Mother and Son Moments










The rolling English countryside was bathed in sunshine, the birds were singing, sheep grazing and then in the distance, the sound of hoofs striking the ground grew louder and louder. Eventually, three horses appeared over the hill, the woman on the horse in front wearing a blue gilet over a long-sleeved grey top, blue jodhpurs and a pair of black riding boots with a lace effect on the front. Her blonde hair was covered by her black riding helmet, as she called back and said “come on you two catch up.”


“Easy for you to say Mum,” Clive called back as he sat across the smaller chestnut horse. The thirteen-year-old was wearing a black polo shirt, which was open at the neck, cream jodhpurs with a brown belt round his waist, and black riding boots. His ten-year-old brother Gareth was trying to catch up as well, in his wide striped riding top with stripes of blue, grey, green and white, and black pants tucked loosely into his own black riding boots.


Kylie turned back and laughed as the tiro made their way towards a stable block, slowing down and letting her sons catch up as she came to a halt, then they all walked in together. She slipped off her horse and patted its neck as she led her to a stable, and then wiped it down before giving it a feedbag.


“You boys take the horses to their stalls, rub then down and give them some food,” she said as Clive and Gareth walked their horses by, “I’ll sort out some food and drinks.”


“Wish the stable boy was still here,” Gareth said as they walked across to a separate set of horse stalls.


“Yeah he must have had to leave early,” Clive said as he opened the stall doors and then stared at the interior for a few minutes. Gareth took his horse to the stall and led him in, rubbing him down and then giving him his food bag before he looked over to see Clive’s horse and no Clive.


“Typical,” he whispered as he took the reins and led the horse to the next stall, again rubbing him down and giving him a feed, before he closed the stable doors and walked to where he had seen his brother.


“All right, what did you “


Gareth stopped as he saw the stable boy, lying on the straw with his hands behind his back, leather straps holding his ankles together, and a black tie pulled between his lips. He looked at Gareth, and screamed “RHHNNNNNNNNNNN!”


Which Gareth turned to do only to be grabbed by a tall man wearing dark glasses, who turned him round and covered his mouth with a leather gloved hand.


“Hey got the younger one.”


Gareth’s eyes opened wide as Clive was walked out of another stall. His hands were behind his back, and a length of rope was tied round his ankles, a short length of rope between them. He also had white tape covering his mouth, as he looked at Gareth and said “htsnnhthghgm.”


“This this isn’t one of our games,” he said as he looked at Clive, who shook his head as the gloved hand was taken away and then tape pressed down over his mouth as he stood there.


He then felt the man pull his hands behind his back, and rough rope being used to secure his wrists together, and then the rope round his ankles as he looked at Clive. “shrhrhth” he mumbled as he felt the tape moving over his lips.


Clive shrugged his shoulders as they were both forced to walk, taking small steps across the stable yard and back into the main house. As they were forced to walk in, they sae Kylie lying on the floor, ropes holding her elbows together behind her back, her arms against her sides, and around her ankles and legs, the white tape over her mouth and her cheeks pushed out.




As she wriggled round, Clive and Gareth could no take their eyes off her how she was moving, as the men forced them to lie on the floor and pulled their ankles back, securing the rope between them to the ropes at their wrists. They wriggled on the floor, looking at their mother as she lay across a long leather couch, and saw her twisting round on the seat, the leather squeaking incessantly.

“Hmmghhddhhdmmmm,” Clive said as he stared at Kylie, seeing her chest moving between the bands of rope that framed her chest, and then twisted his own legs round, the rope cuffs on is ankles rubbing on his riding boots and making a squeaking sound one that matched his low moans as he felt something else rubbing on the floor.


Kylie looked at her sons as the men left, wondering why they had done this, held them captive and Gareth was wondering why Clive was rubbing himself over the floor as he looked at his mother. He just wanted to be free




Useful Things


Claire was sitting at the kitchen table sorting through a sewing box and discarding the threads she could no longer use, needles that had broken in half, and making a note of the replacement items she would have to get later that day. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, and she knew she would have to be on her way soon.




