Jay’s Home Visit









As Yvonne Williamson came into the kitchen, she saw her husband Mark looking intently at a selection of photographs spread out over the table.


“How was your day,” he said as he looked up and kissed his wife, then stood up and went to put the kettle on.


“Long meeting after meeting. Your day off?”


“I got the chance to plan things out for the weekend,” Mark said as Yvonne sat down and looked at one of the photos. It showed a blonde-haired woman in a blue dress, standing with two ten-year-old boys who were wearing smart suits, with ties knotted under the collars of their shirts.


“Is this because of what Brian asked us to do yesterday,”, she said as Mark came back and handed her a mug of coffee.


“Yeah the poor woman has no idea she is being used in the way she is, so a visit will allow us to raise some funds, and at the same time set the wheels in motion to stop those who are exploiting her systems.”


Yvonne nodded slowly, before she said “hang on doesn’t she do some work for her?”


“She does I called her earlier and explained why we had been asked to do this. IT helps these days she has some interests in areas similar to Brian.”


“Well, at least we won’t need to worry about someone like Dominique calling,” Yvonne said. “So, when?”


“Saturday afternoon “




“Thank you,” Astrid Blunt said as she accepted the cup of coffee from her friend, “so I take it Billie is working this afternoon?”



“She is,” Wilma Dearing said, “that daughter of mine needs to take a break every so often. At least the twins are in their room, keeping out of her way.” Wilma had short grey hair, and was wearing a grey jacket over a white blouse, tan pants and grey shoes. Astrid had a white jacket on over a polka dot blouse, a matching scarf tied as a cravat round her neck with a brooch on the front, a long dark skirt and black shoes. She had dark brown hair, permed and greying at the tips.


“Still, at last she can work from home,” Astrid said before she took a sip from her cup.


“It isa bit cramped, but the spare bedroom made for a good office. After what happened when he left her, she needed the focus.” Wilma sipped from her own cup and put it down, before she said “what about you?”


“Oh the business is taking care of itself in fact, things are a bit boring at the moment.”


“And you do not like boring?”


“I do not like boring,” Astrid laughed as thew door opened and then she stared in that direction.”




“Forgive the interruption ladies we are here to have a little conversation with Billie Kay.”


The voice was soft, a North of England accent as Wilma turned her head round and saw the group of six people who had come in. They were all wearing blue boiler suits, black gloves and black balaclava masks five men, one woman, some of the men carrying bags and the men who had spoken with a very real pistol in his gloved hand.


“Who are you,” she said quietly.


“Of course forgive me,” the masked man said quietly, “I am Jay Edwards this is my good friend Mrs McPhee.”


Astrid blanched as she said “Jay Edwards? Oh no “


“I’ve heard of you,” Wilma said quietly, “but my daughter works from home “


“We are adaptable,” Jay said with a smile as one of the men put his bag down, opened the top and took out two lengths of white rope. “But I do need to make sure that both of you stay here for some time Mrs McPhee, will you take on of our friends, and make sure the boys are taken care of?”


“o cours,” the masked woman said with a Scottish accent as she nodded to one of the other men, both of them leaving as Astrid and Wilma had their hands taken behind their backs.


“I will talk to your daughter once we have you secure please remain calm,” Jay said, both women somehow staying calm as their wrists were secured together





Mrs McPhee listened at the door, and then nodded as she turned the door handle, both intruders walking in as they saw two boys sitting on a bed, playing a video game. Willand Sam Kay were ten years old, with short brown hair, Will looking through his glasses as his fingers moved over the controller. He was wearing a coloured striped sweater, jeans and brown trainers, while his twin brother Sam was wearing a checked shirt and jeans with the cuffs of the legs turned up, as well as a pair of white and coloured trainers.


“GOTCHA,” Sam said as he punched the air.


“Och wehl duhn laddie.”


Both boys then turned to see the two masked strangers, before Will said quietly “who are you?”“


“Yeh cahn call me Mrs McPhee,” the masked woman said, “haein fun?”


“Yes “


“Wehl,” Mrs McPhee said as the second man put a large canvas bag down and opened it, “ah heed tae tehl ye boff sumhfihn. Mah friend Jay is gonnae hae a wee bit o buhsiness tae dae wi yer mahm, ahn tha meahns we’ll be heer a while.”


