The Games Player - Seated








“I really enjoyed the party, Mum,” Alice said as she looked at her mother behind the wheel.


“I’m glad you did - and you did not feel left out of anything?”


“Not really - I got to take part in all the games,” Alice said with a smile. The ten-year-old had her blonde hair in two pigtails, and was wearing a long-sleeved purple top with a short denim skirt, purple striped tights and knee length brown leather boots with straps.


“Well, the other mothers and I had a good chat as well,” Lesley said with a smile. She was wearing a cream-coloured jacket over a black dress with openings above her chest, the knee length skirt covering the tops of her black leather boots. Her long black hair was blowing in the breeze from the open window next to her as she made her way along the road.


“So what are we going to have for tea today?”


“I have some fish fingers and chips - if you have any room left after that party lunch.”


“Oh I might be able to manage it,” Alice said with a grin as Lesley turned into a driveway, and brought their vehicle to a stop outside the large cottage. Putting the brakes on, she turned the engine off and unlocked the mechanism holding her wheelchair in place, as she said “Release yourself as well, while I open the rear doors.”


Pressing a button on the dashboard, she turned her head and watched as the rear doors of the van opened and a ramp slowly lowered, as Alice unlocked the brakes on her wheelchair and rolled herself out. Lesly followed her out, turning her own wheelchair as she did so, before she wheeled herself out, waiting as the ramp was slowly raised and retracted into the van before she closed and locked the doors.


“Right, let’s head in,” she said with a smile as she replaced the keys in her handbag, and then wheeled herself to the front door, Alice following her as the wheels crunched on the gravel driveway. She waited as her mother unlocked the front door, and then opened the door as they both made their way in.


“I’ll go and fetch us both a drink,” Lesley said as Alice mad her way into the front room, and she closed the door behind herself before wheeling her way down to the kitchen, pushing the door open and looking round.


“That’s funny,” she whispered, “why is the back door open?”


“That might be because I opened it.”


Lesley suddenly turned her head to see a young woman standing there, her arms folded as she smiled under the stocking that was pulled down over her head, pressing down her light brown hair. She was wearing a brown jumper and leggings, the lower half of which was tucked into brown suede boots, and brown gloves on her hands. Lesley stared at her, before she said “whoever you are, you “


“I am going to play a game with you and your daughter,” the masked woman said with a smile as she sat in a chair, “a very special game.”


“A You’re one of them aren’t you?”


“One of what,” the woman said as she smiled.


“A Games Player.”


“Well, I am not going to deny it,” she replied, “and as such, you now know I am going to be relieving you of your valuables. Ad you also know I have to make sure you and your daughter cannot stop me.”


“You may have noticed “


“I know,” the Player said quietly, “and I understand, but I am going to do this the same as I would anyone else. I feel that is only fair and right.”


Lesley looked at her, before she said “I don’t know whether to scream for help or admire your honesty. If we are going to do this, then I need to be able to take her a drink first - with your permission?”


“Of course - I would ask if you wanted help, but something tells me that would not be the right thing to do.”


Lesley nodded as she went and fetched two bottles of water from the fridge, and placed them on her lap as the Player picked up a rucksack.


“Hey Mum - what happened,” Alice said as she watched the door open, and then she saw the masked woman follow her in. “Who is this?”


“This is an actress,” Lesley said, “because I have organized an exciting treat for you, Alice. We are going to play a game of hostages, and she is playing the part of the woman who take sus hostage.”


“Really? Like on the television?”


“That’s right,” Lesley said, “now, that does mean she is going to make sure we can’t move or “




“I meant can’t move our arms,” Lesley said with a smile, “or talk, but we will be together, and we can watch something on the television until she ells us we can try and get free.”


“It sounds exciting,” Alice said with a smile, “so what will she do first?”


“Well,” the Player said as she put her rucksack down and opened the top, “for a start, you and your mother can have the water she has brought in, while I use some rope to tie your ankles and legs together.”


Alice laughed as she said “She has seen the wheelchairs. Right Mum?”


“She has,” Lesley said as she handed her daughter a bottle of water, “but he wants it to be as realistic as possible, and a real kidnapper would tie our legs as well.”


“Fair point,” Alice said as the Player knelt down and wrapped the rope round her ankles, gently pulling them together as she wound the length around and between her legs to secure them tightly together. She then took a second length of cord and secured Alice’s legs together below her knees, taking the rope between her legs there as well, before she stood up and said “there - if you could walk, do you think you could get away now?”


“I don’t think so,” Alice said quietly as she took a drink from her bottle, “so are you going to do the same to Mum?”


“I am indeed,” the player said as she fetched two more lengths of rope from her rucksack, and knelt in front of Lesley, the young woman watching as she wrapped the rope round her booted ankles and then bound them tightly together. She heard the squeak as leather rubbed against leather while the Player folded back the hem of her skirt, and secured her legs together below her knees, the binding sitting on top of her boots.


“There,” Lesley said as the hem of her skirt was folded back, “now we’re both the same, aren’t we?”


“Yes we are,” Lesley said as she finished her water, the Player taking the empty bottle from her.


“Now, watch what I do with Mummy,” she said as she looked at Alice, the young girl watching as she first helped Lesley to remove her jacket and reveal her bare arms, before she took Lesley’s wrists behind her back and started to bind them tightly together with more rope. She then took a longer rope and wrapped it round Lesley’s arms and body, forcing them against her sides as it was taken round in two bands.


