How to Rob a Special Party









David took a moment to admire himself in the mirror. His wife was away with her friend for the weekend, and that meant he, Steve and the kids could have an afternoon party the way they all wanted to have one. Their wives knew they were going to do this- and in their minds, so long as word did not get out of the house, hey were happy.


So he was ready, the blonde wig covering his own short cut red hair, the black jumper hugging his body and the red and black tartan skirt coming down to her knees. Black tights and knee length black leather boots with a low heel completed the ensemble.


“Perfect,” he said to himself as he left the bedroom and knocked on a door. “Are you two ready yet,” he said with a smile.


“Be there in a minute, Dad,” a young boy replied as David made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where his thirteen-year-old son was making a drink. Dave was wearing a black jumper as well, with a black leather skirt, dark hose and black suede ankle boots, a long black wig on his head.


“Looking good, son,” David said with a smile.


“Feeling good,” Dave replied as they both heard the footsteps on the stairs, and his younger brothers came in. Tommy was nine, and was wearing a blue checked dress with short, puffed sleeves and a white Peter Pan collar, as well as white tights and flat white shoes. Six year old Andy was wearing a long red short sleeved dress with a grey pattern on the material, a white front which had a green ribbon design, and no shoes or socks.


“Can we have a drink please, Dad,” Andy asked.


“Of course you can,” Dave said as he poured two glasses of squash and handed one to each of them. “Go into the front room, and take care you don’t spill any on your dresses I’ll bring some snacks through once the others get here.”


The two younger boys nodded as they left the room, and David shook his head only to turn as he heard the front doorbell ring. “They’re early,” he said as he looked at his watch, “I’ll go and let them in.”


“Okay Dad,” Dave said as he walked to the front door, checking his reflection in the mirror, and ten opened it as she said “I wasn’t expecting you for at least another hour or so Steve.”


“Steve? I’m not Steve. Are you Steve Ernie?”


“No I’m not Bert but you are going to let us in, aren’t you?”


David slowly nodded as he packed up, raising his hands in the air as he stared at the gun one of the men were holding in his gloved hand. Both were wearing dark clothing, and the second man was carrying a large canvas bag - and both had stockings pulled down over their faces as a disguise.


“Well, what do we call you,” the second man said as he closed the door.


“David “


“Well David, I’m Bert, this is Ernie and today, you are going to be our Damsel in Distress?”


“Oh god no the kids “


“Don’t worry,” Ernie said with a smile, “kids are our speciality. Where are they?”


“Front.. Front room and And kitchen.”


“Kitchen first I think after you.”


David slowly nodded as he turned round and walked to the kitchen, as the new arrivals heard Dave say “is that them Dad?”


“No - not quite “


Dave looked over, and then stopped as the two masked men followed their father in.


“Well now we are having a family day, aren’t we? What’s your name son?”


“Dave “


“Well Dave,” Ernie said as Bert put the bag down, opened it and took out a length of rope, then went behind David and pulled his hands down behind his back while Ernie picked the bag up, “you and I are going to talk to the rest of your family. Come along now “


“Dad “


“Do as he says nobody is to get hurt,” David said, Dave nodding as Ernie walked with him to the front room Tommy and Andy looking up and then gasping as Ernie said “well now a real girl’s day in. What do I call you kids?”


“You call them Tommy and Andy- please don’t hurt them “


“I’m not going to touch them,” Ernie said as he put the bag down and opened it, then gave Dave two lengths of rope, “you, on the other hand, are going to tie them up. Start by making sure their hands stay behind their backs.”


“Dave “


“Don’t be afraid, I am not going to hurt you,” Dave said as he walked over and went behind Tommy, Andy watching as he took his brother’s hands behind his back and then used one of the lengths of cord to secure his wrists together. “There is another man in the house, with Dad, and he wants us to do whatever they say, all right?”


“Does it hurt you, Tommy,” Andy said quietly. His brother shook his head as Dave tied the ends off, Ernie nodding in approval, before he went behind Andy. The youngest son stared straight ahead as he felt his wrists being bound together.


“That’s good,” Ernie said, “are you a Girl Guide?”


“No I’m a Scout,” Dave said with more than a hint of anger in his voice.


“Sorry my little joke. Right kids sit on the couch, because your bother is going to do the same to your ankles now.”


Tommy and Andy pushed themselves back on the couch and watched as Dave knelt in front of them, and then used two more lengths of cord to tie their ankles together. As he did so, they saw the second masked man come in with their father, his hands behind his back as well, but also with two bands of rope around his upper body, holding his arms firmly against his sides.


“Oh wow,” Tommy said, “is Dave going to do that to us as well?”