“Are you robbers,” Jay finally said as Will looked at him.


“Aye does tha scare yeh?”


“A little.”


“Wehl, yehll be fine,” Mrs McPhee said as she looked at the boys, “although ah need tae mahk sure yeh boff stay here.”


“How,” Will said quietly.


“Ah’ll show yeh “






Billie Kay was looking at the monitors on her desk, typing no the keyboard as she bit her lower lip. She was forty years old, and was wearing a royal blue suit over a light blue blouse - not her particular choice for a Saturday, but she had needed to take some meetings that morning.


Thankfully, they had now passed, as she continued to type, not looking round as the door to the office opened.


“If that’s coffee, I’d love some Mum.”


“My apologies Billie, but any coffee will have to wait.”


The Geordie accent took Billie by surprise as she turned in her chair, and looked at the two masked men.


“Ho god my boys “


“They are fine obviously, you have realized who I am.”


“You’re Jay Edwards,” Billie said quietly.


“That’s right so I can tell you that Mrs McPhee is looking after your boys right now, and they will be fine with her. My friends are with your mother and her friend, and they are secured as well.”


“What do you want me to do?”


“Well, there is time to discuss that later,” Jay said as the man walked behind Billie and helped her to stand up, then moved her hands behind her back. She felt the rope as they were bound together, and said “I want to see my boys.”


“Of course you do,” Jay said as more rope was passed round her body, forcing her arms against her sides and opening her jacket up. “I regret to say you are not going to be able to conduct any more business until later but I assure you, do as I say, all will be well.”


“I really do not think I have a choice, do I?”


“No, you don’t” Jay said as the rope were pulled tighter and then tied off. “Shall we?”


He took Billie by the arm and walked her out of the room, walking along the corridor and then into her sons’ room. She saw Will and Sam still sitting on the bed and playing their game but she also saw the bands of rope around their ankles and their legs below their knees, as well as around their arms and holding them against their sides. They also were grinning rather than talking a rolled up white scarf pulled between the lips of each boy and secured tightly round their heads.




“Hlhlhmhm,” Will said as he turned his head and then looked at the game as Billie saw the masked woman in the room.


“Billie, this is Mrs McPhee,” Jay said, “she will take good care of the boys while they finish their games, and then she will bring them to join you.”


“Pleased tae meet ye,” the masked woman said, Billie nodding as she said “do as you are told boys we’ll talk later.”


“Hkhkhmhm,” Sam said as Jay took her out of the room and walked her down the stairs. As she went into the front room, her eyes widened as she said “Mum?”


“Whrhlrht,” Wilma said as she and Astrid looked at her, both women with their arms behind their backs, ropes around their arms and upper bodies, their ankles and legs secured together, and white scarves pulled between their lips. Billie nodded as she was walked over to the couch Wilma was sat on, and then helped to sit beside her, watching as another masked man knelt down and started to bind her ankles together.


“As I said, we have some business to discuss later,” Jay said as he sat down, “but until then, I regret to say you all need to be kept in here, nice and quiet and secured.”


“Do you have to? We would not raise the alarm “


“I thank you, but I also assure you this is necessary,” Jay said as Billie felt the ropes forcing her legs together below her knees, the man taking it around and between her limbs as she glanced down. “We will arrange for you all to have something to eat later, and then “


The sound of the doorbell made Jay look round, and then pout a gloved finger to his lips as Billie felt the rolled up white band of silk being pulled back between her lips., the band pressed on her cheeks as it was tied round her head, as Jay went out of the room.


“Good afternoon all three of you, slowly, walk into the front room with your hands in the air. No harm will come to you if you do as we say.”


“What’s going on Mum?”


“Just do as I say, please,” Billie heard as she looked at Wilma, and then three visitors walked in. She recognised her friend Holly Langley, her long dark brown hair falling over the shoulders of a dark brown suede jacket, matching the long skirt she was wearing, with a grey cowl necked sweater under the jacket and highly polished brown leather boots.


Behind her were her daughters. Serena Langley was fifteen years old, and was wearing a grey wool cowl necked poncho over a black dress with long sleeves, dark hose and black knee length felt boots. Her sister Daian was a year older, and was wearing a grey blouse over black leggings and knee length black leather boots, a black and white scarf tied loosely round her neck.


