Jay and the Jacksons









The plain grey transit van was heading out along the M40, as one of the passengers in the back said, “so who exactly are we going to visit today?”


“Robert Jackson,” the driver said in a soft North of England accent. “He’s a senior trader in the city, but I happen to know this weekend he and his family are in their country cottage on the outskirts of Coventry. Hence our early departure.”


“So standard operating procedures are in place?”


“Indeed get there, ensure we have their full cooperation and are in control, then later two of you will take Robert into the city while we make sure his family stay nice and comfortably secure.”


“How many children?”


“Three one is an older teenager, so he may be a small problem, but I am sure the other two will not be a problem.”


“Ach nay,” a woman said quietly, “leave them tae me “









Julius Jackson looked to the doorway and shook his head as he put his pen down. The fifteen-year-old boy had short brown hair and was wearing a blue hoodie with grey jogging pants, black socks and white trainers. He still had a lot of his homework to finish, and his mother and father knew that.


Sighing, he put the pen down and checked his watch. He then stood up and walked to the door, looking in the hallway to see his mother standing there. Caroline Jackson was in her mid-forties, a hint of grey appearing in her long blonde hair, and she was wearing a cap sleeved red checked blouse which was open at the neck, a pair of jeans and black trainers.


“Yes Mum,” Julius said as he stood and looked at her.


“Your father and I are heading out for a walk,” Caroline said as Robert Jackson came down the stairs. He was fifty years old, and in his white short sleeved shirt, jeans and brown shoes he was totally relaxed.


“Well, I have my work to finish “


“I know but the chances are Max and Alicia will be back before we are,” he said with a smile, “so just keep an eye out for them and let them watch some television when they get back.”


“How long will you be?”


“Couple of hours,” Caroline said as she opened the front door. “Anyway, you can get back to your work now.”


“Have fun,” he said as he watched them walk off, and then went back to the table, sitting down and focusing again on the War of the Roses. It seemed as if no time at all had passed before he heard the knock on the front door and went to see if it was his brother or his sister who had come home first.


“All right, I have work to finish,” Julius said as he opened the door.


“Well, I regret to say son, that may have to wait.”


Julius did not recognise the Geordie accent, but the sight of the six people outside the door, all wearing blue boilersuits, black balaclava masks and black leather gloves, meant he knew something was going to happen, as he slowly backed up and raised his hands in the air, saying “please, don’t hurt me “


“Do as I say, Julius, and you’ll be fine.”


“How How do you know my name?”


“We always learn all we can of the families we visit,” the masked man said with a smile, as the door was closed. “Now, we’re going to be here for some time, so turn round and put your hands behind your back.”


Julius slowly turned as one of the masked men put the bag he was carrying down, took out a length of white rope, and crossed the young boy’s wrists behind his back before he secured them tightly together.


“Who are you? What do you want?”


“A business transaction with your father,” the man said as Julius felt the rope rubbing on his wrist, above his watch strap. He was then turned round before a length of silver tape was pressed down over his mouth.


“Gentlemen, secure the house and disable all communications. Mrs McPhee check the bedrooms.”


“Aye, Jay,” the masked woman said as she went up the stairs, the man who was speaking taking Julius by the arm and walking him into the front room.


“Sit down, son, get comfortable.”


He could only sit and watch as the other masked man knelt down with more ropes and secured his ankles and legs together. Ten minutes, and he was bound, gagged, captive and he still did not quit know what was happening. All he knew was his brother and sister would be home soon




“Thanks Dave,” Max Jackson said as he got out of the car and closed the door, watching as it set off. The twelve-year-old boy had short ginger hair, and was wearing a round necked long sleeved top, grey on one side and with grey and white stripes on the other, as well as jeans and a pair of white trainers. He had been to a lunchtime showing at the local cinema, and now as looking forward to a quiet evening at home. Looking at his wristwatch, he walked to the front door.


As he went in and closed the door, he called out “Julius? Anyone else home?” When there was no reply, he walked into the front room, and saw his older brother sitting on the couch, bound and gagged with silver tape.


“What the “


“Ye mus be Max. Mah name is Mrs McPhee.”