Please, don’t make me do that,” Dave said as he stood up, his brothers looking at the ropes round their ankles and hen the doorbell rang.”


“Go and invite them in,” Ernie said, David nodding as Dave slowly walked to the front door.


Hello Dave your dad thought you and Eric might appreciate some time on your own this afternoon, so he asked me to come and help with the younger kids.”


“Aunty Sheila you’d better come in.”


Dave stepped back and let the middle-aged visitor come in. Sheila was wearing a long-sleeved blue dress with a red, white and blue floral pattern, a wide belt fastened round her waist, and knee length black leather boots.


“So where’s your father,” Sheila asked as Dave closed the door.


“In the front room and I’m sorry Aunt Sheila “


“What have you got to be sorry abou Oh.”


She looked at the two masked men, then at Tommy and Andy as they sat on the couch, then at David before she said “robbery?”




Nodding, she said “okay it’s not my first time, so first things first. It’s okay to be a little afraid, but have they hurt you?”


They both shook their heads as Sheila smiled. “Good so today,” she said as she looked at the two masked men, “I’m the one keeping an eye on the youngsters. Agreed?”


“Aunt Sheila, they want Dave to put ropes round us like Daddy,” Andy said.


“And I don’t want to do it,” Dave said quietly.


“That’s okay I’ll do it. Give me the ropes and you two, shuffle forward a little bit.”


Tommy and Andy nodded as they shifted forward, Bert handing Sheila two longer ropes as she went behind the couch, and put one on the back before she doubled over the second and passed it round Tommy’s arms. “It will feel like a big hug,” she said quietly as she wrapped the rope round, forming two bands before she tied the ropes off behind him.


“Aunt Sheila’s right,” Tommy said as he twisted round, Andy nodding as he felt the ropes pulling his own arms against his sides. As Sheila tied the ropes off, they both pushed themselves back as she looked at Dave.


“Good job,” Ernie said as the doorbell rang again. “More guests?”


Dave slowly nodded as he made his way to the front door, and opened it to see a boy his age, a curly brown wig on his head, wearing a crimson hooded top over a white t-shirt, jeans and short black boots.


“Hey Dave,” he said as he came in, “dd’s just brining the others Dave. What’s wrong?”


“Eric Eric


“Is going to come in here,” Ernie said as he looked out of the room and showed the new arrival the gun, watching as he nodded and went into the front room. As Eric went in, his father came in holding the hands of his two other sons. The older man was wearing a long brown wig, which fell over the shoulders of his tight aqua blue jumper. A grey and black tartan pleated skirt and over the knee black riding boots completed his outfit.


Hey Dave what’s happening?”


“Hello Uncle Steve Johnny, Jimmy.”


Johnny was eight years old, and was wearing a yellow and black patterned dress with capped sleeves and a knee length skirt, as well as floppy black felt boots. Jimmy was seven, and was wearing a long-sleeved dress with a white top and pink and white panelled skirt, as well as brown details, with a pair of short black boots. Both of them also had a black ribbon in their hair.


“Are you all right son,” Steve said quietly.


“You You’d better come in the front room,” Dave said, the three of them going in as Steve said “what the “


“Steve,” David said, “I’m afraid you’ve walked into a robbery.”


“So I see “


“I’m Ernie,” one of the masked men said as the second one made sure Dave’s wrists were secured together behind his back, Eric twisting his own bound wrists round, “and this is Bert. Everyone stays calm, nobody gets hurt.”




“I’m going to make sure the kids stay unharmed, no matter what happens,” Sheila said quietly. “Jimmy, Johnny, have a look at what has happened to Tommy and Andy.”


“It’s all right boys, go over,” Jack said quietly as they let go of his hands and walked over.


“Cor what does it feel like,” Steve said as Tommy wriggled round, a band of rope now holding his legs together above his knees over the skirt of his dress.


“It’s all right “


Sheila smiled as she said “I have been told I have to do the same to both of you, so stand sill, and let me take your hands behind your backs as well.”




“it’ll be all right,” Johnny said as Sheila made both boys had their wrists snugly tied together behind their backs, and then tied the longer ropes around their arms and upper bodies before they sat with Andy and Tommy. At the same time, Bert made sure both Eric and Dave had their arms secured against their sides, while Ernie took care of Steve. The two fathers looked at their sons as David said “so what happens now?”


“I want you to put the early game on for the boys to watch,” Steve said, all four of them nodding as Sheila secured the ankles and legs of Jimmy and Johnny, “and then maybe they can watch a film?”


“Where will you be dad,” Andy asked as he looked over.


“Nearby I hope,” he said quietly.


“All right -now tie me up,” Sheila said, Eric and Dave watching as Bert made sure she was as tightly secured in an armchair as their four younger brothers. Ernie turned on the television and found the correct channel, before he said “you know we have to make sure you cannot call for help?”


