






“Get the hell out of my house and don’t come back!”


It had been a week now since his father had thrown him out of the house, and ten days since he lost his job after that last argument with his boss. He had been an idiot, hew knew it, but the man had insulted his sister


For a few days he had lived with friends, but he knew they were going on a trip, and he could not stay there anymore. That had left him with a choice either live on the streets, or do something he had thought of before, but never really had the courage to go through with.


Until now. As he stood across the road and looked at the semi-detached house, he smiled to himself. The family of the head of the company he used to work for lived there it was only justice that he paid his first visit of his new career to them.


As he rubbed his chin, he remembered a chat with his mother in a nearby caf that morning


“Thanks Mum,” he said as he looked at the two bags on the floor. “That bastard kicked me out with nothing at least I have some things to wear now.”


“I wish I could have got you more,” his mother said as she sat on the other side of the table, the legs of her jeans tucked into clack knee length boots, the white jumper under a black gilet, “but “


“No I don’t want him mad at you or Kerry as well as me. You’ve done more than enough Mum,” he said as he drank from the mug.


“But you are certain this is the only way you can earn some money or get some money? You’re going to break the law “


“Mum what use have I got for the law now? If I am going to break the law, I had better make a success of it so thanks for getting me what I asked for. Was it much trouble?”


“No I did what you asked me, went to different stores to get things. There’s a mobile phone in the bag as well call me once you have done this?”


“I will give me love to Kerry “


“Promise me you won’t actually hurt anyone either I know you may have to threaten them, but “


“Don’t’; worry Mum nobody is going to get hurt. I can be persuasive when I need to be.”


“All right. Good luck son “


He looked across the road again one bag he had left in a Left Luggage locker at the station, he would collect it later once he had done what he needed to do. With any luck, he’d be able to book into a hotel for a couple of nights, get some sleep, some food, and plan his next move.


He knew what was needed to tie someone up in better days, he and his mother had played tie-up games but to do this for real was a new experience. But he was also dressed for the job- a black leather jacket, a dark jumper and jeans, black shoes. He only needed to put on the latex gloves, and fix the eye mask in place, and he would be ready.


Opening the bag, he put one thing in the pocket of his jacket, and then pulled the gloves over his hands before he picked the bag up, and walked quickly across the road


“So where is that husband if yours today,” Janice Barton said as she sipped from her coffee cup.


“On a business trip again,” her daughter Yvonne Black said with a sigh. She was in her late thirties and was wearing a grey dress with a yoke collar and a wide black leather belt round her waist, black stilettos on her feet. Janice was wearing a sheer white top over a white vest, white jeans and grey slippers.


“Another one? Is he “


“Who knows,” Yvonne said as she put her cup down. “I’ll find out one of these -now who can that be?”


Both women heard the knock on the door as Janice said, “you had better go and see who it is in that case.”


Yvonne out her cup down and walked to the front door. As she opened it, she was surprised to see a young man standing there, a black mask over his eyes and dressed in black while he held a bag in his gloved hand.


“Can I help you?”


“You can,” the man said, “I am Hell and I here to rob you today.”


“I beg your pardon?”


“My name is Hell, and I am going to rob you.”


“I don’t think so,” Yvonne said as she started to close the door -and then she was taken by surprise as he pushed his way in and pressed her against the wall. She saw him drop the bag and take a knife out of his pocket, as he growled “I ‘m not kidding Lady I am robbing you today, whether or not you like it.”


Yvonne was shocked at how strong he was, as he continued “now, I don’t care if I am young to you I am determined, and you are going to do exactly what I tell you to do. Is that understood?” He looked at her as Yvonne slowly nodded, and then said “good close that door, and then put your hands in the air. Don’t try to call for help you will regret it.”


Yvonne slowly walked over and closed the door, then turned as he said, “put your hands in the air, and then walk into the front room.”


“Who was it,” Janice said as she looked to the doorway, and then she saw Yvonne walk in with her hands in the air, and the masked young man with the knife as he followed her in. “What the “


“Don’t say a word lady just sit there, with your hands in the air where I can see them as well.” As Janice raised her hands in the air, she said “who are you? What do you want?”


“He says his name is Hell and he’s going to rob me,” Yvonne said, Janice looking at the young man as he said, “and who are you?”


“This lady’s mother,” Janice replied quietly. “Just go, we won’t stop you.”


“Lady, your daughter told you I am going to rib her. IF you have a problem with that tough.”




“All right,” Janice said as Yvonne sat down, and he sat in an armchair, the bag by his feet.


“Look,” he said quietly, “I’m sorry if I scared either of you, but I am deadly serious I am going to rob this house, and as such I have to make sure everyone in the house strays in this room.”


“What exactly are you going to do?”


“She,” he said as he looked at Yvonne, “is going to come round the house with me. You and anyone else in the house, anyone else who turns up, are going to be tied up and so is she once we are done.”


“For how long?”


“I’ll leave when it is safe to do so no more questions now,” he said quietly. “I have to do this to survive, it’s as simple as “


“Mummy, who was at the door?”


He, Janice and Yvonne looked to the door as two young girls came in. One was eleven years old, with long curled blonde hair, and was wearing a brown top with capped sleeves and faded blue jeans. The other girl was nine years old, with long straight blonde hair, and was wearing a red top with elbow length sleeves and dark bleu jeans with wide cuffs. They looked at the masked man, as Yvonne said “no, please, not my girls “


“What are your names?”


“I’m Gail,” the older girl said, “and this is Suzie. Who are you?”


“My name is Hell,” the young man said, “and as I was saying to your mother, I need to tie anyone who is in the house up while I rob you.”


