The Games Player - GoGo










I was born in the early Sixties, and my mother was a real trendsetter in our small town she wore Mary Quant, miniskirts, go-go boots, hot pants, and I also wanted to dress like her, so she let me. That love of those times is still with me, and I passed it to my daughter, and she passed it to her daughters so every Saturday, we get together and have a real groovy time.


This particular Saturday was the first we had together for a while I had to deal with some medical issues, so I was really looking forward to it. After breakfast, I put on one of my favourite dresses it was made of a silver patterned material with sleeves that expanded from the elbow to the cuffs, and came to just above my knees. I then put on my silver go-go boots, and put a curly brown wig over my head. Finally, I put on some jewellery and a pair of large sunglasses, and ‘I was ready for the day.


So when the doorbell rang, I went back down and opened the front door to see Janey my daughter standing there. I can’t believe she is over 30 now, as we hugged each other. She was dressed for the occasion a sheer grey paisley patterned mini dress with a deep V shaped neckline, a matching scarf holding back her long brown hair, and her own white knee length go-go boots.


She looked at me and said “you look good Mum.”


“I feel good,” I replied as my granddaughters ran in. Milly and Tilly are nine years old, and like most twins they were identically dressed a long green scarf was tied to hold back their own brown hair, and they were wearing a sleeveless knee length slip dress with alternating pink, lime green and blue stripes, and of course their white boots.


And then there was six-year-old Edie, who was wearing her own slip dress hers was a psychedelic fractal pattern, with a matching band holding her hair back so it looked like she had a beehive hairdo, the skirt covering the top of her boots.


I hugged all three of them and told them to go into the front room, where I had the Monkees box set ready for them to start watching, and promised I would bring some drinks and snacks through in a few minutes, while Janey and I headed to the kitchen. She sat at the table as I put the kettle on, and put some coffee into two mugs, and we talked about what had happened to me as I fixed some glasses of squash and some snacks for the girls. Pouring the hot water into the mugs, I stirred then and handed one to Janey, and said I’d be back in a minute once I had taken these to all three of them.


And that was when the Saturday took a very different turn for all of us. Because when I came back, there was someone standing behind Janey. She was a young woman, and was wearing a denim blouse over a brown roll neck sweater, and jeans tucked into a pair of white knee length boots but it was the stocking pulled down over her head that got my attention.


Well, that and the fact she then pointed a gun at me. Oh and that Janey now had her hands behind her back, and a very frightened look in her eyes. So I did the only thing I could think of doing.


“Who are you, and what do you want?”


“Good questions,” the masked woman said with a smile. “Well, for you and your daughter, I am here to rob you. For your granddaughters, this is a special game you have arranged for me to come and pay with all of you.


“A A game?” I was astonished at what she said, but she just kept smiling and said “oh yes like those old television programs, you are going to be held hostage and unable to raise the alarm while I relieve you of your valuables.”


“I will not let you hurt them “


“Mum,” Janey said quietly, “she’s already tied my wrists together behind my back. I don’t think we have a choice “


“And if they believe it is a game, they are less likely to be afraid and panic which I assure you, is a very good thing. So, what are you going to do?”


I looked at Janey, who slowly nodded before I said “All right what are you going to do first?”


The masked woman smiled as she picked out of some sort of bag a longer length of rope, and then wrapped it round Janey’s arms and body, forcing them against her sides as she formed two bands. Janey twisted round, and then said “Well, it could be worse.”


The woman then took some more rope and walked behind me, and I felt it rubbing on my wrists as Janey said “I guess we are going to have coffee later, Mum.”


“I’ll make a fresh one after this game,” I said as I felt my wrists being forced together, and then the tug as she tied the rope off. As she walked back behind Janey, I saw her pick up a rucksack and put the gun in. “Always remember I have that,” she said quietly, “and now we go and get the girls to play. You can tell them what is happening.”


I nodded as she helped Janey to stand up, and then we walked into the front room. Edie was sitting between Tilly and Milly, all three of them watching as Davy started to untie the girl of the week from the rail tracks.


“Hey Granny Mummy?”


“Girls,” I said as I took a deep breath, “I’ve arranged a special surprise game for us all to play. This lady is pretending to be a kidnapper, and we are all going to be the damsels in distress on the show.”




“Really,” the masked woman said. “Mummy is going to show you what I have done to her, and then I am going to make sure she stays in a seat you can watch what I’m doing, and see I am not hurting her, all right?”


The girls nodded as Janey walked over and turned round so they could see her hands and the other ropes, before she sat down and I sat with the girls.


“Has she tied your hands behind your back as well,” Tilly asked as she looked at me.


“She has it doesn’t hurt at all, so don’t be afraid when it is your turn,” I said with a smile as the intruder knelt down and crossed their mother’s ankles, and then started to bind them together with white rope. The girls watched as the rope went around and between her ankles, and then a second length secured her legs together below her knees and on top of her boots.


“There now,” she said as she stood up, “I think Mummy is going to stay there and now it is your turn girls. Please stand up and line up in front of your grandmother, and put your hands behind your back.”


“What’s going to happen when she is finished,” Edie asked as the girls stood up, the masked woman standing behind Tilly as my granddaughter smiled while her wrists were tied together behind her back.


“I think you and Mummy will stay here and watch some more of the Monkees,” I said with a smile, “while I walk round the house with her. Then I’ll come back and join you, and we do what she tells us we have to do, all right?”


All three of them nodded as the masked woman went along, and I watched her secure their wrists together behind their backs, and then wrap ropes round their arms and body so they looked like Janey. She hadn’t done that to me yet but she then told me to stand up as the girls sat down, and she secured their ankles and legs in the same way as their mother.


As they twisted their ankles, giggling at the noise of the leather rubbing, I watched as she took more rope and just how much rope was in that bag and walk behind me, before I felt the pressing of my arms against my sides as she put it to the same use as she had with the others.


It was snug, and it was not uncomfortable, as she said “we’re going to take a little walk do enjoy some more of the show. Can I trust you all to keep nice and quiet?”




I was surprised to hear Edie say this as the woman nodded, and took from her bag a white scarf. Rolling it into a band, she said to Edie “open your mouth” and then pulled the band between her lips, taking the band round her head and securing the ends at the base of her neck. She then looked at the twins, who looked at each other and then opened their own mouths.


“I guess I will be quiet as well,” Janey said as the woman gagged my older granddaughters, and then did the same to their mother, before she said “let’s go for a little walk” and left all four of them watching the television.


“Thank you for not hurting them,” I said as we walked up the stairs. Walking into the bedroom, she said “tell me where to look I prefer to make sure things stay neat, as they would with a game “


There was a certain logic to that, so I nodded as I told her where she could steal from me





When we walked back into the main room, I groaned inwardly at the song that was playing


“I want to be free “


“Not for some time,” the woman said, and I nodded a little difficult to talk when I had a rolled up white scarf pulled between my lips as well and secured at the base of my neck.


I sat in the other armchair and watched as she knelt down and bound my ankles and legs in the same way as the other girls my jewellery was now in the bag with me pearls and other jewels.


As she stood up, Janey said “Chffhehlhthrrr?” I nodded, seeing how grey the scarf was at the corners of her mouth, and then heard the girls giggle at another silly move by Peter.


“One more thing I have some things to do, and I really need you all to be quiet,” the woman said as she took from the bag strips of brown sticking plaster, removing the backing paper and pressing them down over our mouths before we looked at each other.


“Now, watch some more for an hour,” she said, “and then see who can get free first. I’ll be waiting for the winner.”


I knew that was not true, but we watched her walk out, and then all watched as the next program began. It was going to be a long morning







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