He slowly turned his head to see the woman standing there, a black balaclava covering her head so only her eyes and mouth were visible.


“What What’s going on?”


“Mah friend Jay needs tae hae a wee word wi yer father,” she said in a Scottish accent which somehow was calming Max down, his fear subsiding. “Ahn tha meahns ye and yer family need tae be nice ahn quiet fer a while.”


Julius nodded as the masked woman walked Max over to the couch and helped him to sit next to his brother. He watched as Mrs McPhee took some white ropes and first bound Max’s wrists together in front of him.




“Jhsddhwhtshshss,” Julius mumbled, “hkhhpchlhm.” He then watched as the masked woman crossed and bound Max’s ankles together, and secured his legs together below his knees, before tying his wrists to that band of rope.


“Noo purhss yer lihps.”


“Hllthluhlhethrrr,” Julius said as Max felt the silver tape tugging on the skin round his mouth.




“Whtthhphhnnhd hnnhhh “


Both boys looked to the door as they heard the front door open and close, and their sister walked into the room. Alicia Jackson was thirteen years old, and her long blonde hair was falling over the shoulders of her denim jacket. The sleeves of the jacket were rolled up to her elbows, and she had under it a white boho top and white denim shorts, while she was wearing a pair of tan leather riding boots on her lower legs.


She saw Julius and Max on the couch, and then put her hands to her cheeks before she let out a loud scream of “HELP!!!!!!” They could see the white wrist strap of her watch on her left wrist and then saw Mrs McPhee walked behind her and put a gloved hand over her mouth as she held her.


Alicia struggled and continued to try to scream as Julius looked at her and said “chnnhtthlhhshe chlmdhn.”


“Listen tae yer brother lassie ah’m no gonna hurt ye, but ye need tae calm duhn.”


Alicia’s eyes were wide as Julus slowly nodded his head. She was trying to pull the gloved hand away from her mouth, but the woman just kept talking calmly before both boys could see her visibly relax.


“Hwddhshdhtht,” Max asked, but Julius was watching as the gloved hand was removed from her sister’s mouth.


“Fahnk ye lassie noo go ahn sit wi yer bruffers. We need tae make sure none o ye cahn warn yer parents.”


“What’s going on Julius,” Alicia said quietly as she sat down, Mrs McPhee taking more rope and lashing her wrists together, the bands of rope sitting above her watch strap.


“Rhhbhrrrhfhnk,” Julius mumbled as he looked at the time on her watch. His parents should be home soon, and what were they going to say?”


“A robbery?” Max nodded as Alicia heard a squeaking sound, and realized the masked woman was binding her ankles together. “Who are you?”


“Ah’m Mrs McPhee, ahn this is ma friend Jay,” she said as she tied the rope off, and started to bind Alicia’s legs together above her boots. All three of them saw the masked man walk in, as he smiled and said in a Geordie accent “that’s good. Just sit nice and quietly, and I’ll explain when your parents get back what is going to happen.”


“Lips togefer, lass.”


Alicia saw her wrists were now tied to her legs, and then as she pursed her lips, she felt the tape which was pressed down firmly over her mouth. She had been scared half to death, but now as she wriggled round, she looked at Julius and said “Huhhhlrhtt?”


“Hllchp,” he said “fhrhhlhfhs .”




Julius looked at her and said “Hmmshnnnn “ He could see both his brother and his sister trying to move their wrists as their watches span round, and wished he could say more


As he watched them, and the masked intruders as they went to and fro, Julius tried once again to find some give in the ropes holding his wrists together, but it was no good. He saw Alicia and Max twisting their wrists and legs, but they seemed to be treating it more as a game than anything.


Then there was that woman Mrs McPhee. Somehow she made them happy, but he was also having some strange feelings of his own, which he tried to hide as well




“We’re back.”


As Caroline closed the front door, Robert looked round.


“It’s very quiet what do you think’s happened?”


“Maybe they are just doing their homework,” Caroline said as she kissed her husband on the cheek and walked into the front room.