Claire sighed as her ten-year-old son Bob came into the kitchen. He had unruly reds hair and large framed glasses covered his eyes, while he was wearing a white top with elbow length sleeves, black cargo pants and baseball boots in white and grey.


“What is it,” Claire said as she looked over. She was wearing a long sleeved black and white striped top, olive green cargo pants with the cuffs turned up, and open toed brown suede ankle boots.


“Mum, does Todd REALLY have to babysit me? I’m old enough to leave on my own now.”


“No you’re not,” Claire said quietly, “so yeah, Todd is going to babysit for you.”


Bob sighed as his fifteen-year-old brother Todd came into the kitchen. He had tousled darker red-brown hair and was wearing a blue sweatshirt over a white top, olive green cargo pants with elasticated cuffs, white socks and trainers.


“What’s up kiddo,” he said as he looked at Bob, “not wanting to play a game with me?”


“I don’t want to know,” Claire said as she collected her car keys, “just don’t actually hurt each other.”


“Now would I do that,” Todd said as they watched Claire leave the house, and then Todd smiled as he went to a drawer, and took out a wide roll of white tape.


“You know the rules, kiddo into the front room “




“Whdhdhhdths,” Bob mumbled as he sat on the couch, his wrists taped together behind his back, his arms taped to his sides, and white bands round his ankles and legs. A wide strip was also pressed down over his mouth, as he heard the music coming from his brother’s room upstairs.


He had left the television on, which was a better thing than usual but as the front door opened and closed Bob groaned. He knew how his mum felt about their games and then he heard his mother talking to someone, before she was walked into the room. Her hands were behind her back, and she had her scarf pulled between her lips.


There was a young man behind her, who laughed when he saw Bob and then made his mother sit next to him, his eyes widening as he produced a roll of white tape and taped her ankles together, then her legs, and then her arms.


“Saves me doing you have a nice time together,” he said as he left the room and walked up the stairs, Bob and Claire listening before they herd Todd say “what the .”


“Shrhhffshmhrht,” Bob mumbled as he looked at his mother, and then shuffled over, putting his head on her chest as she kissed the top.




Bob nodded as he looked into his mother’s eyes, and then they both heard the man run out. “Whttbhttthd?”


“Hfrrmhnd chuuhghthnthr?” Claire looked down at the leg pocket of her pants, as Bob twisted round and looked over his shoulder, managing finally to open the pocket, reach in, and take out a pair of scissors. He opened the blade, Claire watching as he started to saw at the tape round her wrists, hoping he would not cut her as he tried to get her free.


“Fhnkuhhh,” she said as the tape parted, and she peeled the tape away from his mouth and hers, before hugging him and cutting him free. “Once you’re free, you can see how Todd is.”


“No Mum leave him for a while,” Bob said, “he deserves the down time “





The But’n’Ben


Eric was still trying to process what was going on here he sat on the chair, with his orange jumper over his blue polo shirt, his dark jeans and his brown walking boots, as she watched the stranger wrap the rope round his ankles and force them together.


He had come here with his brother, Jock, and their mother Irene after the divorce of their parents had come through, to “take some time out” as Irene had put it. A cottage on the heath, secluded, quiet, just them. The thirteen-year-old had not liked the idea of being away from his PlayStation for so long, but he had been persuaded.


They had spent the day in the nearby village, walking round the parklands and then having a meal out. Jock and their mother had worn denim jackets - Jock over a burnt orange shirt, old jeans and brown shoes, and their mother over a long blue dress with her dark brown leather boots, and an orange wool scarf round her neck.


The same scarf that was now pulled into her mouth as she watched both her sons. They had come back to the cottage to find this stranger there, looking for something and when Irene had told him to get out, he had produced the gun and told them to just sit down and shut up.


