Jay’s Slumber Party









As Elaine Cole flipped through the magazine she was reading, she heard the sound of footsteps running down the stairs and smiled.


“Cole, Emily, come in here please.”


She smiled as her children came in. Emily was twelve years old, and wore a striped jumper and denim dungarees with the top half hanging down from her waist, as well as black trainers. Cole was ten, and had on a blue jumper with a Nordic design, jeans and trainers.


“And where were you going?”


“Out to the treehouse,” Cole said, “why Mum?”


“You are remembering we have visitors coming?”


“But they’re older than us Mum,” Emily said as she looked at Elaine. She was wearing a grey tie neck blouse and a long brown skirt with matching heels.


“I know, but we need you to be together while we talk,” Elaine said with a smile, “so endure whatever they say or do.”


The two children looked at each other as there was a knock on the front door. “That will be them now,” she said as she stood up and walked into the main corridor, opening the door and then slowly stepping back as the visitors walked in.


“Is it them Mum,” Emily said a sshe looked to the door to see a woman standing there, wearing a blue boiler suit and black gloves and a black balaclava over her head so only her blue eyes and red lips were visible.


“Who Who are you?”


“Ah’m Mrs McPhee are ye Emily ahn Cole?”


“Yes why are you wearing a mask?”


“Aye, well mah friend Jay is haeing a word wi yer mammy, but he asked me to tell ye that we are gonna stay a while ahn I need ye tae do what I say. So put yer hahsn togfer in front of yerself, please.”


“Why? What are you going to do,” Cole asked.


“Ah need tae keep ye in a room, so ah need tae tie this rope round yer wrists it will no hurt, ah promise ye.”


Cole and Emily looked at each other, and then held their wrists out as the masked woman took some lengths of rope from a masked man behind her, and bound their wrists tightly together in front of them.


“Disnae hurt, does it?”


“No,” Cole said as they saw Elaine walk back in with three more masked men. She had her hands behind her back as she said “Cole, Emily you’ve met Mrs McPhee. This is Jay Edwards.”


“Pleased to meet both of you,” the man said in a Geordie accent. “Do as Mrs McPhee says, and you’ll be just fine. Why don’t you take them to the back room and let them watch some television, my dear?”


“Aye cum wi me,” the masked woman said with her Scottish accent, Elaine nodding and saying “go with her” as Emily and Cole followed her out. She then looked at Jay as she said “she will not hurt them?”


“No so be seated and while we secure you, I will explain what is going to happen “


As Elaine sat down, one of the masked men knelt and started to bind her ankles together, as Jay said to a third “please ensure the telephone and internet is disconnected, and make sure you have all the mobile phones in the house.”


“Got it Jay” he said as he walked out and Jay sat down.


“So you say this is to get my husband to do something for you?”


“Well, your husband, and those of your friends,” Jay said with a smile, “hence the reason I have so many associates with me. Remain calm, and all will be well.”


“And you will not hurt the children?”


“And we will not hurt the children,” Jay said with a smile as the masked man tore a strip of tape from a white roll, and pressed it down over Elaine’s lips, keeping her quiet as she twisted round.


“All secure Jay,” the man said a she came back in, “and we have the mobile phones for her and the kids.”


“Excellent now, we wait “



The black Daimler pulled up beside the grey transit van as Hannah Peirce said “she hasn’t got workmen in has she?”


“You always think the worst Mum,” her seventeen-year-old daughter Hazel said as she looked over from the back seat. She was wearing a yellow puffa jacket over a grey top, black leather leggings and black ankle boots, while her mother had on a grey waistcoat over a white blouse, a grey skirt and black high heels. “Why did we have to meet dad here?”


“Ask him when he gets here,” Hannah said as she opened the front door and walked in, Hazel saying “it’s very quiet in here” as she closed the door.


“Well, there is a reason for that.”


Hannah looked at the masked man and said “oh my god” as four more appeared with him.

“Mrs Pierce my name is Jay Edwards. Do as I say everyone stays safe. And this must be Hazel take her to Mrs McPhee.”


“Mum “


“Go with him,” Hannah whispered as a man took Hazel by the arm and walked with her to another room. “This way,” Jay said as he indicated the door, Hannah slowly walking in as she said “oh no it really is him?”


“Yhshshths,” Elaine mumbled through the tape that covered her mouth, as Jay said “now give me your mobile phone, handbag and jewellery Hannah and then we will make you secure as well.”




“Thair noo,” Mrs McPhee said as Cole and Emily looked at Hazel, the young woman squirming as the ropes were tied tightly round her body. She had removed her coat before sitting down on a pouffe, then watched as the masked woman had secured her ankles and legs, and then knelt behind her as she tied her upper body.