As he ran into the room, Robert could see Julius sitting there, his hands behind his back, as well as Max and Alicia with their wrists tied together in front of them and then to the rope round their legs. Julius as also bound there, as well as each of them having their ankles tied, and silver tape covered their mouths.


There were four other people in the room all wearing blue boiler suits, and black masks as well as gloves. One of them was holding Caroline by the arm, as Robert said “what is going on here “


“Hello Robert.”


The soft Geordie accent made Robert turn round to see two more masked men, as he whispered “oh no Jay Edwards?”


“Jay Edwards? Robert, is this really him?”


“In the flesh, as they say Caroline don’t worry, your children have been exemplary hosts. Have they not Mrs McPhee?”


“Aye, they’ve ben guid kids,” the masked woman said as she took more ropes from a bag, and the man turned Caroline round. Julius watched as Mrs McPhee bound his mother’s wrists tightly together behind her back, before Jay took a length of rope and did the same to Robert.


“Are you three all right,” she said quietly as she felt the rope tighten round her own ankles.


“Whrrfhhnmhm,” Julius said, trying to be brave as the other two nodded.


“What are you going to do next,” Robert asked as he sat on the other armchair, watching as one of the masked men started to bind his ankles and legs.


“I will explain later for now, Robert, remember we are with your family. Once we have you nice and quiet, Mrs McPhee will stay with you while you watch some television.”


Julius was trying not to watch as his mother had her legs bound together below her knees it made him feel strange to see this but as he looked at Max, he saw he was staring in that direction as well. He nudged him with his elbow and shook his head, as Alicia giggled under her tape gag.


Both Caroline and Robert soon had the silver tape over their mouths as well, before the television was turned on, and they watched the football results as they came in



To Julius, it was as if time itself was crawling to a halt. He could see the watches of his brother and sister, but the hands barely seemed to move. Tim had his eyes closed and seemed to be asleep, but Alicia was watching her mother and father as they twisted in the chairs, trying to get free despite the two masked men who were in the room with them.


Mrs McPhee had explained they would all eat together, and then their father would go and do something for Mr Edwards but it was what she said about the rest of them, how they would be allowed to change for bed, and then be tied and gagged again much more strictly than this. She almost made it sound exciting and not as scary as she thought it might be.


Caroline looked at her children and could not believe how calm they all were even more so than her and Robert, as she could see when she looked at him. She had heard of Jay Edwards who had not in their line of work but to see him and Mrs McPhee working up close with them and her three children


“Cum wi me,” the masked woman said as she knelt down and untied Caroline’s legs.




Mrs McPhee looked at the others as she said “ye mus be getting hungry? Wehl, we’ll cook sumfihn up.”




Mrs McPhee looked at Alicia, and then nodded as she helped Caroline to stand up, and then untied the young girl’s wrists from her legs before she pushed herself forward and stood up. She then jumped in front of the two women as they walked out of the room, and then to the kitchen.


“Hae a seat,” Mrs McPhee said as she pulled a seat from the table, and then as Alicia sat down, she rebound her wrists to her legs. She then removed the ropes from Caroline, allowing her to rub her wrists before she removed the tape from er mouth.


“Please,” she said quietly, “let my daughter talk as well.”


“Ye’re no gonnae call fer help, are ye?”


Alison shook her head as the masked women peeled the silver tape away from her mouth, and then said, “can I have some water?”


“Aye,” Mrs McPhee said as she went to the sink, Caroline kneeling in front of Alicia and saying “are you all right” as she stroked her hair from her head.


“I’m fine Mum it’s not that bad,” she said with a smile before Mrs McPhee brought a glass of water over and let her have a drink before she put the glass on the table.


“Tha’s a nice watch,” she said as she smiled.


“This? We get one for our birthday every year,” Alicia said as she looked at the white strap and the Minnie Mouse face.


“Very nice, lassie noo then, Caroline, wha shall we cook fer yer strapping sons ahn husband?”


“What’s going to happen to us after we eat?”


“Ahl in guid time “





Robert looked round the table as Caroline put the plate in front of him, and then as she took her seat she said, “let’s all hold hands and pray.”