Both boys had been made to watch as their mother’s wrists were taken behind her back and tied together with rope, and then her ankles tied together before she had been gagged. Irene had been forced then to watch as Jock’s hands were taken behind his back and tied together with rope and then Eric had felt the rough rope holding his own wrists together.


And now his ankles were tied together as well as his mother said “shnnshthrghhhl,” the orange wool noticeable darker.


“You don’t have to keep us quiet,” Eric said as the intruder looked round the room, and found a roll of white electrical tape. As a strip was torn off and pressed over his mouth, the young boy inhaled the perfume, and wondered why this woman was doing this to them.


He looked over at Jock as his mouth was covered in the white tape as well, before the woman grabbed the keys to Irene’s car and her purse, and then looked at them.


“Uhcchhnlhfhslhkths,” Irene mumbled as she looked at her.


“Watch me,” was all she said as she left the cottage, and they all heard the car drive off. Jock started to cry as their mother said “dhnntchrrbhs, whllghththfths.”




Irene looked round the room, and then said “chnnushthdhnhp?” Jock and Eric looked at each other, and then pushed themselves forward and managed to stand on their feet.




Eric watched as Jock shuffled forward, his mother smiling as he approached her and then fell forward, his face landing on her lap. !Hthshhlrht,” she whispered as Eric looked round.


“Hrrhk ghththlshhnhnfhdnhnhf.”


Eric nodded as he saw Jock straighten himself up and sit on his mother’s lap, her ankles squeaking as she tried to move them. He nodded and jumped to the door at the rear of the room, and entered the small kitchen his eyes widening and his lips moving under the tape as he saw the bread knife on the table. He managed to jump round and shuffle back as he started to rub the rope between his wrists on the blade of the knife, praying he would not cut himself


Eventually he felt the ropes part and he shook his wrists free, before sitting down and using the knife to cut through his ankle binding. He then peeled the tape away from his mouth, wincing slightly, and looked in the front room.


Jock had his face on his mother’s chest, rubbing it gently with his taped lips as Irene closed her eyes and moaned. Eric watched them, not quite sure of what he should do, but he was also aware of how seeing this was making him feel so he picked up the roll of tape, tore off a fresh strip and placed it over his mouth, and sat down, feeling excited more and more as he watched


The Sleepalong


“And that’s SNAP!” Joe said as he slapped the card down on the pile, smiling at Derek. The dark haired twelve-year-old was wearing a pair of grey pyjamas, while his friend was wearing a blue pyjama top and patterned bottoms.


Derek smiled shyly and said “okay, you win again. What do you want to play now?”


Both boys were wearing glasses, while their friend Oliver was watching a film on a portable Blu-Ray player. He was wearing a white t-shirt and checked bottoms, and occasionally he glanced over at Joe. He loved been with his friends and always wanted to be near Joe.


“Thanks for inviting us over Derek,” he finally said. “Where’s your mother?”


“Mum? She’s gone to have a shower,” Derek said, before the door opened and his mother came in. She was wearing a short sleeved white nightgown which came down to her knees, and was carrying a large bowl of popcorn.


“There you go,” she said as she put it down, “now don’t stay up too late, all right?”


“Okay Mum.” Derek smiled as his mother left the room, the three boys now sitting watching the screen as Oliver put his arm round Joe and gave him a hug.


“What was that for,” Joe said as he looked at Oliver through his glasses.


“For being a friend,” Joe said with a smile as they watched the screen until Derek heard his mother call out “NO!”


“Mum? What’s wrong?” Derek stood up and opened the door then backed up as a man came in, wearing a balaclava over his head and carrying a canvas bag.


“Stay where you are boys,” he said as he looked at the three of them, “I need to tie you all up and make sure you can’t raise the alarm.”


“Tie us up? Why?”


“Them’s the rules son,” he said as he dropped the bag, drew a length of white rope out of the top, and turned Derek round, the other two boys watching as his wrists were bound tightly together behind his back.