“Billie what the hell is going on,” Holly said as she stood with her hands in the air.


“Hmshrrheehllhh,” Billie mumbled, “thhsshshjhhdwhrds.”


“Jay Edwards?” Holly looked at the masked man who was behind them, and swallowed as Diana said “Mummy, who is he?”


“An infamous robber,” Holly said quietly, “I’m sorry girls, I think we are going to be here for a while.”


“I regret to say that is true,” Jay said as he came and stood in front of them, nodding as two other masked men went behind the teenage girls and took their hands behind their back. Holly slowly turned and watched as her daughters had their wrists secured together behind their backs, and then ropes passed round their upper bodies to secure their arms against their sides.




“I need you both to be brave,” Holly said as she looked at Serena, “and do whatever they tell you to do.”


“Take them both to Mrs McPhee,” Jay said, Holly watching as her own arms were taken down behind her back.


As the door opened, Will and Jay looked over, their eyes opening wide as Serena and Daiana were walked in.


“Wehl cum lassies,” the masked woman said as she smiled, “Game time’s oer boys.” Will nodded as he ended the game, before both boys pushed themselves back and the masked man bound their wrists together in front of them, and then to the rope below their knees. They watched as Serena and Diana were helped by Mrs McPhee to sit in front of the bed, and then heard the squeak as she secured their ankles together, as well as their legs below their knees.


She then started to play Dawn of the Nugget on the television as Will and Sam looked at each other, the girls gagged with scarves as the film began.


Holly grunted into her gag as her ankles were secured together, and then Jay folded her skirt back and secured her legs together below her knees. She was sat next to Astrid, the four women looking at each other as Jay stood up.


“Relax,” he said quietly, “everything is going to be just fine “





It was starting to get dark outside as the four women were escorted by the masked intruders into the dining room.




“Whllrhththmhm,” Serena said as they saw the four children already sat at the table, their arms and legs free but the scarves till in place. They watched as their mothers, grandmother and their grandmother’s friend had the ropes removed from round their arms and wrists, and then as they took their seats at the table.


“You may now remove your gags, Jay said, each of them pulling the soaking wet grey material from their mouths and moving them round before they untied and removed the scarves, one of the men collecting them in a clear bag before he left the room.


“Are you all right,” Billie said as she looked at Will and Sam.


“We’re fine Mum Mrs McPhee took good care of us,” Sam said, Will nodding as Holly looked at her daughters.


“We were probably as bored as you were Mum,” Diana said, Serena nodding in agreement as the masked men placed plates of food and glasses with drinks in front of them.


“Eat up,” Mrs McPhee said, “ye’ve a busy nicht ahead o ye.”


“I can imagine,” Astrid said as the others smiled, and they started eating.


“Thank you Mrs McPhee,” Diana said, “for looking after us today. Can you tell us what is going to happen later?”


“Wehl, ye’ll need tae cancel any plans ye may hae had fer later ye’ll be a wee bit tied up wi ofer things.”


Will and Sam looked at each other and giggled as Billie said “that’s enough you two after dinner, Jay and I need to do something, so the rest of you will be in the front room. After that, we’re going to get ready for bed.”


“All of us?”


“All of us,” Billie said after she had swallowed some food. “Girls, you’ll have to go into the boys’ room I’m afraid.”


“Ah’ll mahk sure they cannae get intae trouble,” Mrs McPhee said with a smile as Serena and Diana looked at each other.


“And the rest of us?”


“You’ll have to share our rooms,” Wilma said as she looked at Astrid, “if you don’t mind.”


“Well, we don’t have a choice, do we but I will need to phone my husband and let him know I will not be back until late.”


“I will allow that,” Jay said with a smile, “but once Billie has done what I ask her to do, all communication within the house will be cut off. You will not be in a position to make use of them anyway.”


That made everybody at the table look round, and then continue to eat





Billie clicked on the screen and continued to type on the keyboard, and then looked over.


“All right I’ve down what you asked. Now what?”


Jay smiled as he removed the USB stick from the laptop, and said “log off and thank you for your cooperation Billie.” As she ended the connection and closed the laptop down, she walked out with Jay to see Astrid standing at the bedroom door of her mother.


“I know, Sven I will explain why I had to stay in the morning. Do not wait up for me.”


