Shopping Blues








“MUM! When the heck did you buy that?”


“When you went to get a coffee,” Gillian said as she looked at her nineteen year old daughter, “why don’t I get to treat myself from time to time?”


“Well yes but seriously? At your age?”


“And what age is that,” Gillian said with a raised eyebrow as she looked at Diane. Her daughter was wearing a white cardigan over a beach print top, the legs of her tight blue jeans tucked into a pair of mid-calf black leather boots. “I’m not fifty yet you know?”


“I know believe me I know,” Diane said as she shook her head, and looked at her mother. Gillian’s dark brown hair was falling over the shoulders of the light green short sleeved dress she was wearing, the skirt barely covering the tops of her legs and certainly not covering the tops of her brown stockings - the garter could clearly be seen, her own shapely legs in a pair of knee length light brown leather boots with a thin flat heel.


“Come on are you saying I can’t carry this off?”


Diane shook her head as she said “I suppose you still can but what’s Dad going to say when he sees it.”


“He’ll probably say it’s not my colour and then kiss me,” Gillian said with a smile.


“He may have something to show you as well as me,” Diane said with a laugh as she walked to the door. “Coffee?”


“Sounds good,” Gillian said as her daughter walked towards the kitchen then stopped as the leather gloved hand was clamped over her mouth, and a male voice said “forgive the intrusion, my dear if you promise you will not try to raise the alarm, I will take my hand away and we can have a small conversation.


“Do you promise not to?”


“WHhhhruh? Phllssdhnthrttmhhh “


“It is the furthest thing from my mind to hurt you but will you remain quiet?”


Diane slowly nodded as the hand was taken away, and the voice said “thank you are you alone in the house?”


“No,” Diane whispered, “my mother is here “


“Ah and you were intending to make coffee for both of you?”


“Yes “


“Allow me,” a second voice said, Diane’s eyes widening as she saw the second man





“What happened did you have to . DIANE!”


“Good afternoon, Gillian as you can see, your daughter is unharmed, but I must ask you to remain calm and not raise the alarm.”


The man who spoke was about five foot seven tall, and wearing a black leather jacket over a dark sweater and pants, black shoes and gloves and a black balaclava over his head, only his smile and his eyes visible as he put the tray down on the coffee table, and indicated Diane should sit down.


“I’m sorry Mum,” Diane said quietly, “they surprised me in the kitchen “


“They?” Gillian looked to the door as a second man came in, identically dressed and masked but a good foot taller than his partner.


“Ah you must be Diane’s mother,” he said with a smile, “may I bother you to close the curtains across the windows please we do not want to advertise our presence in your home after all.”


“And why should I?”


“Because it is the right thing to do,” the taller man said as she saw the gun in his hand, then nodded as she stood up and walked over to the windows.


“Mister Small, if you would be so good as to ensure that young Diane here has her legs secured, then you can pour her a cup of coffee.”


“It would be my pleasure,” the smaller man said as he placed a bag on the floor next to where the teenager was sitting, and removed a length of white cord, which he doubled over and then wrapped round Diane’s ankles, making sure they were held firmly together.


Ashe took the rope between her legs, Gillian sat down, looking at the man tying his daughter’s legs as she said “Mister Small so you must be Mister Tall?”


“The pleasure is mine, Gillian?”


“I bet it is,” she said as she watched him pour a cup of coffee.


“Cream? Sugar?”


“no, thank you,” Gillian replied as the masked man handed her the coffee cup, as Mister Small lashed her daughter’s legs together below her knees, cinching the binding by taking the rope between her legs again, and then stood up, taking the coffee pot and pouring some into a cup, along with some cream before he handed it to the young woman. Diane took it and twisted her legs round as she said “I think they are going to rob us, Mum.”




“Your daughter is quite correct,” Mister Tall said as he walked to the window and checked from the curtain, “so it would be good for you, and very good for us, fi you were to cooperate fully and not cause any difficulties.”


“Mum, please “


“It’s all right, Diane,” Gillian said a sshe took a sip from her cup, “I have heard of these gentlemen. I accept their word they will not hurt us but we are going to be unable to raise the alarm correct?”


“Absolutely correct,” Mister Tall said. “I have to inform you we have already disconnected your main phone and disabled the internet and we have your daughter’s phone. On which note, Gillian, kindly hand to Mister Small your handbag and your mobile phone.”


Gillian looked at the two men, and then picked up her handbag, handing it to Mister Small as he opened it and removed the phone. “Most kind,” he said with a smile a she placed both on the far side of the room, “please, finish your coffee.”


“And then?”


“And then,” Mister Tall said, “you may accompany me to the rest of the house and guide me as to where any valuables are. Mister Small will ensure that Diane is comfortable, secure and unable to raise the alarm.”


Diane twisted her legs again, the squeak of leather on leather audible to all, and then put her cup down on the table.


“I’ve had enough,” she said quietly as Mister Small took more rope from the bag.


“Excellent put your hands behind your back. Mister Tall?”


“Come with me please Gillian,” Mister Tall said as he took Gillian by the arm, and walked her out of the bedroom, Diane watching as he felt her wrists being bound tightly together behind her back. She then gasped as a longer rope was passed round her body and pulled tight forcing her white cardigan to her sides as her arms were forced against her body.