The two younger children were sitting on a couch, their legs bound at the ankles and knees and their wrists tied down to their legs, a rolled-up scarf pulled between their lips. Cole could not stop looking at the older girl as Mrs McPhee rolled a third scarf up and pulled it between the teenager’s lips before tying it round her head.




“Ye’re gonna hae fun,” Mrs McPhee said as the door opened and two more teenagers came in. One was the same age as Hannah, and was wearing a white cropped blouse and a black velvet mini skirt with knee length black leather boots. The other girl was a year younger, wearing a black leather pinafore dress over a cream blouse, and over the knee black suede boots.




“Hlllhh jhnne, vhnnnsss whlchmtothehfthrnhn “


“So ye will be Jenny and Vanessa Wold guid, guid. Cum here “



“Jay Edwards?”


“That is correct,” Jay said as he tied the rope round Abigail Wold’s wrists to secure them together. She was wearing a black jacket with a grey blouse and pants, black sandals on her feet.


“Hmmshhrhrrrm” Elaine said as Jay then passed the rope round Abigail’s body.


“Where have they taken the kids?”


“Hnhffhrrhm,” Hannah mumbled through the white cloth that sat between her lips. “Thrsswhmhnwshhnthm.”


“Mrs McPhee?”


“That is correct Abigail [lease sit down.”


“They’ll be all right then, so stop worrying both of you we can’t do anything to stop them now,” Abigail said as she watched Jay securing her legs, and then opened her mouth for her gag to be added.


“Now, all we need is your husbands to arrive,” Jay said with a smile




Hazel, Jenny and Vanessa looked at each other, the scarf muffling their words as Cole and Emily jumped round the room, their wrists freed but rope now round their stomachs, and weaved their way between the three older girls.






Vanessa rolled her eyes as Mrs McPhee said “Ohn yer feet, lassies ye can dance tae the music as well.”


“Whllbhtshshtthhnrhrhnd,” Jenny said as she got up and started to dance round, the other two watching as Cole stopped and looked at them,




“Jhsttlhkkhhn,” he said to Emily as the three teenagers danced around





“I hope you guys are hungry,” Jack Cole said as he drove up to the house. He was wearing an open necked blue shirt and dark pants while his business partners Dave Peirce and Vernon Wold sat in the back. Both men were wearing light suits, shirts and ties with highly polished black leather shoes.


“Well, given the family is here already, it makes sense,” Dave said as Jack brought the car to a stop, and they got out, walking to the front door as they looked at the transit van parked outside, as well as the other cars.


“Got workmen in Jack?”


“I didn’t think we had any scheduled Vernon maybe there’s been a pipe burst or some “


As he walked in, he was greeted by six masked men in boiler suits, three holding guns as one said in a Geordie accent “hello gentlemen your wives have been waiting for you to arrive.”


“What the hell “


“Please stand still as my associates secure your wrists,” the man said as three of the masked men walked behind the three men, and pulled their hands behind their backs. As Jack felt the rope round his wrists, he said “who are you? Where is my family our families?”


“My name is Jay Edwards.”


Jack turned and looked at his partners, their expression of shock clear as Vernon said “oh my god him?”


“I want to see my daughter,” Dave said as his wrists were secured together.


“Of course this way,” Jay said as they were marched to the rear of the house, Jay opening the door as the three fathers looked in to see the three teenage girls dancing round while Dave’s children sat on the cushions.


“Mrs McPhee all is well?”


“Aye they’re fine,” the masked woman said as the door was closed, and they were marched into the front room.


“Oh god Hannah?”


“Lhlhldhf whrrfhn,” Hannah said as he was pushed over and sat next to her, Vernon next to Abigail and Jack next to Elaine as she looked over, the white cloth now a dark grey at the corners of her mouth.



“It’s not your fault,” Jack said as he kissed his wife on the cheek, while the masked man secured his ankles and legs and then felt the cloth as it was pulled between his lips and pressed down his tongue.


“Now,” Jay said as al three men were bound and gagged, “we will look after all of you, and give you some food later. After that, one of my associates is going to go with each of you to one of your offices, and there you will do what they tell you to do. In return, your wives and children will be kept safe here unless you try to do anything stupid. I trust I make myself clear?”


Jack nodded as he mumbled “hndthhnn?”


“You get to talk it over as families in the morning. For now, we are in charge so sit quietly and stay calm.”


Jack felt Elaine kiss him on the cheek and nodded as the television was turned on, two of the men staying as Jay and the others left them alone






“In ye go,” Mrs McPhee said as Cole led the bound children into the dining room, the masked men helping them to sit down before they untied their arms and removed their gags.


“Are you all right Mum,” Hazel said as she looked at Hannah. Their mothers were also sat at the table.


“I’m fine Jay is sitting with your fathers while they eat, but we need to talk to you about later,” Hannah said as Vanessa and Elaine nodded.