“What’s happened to my mum?”


“Play nice, you may find out,” the masked man said as he pulled a longer rope out of the bag, and wrapped it round Derek, Olive staring at him through his glasses as his friend’s arms were forced against his sides. The man tied the ropes off, and then pushed him forward as he pointed at Joe.


“You come here.”


“No please “


Oliver stood up and walked over, saying “take care of me first let Joe see there is nothing to be afraid of.” He turned and smiled as the man took his wrists behind his back, crossed them and bound them tightly together, and then wrapped the rope around his body. Oliver felt a thrill like a tickle running through his body as his arms were forced against his sides, and then smiled as he said to Joe “see there’s nothing to be afraid of Joe. You don’t want to be the odd one out, do you?”


Joe slowly stood up as the two boys looked at each other, and then said “al right” as he allowed the man to tie his wrists and arms as well. He then walked over and sat with his friends as the man walked further into the room, and looked at the screen.


“Never been tied up?”


“Why would we,” Derek said quietly, “it’s not normal.”


The man just smiled as he took more ropes out of the bag, laying them out before he took one and wound it round Derek’s ankles, forcing them tightly together as the rope went around and between his legs.


“It’s kind of exciting,” Oliver said as he nudged Joe.


“Oli, I’m scared stiff “


“It’s all right, I’m here to protect you,” Oliver said as he nudged Jow, the two boys looking at each other as the man secured Derek’s legs together below his knees, and then moved on to take care of the other two boys.


“No please I’ll do whatever you say, don’t “




“Kid,” the man said, “if you don’t keep quiet, I’ll need to make sure you stay quiet.” He reached into the bag and took out a pair of white ankle socks, balling up and then holding it in front of Derek’s mouth. He closed his mouth and shook his head -before the latex gloved fingers pinched his nose closed, the other two watching until he had to open his mouth and he pushed the sock in.


He also took out a wide roll of white micropore tape, peeled off a long length, and pressed it down over the young boy’s mouth as Oliver and Joe both watched, their eyes wide open.


Derek looked over, the tape covering his chin and the shape of his lips visible underneath, as he tried to talk and then his eyes widened as the man looked at Joe, another sock in his hand.


“no, please “


“Sorry kid I have to,” the man said as Joe slowly opened his mouth, tasting the cotton on his tongue as it was pushed in and then the tug on his skin as the tape was pressed over his mouth. Oliver looked at his friend, feeling the shiver again as his eyes widened behind his glasses, and then meekly allowed himself to be gagged in the same way.




All three boys saw a second man with a balaclava pulled down over his head in the doorway.


“Bring the kid mummy bear is unwilling to cooperate.”


“Whhrhruhthkhnhnhm” Joe said as he and Oliver watched the first man lift Derek onto his shoulder, and carry him out of the room, before they looked at each other.


“Whthdhdhwhdhnnhh,” Joe said as he looked at Oliver, whose eyes were wide as he looked at him.




“Ullhhkshddhfhrhnt,” Oliver said as he shuffled over, and looked at Joe.




“Yhhsshuhdh “ Oliver rested his head on Joe’s shoulder and looked up at me, his friend wondering what he was doing, why he was doing this






“Oh god, Derek,” his mother said as she lay on her side on the bed. Bands of rope held her arms tightly against her sides, Derek noticing how her nightdress was stretched tightly over her chest, her ankles and her legs above the hem of the garment, and her arms went behind her back. She twisted her body round as the second man pulled her hair back.


“I’ll make it real easy lady,” he whispered, “the safe combination, or my friend there starts to hurt your son. What’s it going to be?”


“No no, I’ll tell you,” she said as Derek looked at her, giving the man a sequence of numbers before he was pushed over and onto the bed with her, his eyes wide over the tape as the man who had brough him in stuffed something into her mouth, and then covered her lips with the white tape as well.