“Where’s my mother,” Bille asked as the man with Astrid took her phone.


“In her room I will join her now. Thank you for making sure we are not having to spend too much more time in our clothes.”


“Is Holly still downstairs?”


“Yes, the woman Mrs McPhee brought the boys up and then her daughters. They are already down there,” Astrid said as the door opened and Wilma looked out.


“We’ll see you in a few minutes, love,” she said as her friend went in, and Jay took Billie down to the main room. As she walked in, Holly said “they’re behaving themselves - and thanks for finding the girls something to change into, even if they are a bit short.”


“What did David say?”


“He said he’d talk to me in the morning,” she said as she looked at Serena and Diana, who were sitting side by side on the couch. Serena was wearing a pale blue vest top and shorts with a butterfly pattern on them, while Diana had changed into a pale blue top and shorts also with a butterfly pattern.


They had their hands behind their back, but Billie could also see the bands of rope round their arms and upper body, one round their upper arms and one round their stomachs. Serena nodded and said “it’s fine we can cope with this” as she then looked at her twin sons. Sam was wearing light blue pyjamas with a black check, and Will blue and white striped pyjamas but they also had ropes round their arms and upper body. Their wrists were crossed and tied together in front of them, with white socks pulled up over their hands and taped to the pyjama sleeves with silver tape.


“The girls have their hands covered as well,” Holly said, “I watched Mrs McPhee bind all four of them.”


“But why cover their hands?”


“Tae stop them trying to get free,” Mrs McPhee said, “ahn Jay is gonna do the same tae ye as well.”


“I guess we really are not going to be able to move,” Billie said as she smiled at her sons. “Not too tight?”


“Not really,” Sam said as Will wriggled round, and looked at his mother before Mrs McPhee came back in.


“Ahl richt boys ye’re first. Cum wi me.”


“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” Billie said as she took the boys out and then Wilma and Astrid came in. they were wearing long cotton nightdresses light blue for Wilma and purple for Astrid with capped sleeves and a skirt that came down over their knees, as well as matching fur booties.


“Excellent,” Jay said with a smile, “now hold your hands out.” As they did so, she gave them each a sponge ball to hold, Holly nodding as Billie watched the gang leader wind silver tap round their fists so that they looked like they were wearing silver boxing gloves. He then pulled white socks up their arms, and used white micropore tape to secure the tops of the socks to their arms.


“And they’re going to do that to us?”


“I am,” Jay said as two of the masked men took the hands of Astrid and Wilma behind their backs. “Come with me please you can check on the boys once you are ready.” He picked up one of the canvas bags and escorted the two mothers out of the room, up the stairs and into the main bedroom.


Holly sat down on the bed and shook her head as she removed her boots, while Billie slipped her jacket off and put it on the back of a chair by the dressing table.


“Why aren’t we more scared,” Holly said as she stood up and removed her own jacket, and then her jumper and skirt.


“I have no idea - but for their sakes, I’m glad we are not,” Billie said as she stripped, and then put on a pair of pale ivory silk pyjamas. Buttoning up the front, she watched as her friend donned a purple pair, Jay nodding as he stood in the doorway.


“Good,” he said as he looked at them. “Please, hold your hands out.” As they did so, he placed a sponge ball in each hand, and directed them to make a fist. Holly’s long nails sank into the material as she did so, then they both watched as he covered their hands in silver tape, pulled a pair of white socks over them, and then taped the tops of the socks to their pyjama tops with silver tape.


“Well, that at least means no more work for me tonight,” Billie said as she watched Jay take Holly’s hands behind her back, and then use rope to secure her wrists together. He then passed a longer length round her and forced her arms against her sides, seeing the two bands she had seen on Holly’s daughters forming.


“How does it feel,” she asked as the ropes were pulled tighter round Holly’s body.


“Snug different I’m not sure how to describe it,” Holly replied as she twisted round, Billie nodding as she felt the masked leader take her own hands behind her back, and then the rope on her wrists as they were bound tightly together.


“Do you think the girls will be all right?”


“I need to ask them,” Holly said as she saw them walk past with Mrs McPhee. She watched as Billie had her arms secure in the same way as her, before she said as Jay tied the ropes off “I want to see my sons now.”


“Of course please come with me.” He opened the door and waited as Billie and Holly walked out, and then went into her sons’ bedroom.