“Why Mum what is going to happen later,” Jenny asked as she rubbed her wrists, while a plate of food was put down in front of them.


“Well this gang wants your fathers to do something at their firm,” Abigail said, “and we are the hostages to make sure they do that without raising the alarm. So, once we have finished, they will see us again and then “


“I am going to take you two upstairs,” Elaine said to Cole and Emily, “and get you ready for bed, and then Mrs McPhee is going to tie you up and gag you again before she stays with you in Cole’s room.”


Cole and Emily looked at each other before Hannah said “once they are asleep, she will then take you three to Emily’s room, let you change into some pyjamas Elaine has, and you will have well, a very quiet slumber party.”


“How quiet?”


Abigail looked at Vanessa, and said “very quiet but after that, we will be in the same position in Elaine’s bedroom, so none of us is going to be able to do too much.”


The children looked at each other, before Emily said “will you read us a story Mrs McPhee?”


“Aye ah wihl,” the masked woman said with a smile as they all began to eat



“We have your word nobody gets hurt if we do as they ask?”


“Apart from being bound and gagged no, they will come to no real harm,” Jay said with a smile as he looked at Jack, Dave and Vernon. “You will be left there, also unable to raise the alarm for a while so be at peace. They will be fine.”


The three men looked at each other, and then Jack said “all right, we’ll do as you say.”


“Good,” Jay said as he stood up, “eat up we’ll leave in a little while.”


Elaine watched as Cole and Emily finished putting their pyjamas on Cole had changed into a white long sleeved top and blue patterned pants with white cuffs, while Emily was also wearing a white top, her pants pink but also with white cuffs. She then walked over to her mother as Elaine put white ribbons on her hair to hold it in bunches, while Mrs McPhee said “huld these Cohl” as she handed the young boy two sponge balls.


“Why am I holding them,” he said and then he watched as the masked woman wound silver tape round his little fists, covering them before she pulled a pair of white socks up over them, and taped the tops to his arms with white tape. He then turned round to look at his mother and sister a sshe took his hands behind his back and lashed his wrists together with white rope.


“Well, that means you are staying here,” Elaine said as she tied the ribbon, “are you scared?”


“I’m not are you Emily?”


The young girl shook her head as Elaine looked at Mrs McPhee while she wrapped the rope round her son’s arms and body.


“How do you do that keep them so calm?”


“Hts ae gifht,” Mrs McPhee said as she tied the ropes off, and Cole walked over to sit on the bed, watching as Emily walked over and their captor started to secure her arms and hands as well.


“Is that how we are all going to be tied?”


“Mainly, aye,” Mrs McPhee said as Emily felt the rope round her covered wrists and then her arms, smiling a sshe said “it’s like being hugged all the time.”


“Guid sit doon,” Mrs McPhee said as Emily sat next to Cole, Elaine watching as more ropes were used to secure the ankles of her children together, and then their legs below their knees. They were then helped to lie on the bed before their binder used more ropes to secure their ankles to the foot of the bed.


“Noo tae keep ye quiet. Opehn yer moofs nice ahn wide.”


“Will they be able to breath?”


“Aye if they lie shtil ahn dinnae struggle,” Mrs McPhee said a sshe pushed a folded cloth into each of their mouths, and then covered their lisp with a long strip of white tape, Elaine smiling as she said “will you be all right?”


“Thsmmhmm,” Cole said as the door opened and Jack came in.


“I have to go now,” he said a she kissed his children on their foreheads, “you have for your mother now, all right?”


Both children nodded as Mrs McPhee sat down, Jack kissing Elaine as he said “keep safe.”


“You too,” she said as she saw the masked man outside, Jack nodding as he walked out and Jay came in.


“All done?”


“Aye ye cahn go noo,” Mrs McPhee said as she started to read a story, the two children listening as Elaine left the room.


“Why do I know they will be fine?”


“I trust Mrs McPhee, and so do you shall we go back downstairs?”


Elaine nodded as she walked down, Abigail and Hannah looking over as they said “how are they?”


“Tired I put some old pyjamas in the spare bedroom for the three girls. They may be more comfortable in there than in Emily’s room.”


“I agree,” Jay said as Elaine sat down. “Now, let’s watch some television “




An hour later, Mrs McPhee came in and said “the wee dahlins ahr sleeping cum wi me, gahls.”


Hazel, Jenny and Vanessa looked at each other and then stood up as the masked woman picked up a large bag, and then she and one of the masked men followed them up as they went into the spare bedroom.


“Wait oot here,” Mrs McPhee said as the three girls walked in, and then she closed the door. “Rich get changed.”


Hazel nodded as she sat and removed her boots, then stripped off and put on the light pink long sleeved top and pink leggings. Jenny changed into a pink t-shirt with a lighter pink vest under it, and sported light pink pants, while her sister put on a pink t-shirt and pink checked bottoms.