“Does I have to be so tight?”


“It is more uncomfortable if it is not,” Mister Small said as the rope went round her again and again, forming two bands before he secured the ends behind her back. She twisted round, but it was no use she was held firmly in place, as Mister Small piked up the coffee tray and carried the pot and cups back into the kitchen.


“Well, I wonder what is coming next,” Diane said to herself as she looked around the room and then she heard the front door open and close, and a male voice call out “why are the curtains closed?”


Diane looked to the doorway, as she felt the leather gloved hand over her mouth again, as the voice continued “hey nobody want to say Oh. Ah.”


The voice belonged to an older man, who looked at Diane through his large glasses but he was wearing a long light brown wig, the ends of the hair on the shoulder straps of a fawn-coloured layered top. A long brown suede skirt, and high sand coloured suede boots, completed his outfit.


“Diane? Who is this man?”


“I was about to ask the same question,” Mister Small said with a smile. “May I know your name please?”


“Dennis “


“Ah your father Diane. I had no idea he was so free thinking. Allow me to introduce myself my name is Mister Small. My friend and partner, Mister Tall, is currently upstairs with your wife I must ask you not to raise the alarm, but to sit down on the other couch, your hands where I can see them.”


“Mister Small? You are a Gentlemen Robber?”


“We both have that honour.”


“Has he hurt you sweetheart,” he said as he looked at Diane, the younger girl slowly shaking her head as Dennis walked over and sat down, his hands on his lap.


“Thank you I regret to say, Diane, I must ensure your silence now before I take care of your father. Kindly open your mouth as wide ss you can.”


Diane nodded as she opened her mouth, and felt Mister Small push the folded scarf into her mouth, filling the space as she closed her lips over it. He then peeled a length of sticking plaster from a roll and pressed it firmly down over her mouth, before he looked at Dennis.


“I must ask you to remove your jewellery, and hand all items to me “





“So that is your husband returning home,” Mister Tall said a she wrapped the rope around Gillian’s wrists behind her back. “I presume he is a sensible man, one who is not going to cause trouble?”


“No, he won’t but he may surprise you.”


“My dear Gillian, I have seen many things both alone and with Mister Small I assure you, unless it involves him wearing a teddy and wishing to be tied face to face with a large teddy bear, it will not faze me or Mister Small.”


“Well, the teddy would be a possibility,” Gillian said with a smile as she felt the ropes forcing her arms against her sides. “How are we meant to get free?”


“Well, to be frank, you are not but we will inform the authorities of your predicament, when we have had sufficient time to make sure of our safe departure,” Mister Tall said as he pulled the ropes tighter, and then tied the ends off before Gillian turned round.


“Well, you have me tied up, my daughter tied up probably my husband as well. Now what?”


“Shall we join them?”


Gillian nodded as she walked down the stairs in front of Mister Tall, Dennis looking over a sshe came into the room and saying “Well, I see you are like us?”


“Are you all right, Diane?”


Their daughter nodded as she lay on the couch, her ankles pulled back and tied to the ropes round her arms and chest, the brown fabric covering her mouth as she lay on her side. She was watching Mister Small as he knelt down and passed the white rope around Dennis’ ankles, the cords sinking into suede as he pulled it tight and secured his ankles together.


“Good shopping trip?”


“Yeah and they haven’t stolen anything from that,” Gillian said a sshe sat next to her husband, Mister Tall taking ropes from the bag before he knelt as well and placed her ankles on his knee, crossing them before he started to bind them tightly together.


“My apologies,” Mister Small said as he folded back the hem of Dennis’ skirt, and then started to bind his legs together below his knees.


“Well, they certainly live up to their name.”


“Nhhhhh,” Diane said as she rolled her eyes.


“We find courtesy and manners much more effective than threats,” Mister Tall said a she passed the rope between Gillian’s legs and tied the ends off, before lowering her feet and stating to bind her legs below her knees.


“So I have not shocked you?”


“No you have not,” Mister Tall said a she tied the ropes off, and stood up. “And now, with regret, we must keep your quiet. Open your mouth please.”


Gillian tried not to choke as the cloth was pushed into her mouth, pressing her tongue down and filling the space, and then the fabric plaster pressed down over her lips. She twisted her body round, feeling the bands of rope on her chest, but there was no give, no way to loosen them.


“Ntthlhtwhchndh,” Dennis said as the plaster was pressed down over his mouth, and they both looked at Diane as she lay there, her eyes wide above the brown mouth covering.


“Well, you have been exemplary hosts,” Mister Tall said as the two masked men stood in the doorway. “The Gentlemen Robbers bid you adieu may we never meet again.”


They all watched as they walked off, and then heard the door open and close, before Gillian started to twist round.




“Whtthshtht,” she said as she looked at Dennis.




Gillian raised an eyebrow and looked down at herself, then over at her husband as he twisted his body round as well.


“Nhhh dhuhhh?”








“Uhhhrhhphndghhssmmmhhmmmmmmm.” Gillian’s eyes shot pen as Dennis pressed his taped lips against hers and moved them, before they slowly closed and she returned the kiss, then nuzzled against Dennis’ chest.


“Gtththrhmmuhth,” Diane mumbled as she rolled over she didn’t want to watch this, or show how much she was enjoying her restraint as well







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