“I know - take care of me first,” Sheila said, Bert nodding as he took from the bag a roll of white tape, peeling a length off before he pressed it firmly down over her mouth. She looked over and nodded as one by one Tommy, Andy, Johnny and Jimmy had a length of the tape pressed down over their mouths and chins.


Jhssthwshsthmhsh,” Sheila said, the boys nodding as Ernie picked up the canvas bag.


“Let’s go upstairs,” he said quietly as Bert nodded, the four of them walking out with the intruders as Johnny let out a muffled cheer.


“Are they going to be all right,” Eric said as he walked with Dave.


“I I think so,” Dave said quietly, “but what are they going to do with us?”


“Which one is your bedroom,” Bert said, Dave nodding towards one door as Ernie said “make them comfortable David, take me to your bedroom.”


“In you go,” Bert said as he opened the door, Eric and Dave walking in and looking at the football posters on the wall.


“If we are going to have to stay in here,” Dave said quietly, “will you put the radio on please?”


“Of course both of you lie face down on the bed,” Bert said as he walked to the music centre, Dave nodding as he and eric sat on opposite sides of the bed, then lay down and rolled over.


Eric felt the masked man put his ankles together, and then the rope as his ankles were bound in the same way as his wrists and then his legs were secured together below his knees. Bert then went to the other side of the bed as Dave looked back, and secured his ankles and legs in the same way, before he said “right roll onto your backs for a minute.”


As the two boys rolled over, they saw the roll of white tape in Bert’s hand, and then they looked at each other as before the tape was pressed down over their own mouths, muffling any noises they were making as they wriggled on the bed.


“Now say right there,” Bert said with a smile, “because if I catch you trying to move, I’ll make sure you really can’t. Nod if you understand.”


Eric and Dave looked at each other and nodded as Bert left the room, closing the door before they both started struggling...






“They seem suitably scared,” Bert said as he looked from the corridor at Ernie.


“Good go and keep an eye on the others downstairs for a few minutes, will you? I need to finish things off in here.”


“Sure,” Bert said as he walked down the stairs, and looked in the front room - to see the four boys jumping up and down and making muffled calls as they did so.


Chhlshhejhstschrhd,” Sheila mumbled as she looked over.


“I see right, be careful not to get too over excited,” he said quietly.


Hmmwhshshnthm,” Sheila said as he made his way to another room, and said one word.


“Damn “




The two masked men looked in the room again and saw the game had come to an end, the boys now sitting down again with their eyes closed as Sheila looked over.


“Are they all right?”


She nodded as Ernie said “okay then let me put something on for you,” walking to the set and finding a channel showing Roger Moore as The Saint.


Hprrhcfchth, fhnnkkuh,” Sheila mumbled as the two masked men made their way out. Upstairs, Eric and Dave were looking at each other as they heard the front door open and close.




Dave lay still, listening for a moment, and then nodded as she squirmed on the bed and then managed to get himself into a sitting position on the side. He looked back over at Eric, and said “Chnnughthhphswhl?”


Hchhnthrhh,” he said as he struggled for a few minutes, and then managed to get into a seated position as Dave pushed himself up, and then jumped over to the doorway, turning and looking over his shoulder as he tried to open the door.


Whhthrruhdhnhhn,” Eric said as he slowly jumped over.


Thrhrhnhthfhnnddhrdhhs,” he mumbled, his lips moving under the tape before her grunted and the door swung open. The two boys looked at each other, and then moved into the hallway, taking a moment to steady themselves before they jumped towards Dave’s parent’s bedroom.


Dhddd? Hrruhhnthhrrhhh?”


Dave managed to open the bedroom door as he jumped in, Eric following to see David and Steve sat back-to-back on the bedroom floor. Bands of rope were holding their upper bodies together, and they could see the bands of rope that were holding their ankles together, as well as their legs below their knees. White tape was covering their mouths, as David looked over and mumbled “hwwdhdhghththn?”


Whjhmmphhddd,” Dave said as Steve looked at Eric. “Chnhuhghdhhnththhfhrs,” he asked, his son nodding as he turned himself round and jumped out of the room, Dave dropping to his knees next to his father as he tried to reach the tape over his mouth.




Sheila looked to the doorway as she heard the thumping sound on the stairs, and looked over to see Eric jumping in.


Hrrththlrhhtt,” the young boy said as he looked at the four sleeping captives.


hrrfhfhnn uhrfhfhfhrs?”


Hpshthrrsss,” Eric said as he jumped over and sat in an armchair. “Swwhdhdwhdhknh?”


Hppphhpphnthhdhhes .








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