She saw Will and Sam lying on their beds, their ankles and legs bound tightly with trope and their ankles then tied to the foot of the bed but she also saw the white tape over their mouths, and the way their cheeks were puffed out.


“Are you both comfortable,” she said, both boys nodding as Holly looked at Mrs McPhee. She was lying on the floor, binding Diana’s legs together below her knees while Serena watched. After she tied the ropes off, she said “open nice ahn wide noo” before she pushed a compressed sponge ball into her mouth, peeled a length of wide white tape from a roll, and pressed it down over her mouth to keep the stuffing in there.


Serena turned and nodded at her mother, the white tape stretched over her chin and the shape of her lips underneath visible, as she stretched her legs out.


“Ah’ll stay ahn mahk sure thae are fine,” Mrs McPhee said as she stood up.


Holly and Billie looked at each other and then nodded as they left the room, Jay closing the door and escorting them down the stairs to the main room.


“Well, we’re in it now,” Wilma said as she looked at her daughter and her friend. Both of the older women were sitting on the couch, their hands behind their backs and bands of rope round their arms as well.


“Looks like it,” Billie said as she sat down. “The kids are fine they’ve been tied up in the boys’ room, them on their beds, the girls on the floor, and Mrs McPhee is looking after them.”


“Why is this sounding so normal,” Holly said as she sat next to Billie. “We’re being held hostage by an armed gang, and it’s as if they are having a sleepover up there!”


All four women looked at each other before they started laughing, Jay shaking his head as he looked at them. “I’ll allow you another hour,” he said, “and then we need to make you secure as well.”






As Billie and Holly watched, Wilma and Astrid were sat on Wilma’s bed, watching as their ankles and their legs below their knees were secured by two of the masked men.


“Just breathe through your nose, and you will be fine,” Jay said as he pushed a compressed sponge into each of their mouths, and then they were helped to lie on their sides, facing each other as more rope was used to secure their bound ankles to the foot of the double bed.


“We’ll see you tomorrow, Mum,” Billie said, Wilma nodding as the two women were led back to the master bedroom, and helped to sit down. As Jay knelt down and started to secure their ankles together, Mrs McPhee came in and said “they’re sleeping noo time fer ye boff tae be quiet as wehl.”


“Ready,” Holly said as she looked at Billie.


“Not really,” the blonde said as she felt her legs being secured below her knees, “but what the heck.” She opened her mouth, feeling the sponge expand and press her tongue down as she closed her lips over it, and watched as Holly’s cheeks were pushed out as well.


She then heard the peeling sound before the tape was pressed down over her own mouth, and watched as the masked woman gagged Holly while her legs were secured. The two women were both then helped to lie on their sides, facing each other as their ankles were pulled back and secured to their chest ropes.


“Check them every fifteen minutes all of them,” Jay said as the light was turned off, he room in darkness as the door was closed.


“Wsthdhdhwhdhnh,” Holly said as she wriggled round.






Billie could now see her friend’s eyes were closed, as her own slowly closed as well









Billie slowly opened her eyes and looked at Holly as the sunlight streamed through the closed curtains.




“Hbhhtthshvhn hwhruh?”


“Sfhtfff uh?”


“Nhtshhhrrr, chnthtehrsghthfuh?”


Billie tried to move, and then shook her head as Holly started to rub the edge of the tape covering her mouth on the pillow. Holly did the same, for what seemed like an edge until she finally managed to get enough purchase to peel the tape away, slowly, and then open her mouth and push the soaked sponge out with her tongue.


She lay there for a few minutes, catching her breath before she said in a hoarse voice “my god have you managed to get the tape free yet?”


“Hfhfhfnksh,” Holly said as she slowly peeled the tape away from her own mouth, and then pushed the sponge out. “That was intense.”


“Can you hear anyone else?”


Holly shook her head, before Billie looked over her shoulder as the door opened.


“Two in here,” the police officer said as Holly rolled over and said “my girls “


“We have officers freeing them your husband raised the alarm when you did not come home, Mrs Langley,” he said as he started to untie them, “and said you had called from here.”


“Thank god,” she whispered as Billie saw her mother and Astrid appear.


“We’ll look after the kids,” Wilma said, Beille nodding before tears of relief started to flow







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