As they took each other’s hands, he closed his eyes and said “lord, thank you for this food, and thank you we are not harmed today. Please help us to be strong in whatever else may happen and bless us as a family as well as this food.”


“Amen,” they all said as Jay and Mrs McPhee watched. The other gang members were watching or standing guard, as Max said, “thanks Mum I’m starving.”


“You haven’t done much,” Julius said as he nudged his brother.


“Yeah who thought being tied and gagged would make you so hungry,” Max said with a grin as his older brother shook his head.


“How do you do it?”


“Do what,” Jay said as he looked at Robert.


“Keep us- them so calm? We should be petrified, you’re a gang of armed invaders, and you’re holding my family hostage to force to steal from my company, and yet “


“It’s a gift,” Jay said with a smile. “Enjoy your dinner- we can allow you to have some family time after that, under guard, but then we have to be about our business.”


The Jacksons looked at each other, before Julius said, “so we are going to be tied up again?”


“Aye,” Mrs McPhee said, “nice ahn tight, but dinnae worry it hasnae been a problem so far, has it?”


The kids all shook their heads as Caroline said, “the same way for all of us?”


“Yes,” Jay said, “so eat up, and then we take things from there.”


“Don’t worry about it for now,” Robert said quietly, “we can face this, all right?”


“Yes Daddy, we can,” Alicia said with a smile.




“You understand what you need to do?”


“Yes Jay,” the masked man said as he accepted the USB stick from his leader.


“Good check in every hour,” Jay said as he looked in the room. “It’s time Robert do as he says, and your family will only have an interesting night.”


Robert nodded as he stood up and hugged each member of his family before saying “I love you all and we’ll talk through what has happened tomorrow.”


“Just do what he says Dad,” Julius said, “we want to see you tomorrow as well.” Robert nodded as he went out of the room and left with two of the masked men.


“Noo,” Mrs McPhee said, “we need tae get ye ahl ready. Caroline, why don’t you and wee Alicia come wi me first?”




“Don’t worry we’re not going to be hurt,” Caroline said as she and Alicia stood up and watched Mrs McPhee pick a bag out of the larger canvas one, and then they headed up the stairs.




“Yeah Max?”


“When you were tied up earlier,” Max whispered, “how did it really feel?”


“What do you mean?”


Max blushed as he said “well, not being able to move, and seeing Mum like that “


Julius nodded as he said, “I get what you mean we can talk about it tomorrow, all right?”




“Because I may have felt the same things and who knows what is going to happen now “





“Tha’s cute,” Mrs McPhee said as Alicia came out of her bedroom. Sher was now wearing a purple onesie with a hood, the design of the word “LIFE” and white markings printed on it.


“Thanks,” Alicia said as she looked at her watch.


“Dae ye wahn tae keep that on?”


Alicia nodded as Caroline came out of her bedroom. Her mother was wearing a short-sleeved lilac silk nightdress, with lace trim on the sleeves, which came down to her knees. She hugged Alicia, as she saw the masked woman taking ropes out of the bag.


“Do me first -t hen Alicia knows what is going to happen?”


“Richt turn ahn put yer hahns behind yer back.”


Alicia watched as her mother turned to face her and out her hands behind her back, before Mrs McPhee took the first length of rope and secured her crossed wrists tightly together, cinching the binding by taking it between her arms before she tied the ends off.


“That’s as tight as before,” Caroline said as she smiled at Alicia - and then let out a gasp as the rope was passed round her body and pulled tight under her chest. He daughter watched her eyes widening as Mrs McPhee took the rope round several times, above and below her mother’s chest, and then secured the ends behind her back before she passed it under one arm, up and around the back of Caroline’s neck, and then under the other arm before finally tying the ends off.


“Thee noo nice ahn snug as ah bug,” Mrs McPhee said as she looked at Alicia.


“Mummy “


Caroline looked down at her body, and then said “it’s not as bad as you think, Alicia. Are you ready?”


“I I think so Mummy “


“Mrs McPhee smiled as she walked behind Alicia, with more ropes in her gloved hands, and then gently took the young girl’s arms behind herb back, crossing her wrists and then securing them firmly together. “That’s different,” the thirteen-year-old said quietly, as she flet the bands tightening and then she saw the rope going over her head and bit her lower lip as the rope was pulled tightly round her own body.