“Good,” Derek heard him say as there was the sound of tinkling, and his mother said “Huuhlrhhtt? Thhfhrs?”


“Hlifrhndshm? Thhrrlhkmh “




Sam looked at Oliver with a raised eyebrow, as his friend rubbed his head on his shoulder.






“Uhhrrhghthfhrhndbht “


Sam then felt Oliver’s taped lips on his cheek and blushed as he turned his head.






Sam looked at the way Oliver’s eyes were shining behind the lenses of his glasses, and blushed as he said “htwhhsnhs.”




Sam nodded as Oliver brushed his taped lips over his cheek, and then rubbed his head on his chest, the smile clear under the white tape





“Let’s go!”


As the two men left, Derek felt his mother’s lips on his head, and ushed himself up to rest his head on her chest. It felt so soft, and looked so much larger as he rubbed his head there.


“Hmmmm “




He looked up at her as she said “Khhpdhhnnththt “ So Derek did, feeling a shock run through him as he heard his mother moan, and his taped lips stroked over her breasts as well






“And hold the position “


Marcus closed his eyes as he sat on the floor, his legs folded and his hands together in prayer as he turned his head. The thirteen-year-old was wearing a black long sleeved top and Yoga pants, his red-brown hair cut extremely short.


“Breathe deeply, let all the cares in the world leave you “


In the next room, nine-year-old Fred was sitting with his legs crossed as well, wearing a grey t-shirt and black joggers, his wye closed as he held his hands up in the air with his thumb and forefinger together on each hand. His mother Esther was sat next to him, wearing a pink vest, black yoga pants and white ankle socks, her long brown hair up in a bun on her head. She also had her hands in the air, thumb and forefinger together, and smiled as she looked at Fred.


“Very good you are both very brave. Now keep those hands in the air where I can see them.”


The woman who was saying this was a young blonde haired woman, wearing a brown jumper and pants with over the knee boots, a black eye mask covering her eyes as she knelt down and passed a length of rope round Fred’s ankles, pulling them tightly together as she took the rope around and between her legs. “IT’s not that bad, Mummy,” he said as she did the same thing to Esther, and then walked behind the two of them. She put more ropes on the floor, and then took Esther’s hands behind her back, wrapping a length of rope around and between her wrists to hold them firmly together, and then another length around her arms to hold them firmly against her sides.


She then did the same thing to Fred so that his wrists and arms were fixed in place, as Fred opened his eyes and looked over.


The masked woman then smiled as she knelt down and tied one end of a length of rope round the two bands holding his arms in place, then took it down and tied the other end round his ankles. She did the same thing to her mother before she found the white tape, peeled a length off, and pressed it down so that it formed to the contours of Esther’s mouth and jaw.


“Shnnuhrmmh,” she said as she looked at Fred, the young boy nodding before the tape was pressed down over his mouth as well, and he looked round the room. The masked girl stood up as Elaine lowered her head and kissed her son on the head, Fred blushing as he watched the woman walk out and into the next room.


Her partner was there, wearing a black bodysuit and knee length leather boots as Marcus opened his eyes and looked at the mother. She was wearing a black bodysuit with a bare back, and was also sat with her legs crossed, facing the other way from Marcus. She had long blonde hair, and her arms were bent behind her back, her hands back-to-back and her wrists bound with the white rope. The second masked woman was winding rope round her arms to hold them to her sides and against her back, stretching the black material that covered her breasts tighter as Marcus watched what was happening to her.


“Enjoying the sight?”


Marcus slowly nodded, feeling the white tape over his own mouth as he struggled in the ropes that held his upper arms to his sides, his wrists to the ropes at the front and then to his bound ankles. His mother looked so different, as she turned her head and raised an eyebrow.


He was aware of something growing larger on his body, as the woman patted his head and said “it’s only natural kid don’t fight it.”




“And you can do anything about it?”


Marcus slowly shook his head as he twisted round, and felt himself responding, trying to twist away with no success






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