if we are going to have a family night,” Megan said quietly, “we should do it the right way we can all change before they do whatever they do to us, all right?”


“Well,” Willow said, “that nice man there has already picked our outfits for us. So we will do this together all right?”


“It’s our turn to pick the film,” Fred said, “can we watch Sonic again?”


“Oh boy,” Sarah and Gail both said as they shook their heads.


“House rules, girls,” Willow said with a smile, “they get to pick for tonight and we won’t have a choice in the matter I suspect.”


“No,” Best said with a smile, “no you won’t. On which matter when you have finished, you girls are going to go upstairs with Beauty first “






“All right,” Sarah said quietly as they went into her bedroom, “my turn I guess?”


“It is,” Gail said as she stood and watched her sister removing her white dress, and then pulled on a pair of grey shorts with a bright cloud print on it. Tying the waist cord, she then pulled a matching vest top over her head, and looked at Sarah. She was also wearing shorts with the same pattern, and a matching short sleeved pyjama top but her arms were folded behind her back, and she could feel the ropes holding her wrists to her elbows with her fingers. There were also bands of rope holding her upper arms to her sides, and framing her chest.


“It’s not that bad,” Sarah said quietly, “you’ll see?”


“I guess I will,” Gail said as Beauty went behind her and folded her arms, resting her elbows in the palms of her hands before she used lengths of white cord to bind them to each other. She then doubled over a longer length of rope and passed it round the young woman’s arms and body, stretching her top over her chest as she formed two bands that framed them.


“You’re right it’s not too bad,” she said with a smile as Beauty looked in the bag. “All right you need to be quiet before we go back into the main room. I need you both to open your mouths.”




Beauty turned, a compressed sponge ball in each gloved hand as Sarah said “oh right. Stupid question.”


“But a fair one it will feel strange for a while, but you soon get used to it. Now, open wide “





Fred and Barney stared at their older sisters as they were walked back into the room by Beauty, their mouths covered with a wide strip of white tape and their cheeks puffed out. But it was the way they looked that made them feel strange, as Best said “Right boys come with me now.”


As he took the boys up, Megan and Willow watched as Beauty said “sit on the floor, in front of the couch, and cross your legs.” They watched as both girls sat down, and then as Beauty used more rope to secure Sarah’s crossed ankles tightly together, then another length around the banks of rope between her breasts before she secured the other end to the ankle binding.


“Nhgghnhhh,” she mumbled as Beauty moved over to Gail.


“Did you call?”


Gail nodded as she felt the bands of ropes tightening on her chest, and then to her ankles, both girls looking at each other as Beauty said “There now once the boys are down, you can go and get changed “




“Mister Best, can I ask you a question?”


“Of course,” Best said as Fred sat on the bed. He was wearing a long-sleeved purple top with a design of a dinosaur on the front, and purple bottoms with a dinosaur and hedgehog print.

Fred blushed as he said “I was wondering is it wrong to feel excited like this?” His wrists had been crossed behind his back and secured together with rope, and a longer rope used to keep his arms firmly against his sides, one band round his stomach and another round his upper arms.


“Do you feel excited?”


Fred nodded as Barney said “I feel funny too but it was when I saw our sisters “ He was also wearing pyjamas, his set cream with black animals printed on the material, and looked over his shoulder as Best secured his wrists together.


As he passed the rope round the older boys’ arms and forced them against his sides, he looked over at Fred and said “it’s not wrong, in fact it is perfectly natural. A lot of boys and girls find this a very pleasant experience, and that means they are not afraid.”


“We’re not afraid you haven’t hurt us after all,” Barney said as the ropes were pulled tighter.


“Well, I am glad to hear it,” Best said as he tied the ropes off. “Now, when we go down, I am going to secure you so you can’t move that much, but before that, which of you wants to be kept quiet first?”


“Me,” Barney said, Fred watching as his brother opened his mouth and Best pushed the compressed red sponge ball into the open space. As he put his lips together, the masked man peeled a length of wide tape from a roll, and then pressed it gently down over Barney’s mouth with his gloved hands, forming the material to the shape of his jaw.


“How does it feel,” Fred said as Barney tried to speak.


“Htssnshsss,” Barney said, the grin visible under the tape as Best said “Your turn.”


“Can you tie our legs up before we go down?”


“Of course Barney, sit down for a minute “




“Are you jumping in?”


“Yhssmmhhh,” Barney said as the two boys jumped into the front room, Gail and Sarah shaking their heads as the two boys were helped to lie face down on the floor, Beauty putting a cushion under their heads as Best knelt down and pulled Fred’s ankles back.


“Ladies shall we?”


“Don’t go anywhere,” Willow said, the four children shaking their heads as their mothers were walked up the stairs. As they went into the master bedroom, Beauty said “Megan, I need you to hand me your jewellery while she does this, Willow, please get changed.”


“Are we going to be all right,” Megan said as she slowly removed her earrings.


“I think so, the kids are not afraid,” Willow said as she removed her clothing, and then pulled on the leopard pattern onesie, her feet in the shoes. She pulled the zip up the front and adjusted the hood as Megan started to strip off as well.


“Out your hands behind your back,” she then said as Willow stood up, the young mother feeling the rope round her wrists as they were bound tightly together. She then watched as the rope went round her arms and body, forcing her arms against her sides as they framed her chest.


She looked at Megan, who had pulled on the pink onesie, as Beauty walked behind her and took her arms behind her back.


So what happens once we are all bound and gagged,” she asked as the rope forced her wrists together.


“You enjoy the film we will wait for an opportune moment to make our departure, and I am sure the alarm will be raised.




“Well, better make the best of it,” Willow said as she twisted round, watching as Beauty made sure her wife was secured in the same way. “Tight,” she said, Megan nodding in agreement as Beauty tied the ropes off.


“Now, let’s go downstairs I will secure your legs there and Best will keep you nice and quiet after you talk to your sons and daughters.”





“Are you all all right,” Megan said as they walked back in, Fred and Barney looking up and nodding as the girls looked over.


“Sit down,” Beauty said, the mothers sitting next to each other as she took more ropes and knelt down, Best taking two red sponge balls and compressing them in his gloved hands as he said “any last words.”


“Don’t be afraid we can talk about this later,” Willow said as Best pushed the compressed ball into Megan’s mouth. She then had one pushed into hers and felt the sponge expand, pressing her tongue down and pushing her cheeks out before she heard the peeling sound, and felt the tape as it was pressed firmly down over her mouth.


As she watched Best gag her wife, Beauty turned on the television, the boys wriggling as the film started. Megan and Willow looked at them, then at each other before they pressed their taped lips together, and then settled down with their heads against each other to watch the film







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