“It doesn’t hurt, does it Mum,” Alice asked quietly.


“No, the rope is actually quite soft,” Lesley said as she was lifted out of the wheelchair by the Player, and then sat on one end of the couch. She twisted round, feeling the ropes rub on her are arms, while the Player said to Alice “your turn - ready?”


“Yeah - I’m ready,” Alice said as she leaned forward, and put her hands behind her back, smiling as her mother watched the player secure her daughter’s wrists together behind her back, and then use the longer length to make sure she could not move her arms at all.


“Yeah, it is like being hugged,” Alice laughed as she was lifted out of the wheelchair, and sat next to her mother.


“There - now can I trust you both to be quiet while I take care of a few things, and watch something on the television?”


We’ll be quiet,” Lesley said, Alice nodding as the Player turned he television on, and then said “Don’t move.”


“Funny,” Lesley said as the masked woman left the room, and then she looked at her daughter. “It is actually a fun game, isn’t it?”


“Yeah - but is she really going to do something to stop us talking later?”


“I think she will - but she hasn’t hurt us, has she? So I don’t think she will do anything bad to us to stop us talking.”


Alice nodded as she rested her head against her mother’s arm - and then they both looked to the doorway as a woman said “Lesley, are you and Alice in the front room? She left something at the party.”


“Let me talk to her, tell her what is happening, all right,” Lesley said quietly, Alice nodding as the door opened and a woman the same age as Lesley came in. She had long brown hair, and was wearing a pink sweatshirt with a long black skirt that had a red floral print on it, as well as black fabric ankle boots.


With her was a ten-year-old girl, her long black hair falling over the shoulders of her black sweatshirt. It had gold stars on it, and the word “SPARKLE” in gold letters over the top at the front. Her pleated silk skirt was the same shade of pink as the older woman’s sweatshirt, and she was wearing black laced shoes with white spots on the leather.


“Ying Li “


“Wow,” the young girl said quietly, “what’s happening Mum?”


“Lesley “


“We’re playing a game of hostages, Li,” Alice said as she looked over, “come and have a look at what the lady did to us.”


The young girl came over and looked at Alice turned her body to how her the ropes holding her wrists and arms in place, while her mother looked at Lesley.


“A game of Hostages?”


“That’s right,” Lesley said as she looked at the two girls. “I hired an actress to play the part, and I told her to make it realistic. “


“She really tied you both up?”


“I did - and now you are here, I am going to ask you both to join in the game as well.”


“Can they,” Alice said as Jin turned and looked at the masked woman.


“Oh they can - in fact, if they join in, they can sit in your wheelchairs - once I have made sure they cannot use their hands to try and escape.”


“Can we Mum,” Li said, “I want to be like Alice.”


Yin looked at Lesley, who nodded, before she said “All right - so we are your hostages. I presume you want our phones and purses?”


“To prevent you raising the alarm, yes,” the Player said as Yin handed her her handbag, and Li took a phone out of the pouch on her sweatshirt before she handed it over. “Thank you - now, both of you, put your hands behind your back. I’m going to tie your wrists together, and then some rope round your arms to keep you nice and snug.”


The two new arrivals nodded as she went behind Li, and crossed her wrists behind her back, before she used some rope to secure them tightly together. She then bound her mother’s wrists together, Yin smiling as the longer rope was then passed round her and pulled tight under her chest.


“So you want us to sit in the wheelchairs while you finish binding us?”


“Indeed - less likely for you to try and stand up and jump to raise the alarm,” the Player said with a smile as she pule the rope tighter and famed Yin’s chest in the same way as Lesley’s, before tying the ropes off behind her back.


“She things of everything, doesn’t she Mum,” Alice said, Lesley nodding as Yin sat in her wheelchair, and then the Player began to use another longer rope and wound it round Li’s body to keep her arms fixed against her sides.


As she tied the ropes off, Li smiled and walked over to Alice’s wheelchair, sitting herself in it as she watched the masked woman kneel down and start to bind Yin’s ankles tightly together. She then folded her skirt back and secured her legs together below her knees, taking the rope between the woman’s legs to make it tighter and tying the ropes off before she folded her skirt back, and stood up.


“Ready,” she said as she took two more ropes from her rucksack and knelt in front of Li, the young girls watching as the Player bound her ankles tightly together as well, and then her legs below her knees under her skirt.


“Wow - this does feel nice,” Li said as the masked woman stood up, Alice nodding as Yin and Lesley exchanged a glance.


“Now, I have to sort out ransom demands and collection,” the Player said as she looked in the rucksack, and took out a length of white tape, “so I need to use this to make you quiet. When I have done, I need you all to stay nice and still for one hour and watch the television, and then you can start to try and get free. I will be in the kitchen - the first person to get free gets a special prize.”


“And if we can’t get free?”


“Then after another hour, I have arranged for another actor to come and be the hero who finds all of you. All right?”


The four captives looked at each other and nodded, as the Player peeled a length of the tape away from the roll, and then pressed it down over Lesley’s mouth with her gloved hands. She nodded and then smiled at Alice, the shape of her kips visible under the tape as her daughter was gagged in the same way.


Yin and Li then both had tape pressed over their mouths as well, as the player checked all four of them, and then said “Well, enjoy the program” as she left the room, taking her rucksack with her.


Yin looked over and said “hghhmhmhm?”


Hgghmhphlhr,” Lesley mumbled as their daughters laughed under the gags







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