They then all stood in a line as Mrs McPhee gave them the sponge balls to hold, and then covered them in tape and the socks.


“Well, we can’t use our hands now,” Vanessa said, the other two nodding as they turned round and put their hands behind their back.


“Yeah and how come we are not trying to stop her,” Hazel said.


“I don’t know and I don’t know why this does not feel so bad,” Jenny said and then she heard Hazle gasp, the other two girls looking over as Mrs McPhee wound the rope round her arms and body, framing her chest in the two tight bands.


“What the “


Hazel blushed as she watched the masked woman do the same thing to Jenny and then to Vanessa, all three of them twisting round as they bit their lower lips.


“This is different “


“Aye sit ohn the floor facing the set,” Mrs McPhee said as they sat down to see the large screen television, watching as one by one their ankles were bound together, and then their legs below their knees.


Mrs McPhee then pushed the folded cloths into their mouths and covered their lisp with the tape, before she turned the television on.


“Fhrhnndss” Hazel said a sshe looked at the other two.

“Nhhh hlwshsshnni.”


All three nodded as Mrs McPhee found It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the three girls smiling under the tape.






“It’s time,” Jay said as he turned the television off. “Please come upstairs with me.”


The three women nodded as they went up, Elaine leading the way as they stopped outside the bathroom. She went in, emerging a few minutes later wearing a pair of light crema pyjamas with elbow length sleeves.


As she same out, Jay held out a pair of sponge balls, the other two watching as she held them and then her fists were covered with silver tape, a pair of white socks pulled up over them and then taped to her arms with white tape.


“I want to see my children again.”


“Of course,” Jay said as one of his associates took her by the arm while Hannah went into the bathroom. She looked in Cole’s room to see them on their sides on his bed, their chests gently rising and falling between the bands of rope, their eyes closed.


She nodded as the door was closed and she saw Hannah come out, wearing her short sleeved pink nightdress with a floral print. As Abigail walked in, Jay covered her friend’s hands and arms in the same way as hers, as the masked man took her own wrists behind her back and started to bind them tightly together.


“We’re really not going to be able to get free, are we,” Hannah said,


“No no, I don’t think we will,” Elaine said as she felt the rope forcing her arms against her sides, and looked down to see the bands of rope starting to frame her chest. Hannah nodded as another masked man took her covered hands behind her back, and started to tie her up as well.


“Oh my “


They both looked at Abigail as she came out, wearing a blur vest top and pants with a floral print, before she held her hands out and grasped the sponge ball in her fists. As they were covered, Elaine felt the man feed the rope under one arm, then take it up and round the back of her neck and under the other arm.


“Please tell me the other girls don’t have their arms tied like that .”


“No, no quite,” Mrs McPhee said a sshe came out and looked at Hannah. As the ropes round her body were tied off, both women looked in the spare bedroom.


The three teenage girls were asleep on the floor, their heads on pillows, and their legs bent back at ninety degrees, their ankles tied to their chest ropes. They were breathing normally and in no distress at all.


“Are they all right?”


“They are, Abigail,” Hannah said as the door was closed and they looked at their friend, now bound in the same way as them. They then walked into Elaine’s bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, watching as their ankles were crossed and bound tightly together, and then their legs below their knees.


“Now you need to be quiet,” Jay said as he compressed another sponge ball, and pushed it into Elaine’s mouth. As it expanded and pushed her cheeks out, he covered her mouth with a strip of the white tape, before Mrs McPhee helped her to lie face down on the side of the bed, bending her ankles back and securing them to her chest ropes a sshe felt her heels with her fingers.


A few moments later, Hannah was lying next to her, looking at her with her lips visible under the white tape, and then Abigail was secured in the same way on the far side of the bed.


“Stay there, ladies.”


“Vrrhfhnnhhh,” Abigail said as the light was turned over, and they three women lay there, wondering what they could possibly do as the room was plunged into darkness .








Emily slowly opened her eyes to see Cole looking at her over his gagged mouth.




“Hdhnnhh chnuhrrhnfhn?”


Emily shook her head a she twisted round. “Fhnkkk uh chnf fhrrmh?”


“Whffhrhndslhkths?” He rolled over and wriggled his covered hands, Emily groaning as she said “Wnhchcnshthn.”




“Yhshshsh .”






Elaine opened her eyes to see Hannah and Abigail looking at her.




The other two nodded as they heard footsteps






“Hfhknghd,” Hazel said as her father rushed in, kneeling and stroking her hair from her face before he peeled the tape from her mouth and removed the soaking wet cloth.


“Dad are you all right,” she croaked as Vernon came in and knelt next to his daughters.


“Yes it’s over now “







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