“Please, don’t tie them up,” Janice said, “they won’t raise the alarm.”


“EVERYONE!” He only raised his voice slightly, but as he looked at Gail and Suzie he thought of Kerry. He then stood up and knelt in front of the girls. “Look I need to do this, but it is to make sure I can get away today. Just stay calm, do as I say, and you’ll be all right. Got it?”


Both of them slowly nodded as he said “good go and be with your mother and grandmother, they can hug you.” Gail and Suzie walked over and let Yvonne and Janice hug them, as he opened the bag and took out some lengths of rope.


“We’ll start with you two put your hands behind your back.”


“Does it hurt?”


“Not the way I do it,” he said to Gail as he took her wrists behind her ack, and then tied them tightly together with the first length of rope. He then passed a length of rope round her body in a double figure of eight and tied her arms against her sides.


“You really have to do this,” Suzie said quietly as he started to tie her wrists behind her back.


“Yes, I do don’t worry, you will still be able to talk to your gran and mother for a while,” he said as he tied the ropes round her arms, and then stood up. Sit in the armchairs and push yourselves back.”


Janice and Yvonne watched as they did this, and then as Hell took more ropes, and tied their ankles together, as well as their legs below their knees. They both squirmed round as he looked at them, and then looked at the adults.


“Your handbags, purses, phones, jewellery give them to me now.”


Both women slowly removed their watches, earrings and other jewellery, and then placed them in the sack Hell was holding before they handed over their phones and their handbags.


“Is this everything?”


“Yes,” Janice said as he took more ropes from the bag and walked behind her.


“Good hands behind your back.” The girls and Yvonne watched as he crossed and bound her wrists tightly together behind her back, and then wound a longer rope round her body, her top stretched over her chest by the two bands as her arms were forced against her sides.


She then watched as he knelt in front of her and crossed her ankles, securing them tightly together and then her legs below her knees before he stood up.


“Right come with me,” he said as he looked at Yvonne, the mother slowly standing up as Janice looked at her granddaughters.


“Will you at least turn the television on, let us watch something if we are going to be like this?”


Hell nodded as he turned on the television, and then took Yvonne by the arm as he walked into the hallway and pulled the internet box from the wall.


“Why did you do that?”


“VOP phone now nobody can call you,” her said quietly as he made her walk up the stairs. “Which one is the master bedroom?”


“That door there.” Yvonne indicated a door and watched as he opened it, and then walked her in before he made her sit on the edge of the bed.


“Now, make it easy on yourself where do I look first?”





Yvonne looked round as she came back into the front room, her wrists now bound behind her back and the bands of rope forcing her arms against her sides. She sat next to Janice as Hell let the bag drop to the floor, the rattling sound making the girls giggle, and then he started to bind their mother’s ankles and legs together.


“I need to go to the toilet. Mum.”


Hell finished binding Yvonne’s legs, and then went over to Gail, removing the rope from round her legs as he helped her to stand up and then jump out of the room. When he came back, he re-tied her legs and left the room.


“Gail, did he “


“No Mum he pulled my pants down, let me do the toilet, and then pulled them back up. That’s all.”


Yvonne let out a sigh as he came back with two juice cartons, each with a straw in them and let the two girls have a drink.


“Why are you doing this,” Suzie asked quietly, “and is your name really Hell?”


“Not really, no” the masked man said as he sat in a spare chair. “Look, I’m homeless, no way to support myself -life for me at the moment is quite literally Hell, so I took that name.”


“So, you tie us up because you have no other way?”


“No so thank you for not calling for help or struggling.” He stood up and checked the ropes on each of them, before he sat back down and said, “it won’t be long until it is dark I will leave then.”





As he turned the room light on, Hell said “I need to make sure none of you can raise the alarm. Just keep calm, and breath through your nose, all right?”


“All right,” Janice said, “me first so they know there is nothing to fear.” Hell stood up and took a roll of duct tape from his bag, tearing several strips off and pressing them over Janice’s mouth as the others watched.




Hthshslrht,” Janice mumbled as her lips moved under the tape, and she watched as he gagged Yvonne in the same way and then used single long strips of tape to keep Gail and Suzie silent. They both nodded and said “fhnkuh” as he put the tape in the bag and picked it up.


Fhnnkuh” Yvonne said as he left them in the chairs, looking at each other as he saw the eyes of her daughters slowly start to close






“Good stuff this,” the man said as they stood in the back office.


“I was told you’d give a good price I’ve kept the money and cut up the credit cards.”


“Wise move,” the man said, “they are traceable, money is not. So I will see you again?”


“I think so,” he said quietly as he watched the man count out the money, and then took it.


“I’m always a phone call away.”


“Thanks.” He said as he left and walked out of the shop, and then onto the high street. Heading to the station, he retrieved his second bag and put the first one in, and then walked to the Travelodge across the road.


Thirty minutes later, he stepped out of the shower and put on a t-shirt and shorts before he looked at his phone and pressed on the contact.




“Mum it’s me.”


“Thank the lord is everything all right?”


“No problems I didn’t hurt anyone except to tie them up and keep them quiet with tape, but I got enough to keep me going for a couple of weeks. How’s Kerry?”


“Asleep I’m glad it wasn’t too bad for you and them. Call me tomorrow, all right?”


“Of course, Mum,” he said as he ended the call, and then lay down






“Janice? Are you and Yvonne still here?”


Yvonne recognised her father’s voice as she called out “HNHNHRRHDHD!”


She watched as her father walked in, and saw the two women struggling in the ropes, and his granddaughters, bound, gagged and asleep on the chairs. He ran over and peeled the tape from Janice’s mouth, waiting as she worked her jaw and said “call the police, and then get us free “







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