Caroline watched as Mrs McPhee secured her daughter’s arms to her sides, glad she was wearing her onesie she knew how the ropes felt to her, and as the ropes tightened she suddenly realized Alicia was growing up as well from the way the bands framed her chest and then was tightened by the rope going round the back of her neck, under her hood.


“That’s tight,” Alicia finally said as she twisted round, flexing her fingers as Caroline nodded.


“Noo doonstairs,” Mrs McPhee said, “ahn Jay will bring the boys uhp.”









Both Julius and Max stared at their mother and sister as they walked in and sat on the couch as Jay smiled.


“Your turn now boys come with me,” he said as he selected another bag, the two boys slowly standing up and walking out of the room as Alicia pout her head on her mother’s chest.


“Are you going to be all right?”


“I think so Mum but it feels so different. Why?”


“Tell you later much later “






“Get changed boys, and then come back out,” Jay said as the two boys looked at each other, and then went into their bedrooms, leaving the doors open as Jay took a mobile phone from his pocket.


“This is Jay Edwards.


“Excellent and he is not giving you any problems?


“Good, good proceed and contact me again in another hour.”


As he put the phone away, eh saw Max coming out of his room, now wearing a pair of blue pyjamas with a print of vehicles of various colours on them and the brown wrist strap round his left wrist.


“You’re not going to take this, are you,” he said as he rubbed his hand on the strap.


“Of course not but we need to secure your wrists and arms now. Stand in front of me and put your hands behind your back.”


Max nodded as he stood there and felt the rope rubbing on his wrists, they were secured tightly together. He then saw Julius coming out of his bedroom, his older brother now wearing a short sleeved blue top and grey striped shorts.


“It is different isn’t it,” he said, Max nodding as he felt the rope going round his stomach and then pulled tight. Julius watched as his younger brother had his arms forced against his sides with bands round his stomach and his upper arms, and then the rope going under one arm, up and around the back of his neck, and under the other arm.


“Ju, this feels “


“I can imagine is it my turn now?”


“It is young man swap places please.”


As Max and Julius passed, they looked at each other as Julius felt the rope round his own wrists.


“You are keeping your watch on as well?”


“Of course - we all do,” Julius said as the rope went between his wrists, “but did you take Mum’s gold one?”


“No something told me and Mrs McPhee she would prefer to keep it, and your father is doing more than enough for us,” Jay said as he passed the rope round Julius and pulled it tight. He bit his lower lip as he felt the ropes forcing his arms against his sides, trying not to thing of how else this was making him feel and then he looked at Max.


“You as well?”


“I think so,” Max said as he blushed, and then he felt the ropes getting tighter and tighter especially when Jay took the ropes under his arms and round the back of his neck.


He looked at the white bands round his chest, and nodded as he felt the masked man tying the ends off.


“Come on you can join the others,” Jay said as they walked back down the stairs, Caroline looking at them as they came back into the front room and sat down.


“Well, we are all the same,” she said as Max looked at Alicia, and then looked away again. “Max? Is everything all right?”


Max just nodded as Mrs McPhee looked at the clock, and then turned the television on so that they could watch a film





“It’s time,” Jay said as the film finished.


“Time for what,” Caroline said quietly.


“TO make sure you all have a good night’s sleep come up stairs with me,” he said as Mrs McPhee collected more rope and a second bag, the Jacksons looking at each other before they stood up and walked up the stairs with them. Mrs McPhee opened Alicia’s bedroom door, and said “in yeh go lassie, ahn sit ohn the bed.”


Caroline, Max and Julius walked slowly in, stranding with Jay as Alicia sat on the edge of the bed, and Mrs McPhee knelt down. They watched as she crossed and bound Alicia’s ankles tightly together, taking the rope between her legs as well, and then used a second length to secure her legs together below her knees.


“Noo then,” she said, “we need tae make sure yeh stay really quiet. So ah’m gonna put something in your mouth, and then roond yer head. Keep cahlm, breath thru yer nose. Ready?”


Alicia nodded as Mrs McPhee opened the second bag and took out a small sponge ball. Compressing it in her gloved hand, she said “open wide mah wee ahngel.” As they others watched, she pushed the sponge into the young girl’s mouth, and then took a knotted strip of towelling and tied it round her head, the knot sitting between her lips and keeping the sponge in her mouth.


“Are you all right, Alicia,” Caroline said, Alicia looking over and nodding as she closed her lips together, and Mrs McPhee put her had up over her head to cover her blonde hair. She then took from the bag a wide roll of white tape and wrapped it tightly round her head as Max and Julius watched.


Tearing it free and patting it down, Mrs McPhee then took a roll of silver tape and wrapped it round Alicia’s head as well, before she finally folded a black scarf and tied it round her head covering the layers of the gag. Finally, she helped Alicia to lie on her side and walked round, pulling her ankles back and securing them to her chest ropes with one more length of rope.


“Are ye okay lassie,” she said as she looked at Alicia, the young girl nodding as Max tried to fight the feeling she was starting to have. He looked at Julius, who looked at him before Mrs McPhee said “Ah’ll stay a while - you tahk the young gentlemen tae their rooms Jay.”


“Shall we,” Jay said as he opened the door, the three of them walking out before they went into Max’s bedroom. He sat down on the bed, watching as Jay crossed his ankles and started to bind them together as well.


“Mum?” Caroline looked at Julius and said quietly “yes?”


“Mum is it wrong that this happening to us has me excited?”


“In what way?”


Julius blushed as Jay started to bind Max’s legs together below his knees, and then said “in a different way “


“Penny for them,” Jay said quietly as he took the rope between Max’s legs.


“For what?”


“What you’re thinking, what you’re feeling,” Jay said as he pulled the ropes tighter. Max looked down and then blushed as Jay winked.


“It’s only natural but best not to let your family see once we are finished, I will turn the light off, and you can see how you feel then. Now, open wide.”


“Fhknuh,” Max said as he was gagged in the same way as his siter, controlling his breathing as layer upon layer was added to the gag. He then lay on his side, away from his brother and mother as they watched Jay pull his ankles back and secure them to his chest ropes.


“he’s going nowhere,” Jay said quietly as he turned the light off and escorted Julius and Caroline out of the bedroom, Max hearing the door close before he let out a muffled groan.


Jay then took them into Julius’ room, Caroline watching as her oldest son sat down and Jay started to bind his ankles and legs.


“You having the same thoughts as your brother?”


Julius looked over at his mother as she stood there, the silk of her nightdress stretched over her chest by the tight ropes, and then slowly nodded as he looked at Jay.


“It’s only natural just relax, and when I leave you alone, let your imagination run free. Now, open wide?”


“Hsthhthhrhk,” Julius said as he tried to move his fingers only feeling the strap of his watch as he was gaged in the same way.


Once Jay had hogtied him, he rolled over and looked at Caroline.


“Whllbhbhlrhttmhm,” he said as Mrs McPhee looked in.


“The wee yin’s ahsleep ah’ll take care of the mother,” she said as she took Caroline by the arm and walked her out of the room, Jay looking over and nodding as he turned the light off and closed the door. Julius started to shift round as the feelings he was having began to get stronger




“Your husband has done all we asked of him,” Jay said as he watched Mrs McPhee securing Caroline’s ankles and legs.


“So, what are you going to do now?”


“Secure you, gag you and then you can sleep?”


“I don’t think I can sleep.”


“You’ll be surprised,” Jay said with a smile as Caroline felt the sponge expand in her mouth, and the corners of her mouth as they were pulled back by the towelling strip.


The layers of gag were added before she was helped to lie down and her own ankles pulled back, her head resting on the pillows. She looked at Jay as he turned the light off, and the two intruders left closing the door as her eyelids slowly closed





The next thing sh eknew qas the sound of Robery saying “my god” and then his hands on her cheeks as sheopeend her eyes.




“Police are freeing them they haven’t hurt you?”


Caroline shook her head as the tears started to come








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