The Men in Black











Cindy smiled as she knocked on the front door of the house, looking back along the tree lined street. There was little traffic just a grey transit van parked a little way down the road but as it drove off and turned the corner she heard the door open, so turned back and smiled.


“Hey Sally looking good.”


“Why thank you,” Sally said as she stood to one side and allowed Cindy to come into her house. The fifty-year-old had her brown hair styled in a bob, and was wearing a tight jersey dress - cream shoulders, then cream and black stripes with a blue edge on the arms and skirt which barely covered her personal areas. Her full legs were encased in black nylon, and a pair of mid=calf black suede boots with a two-inch heel were on her feet.


As she closed the door, she said “You’re not looking so bad yourself.”


“This old thing?” Cindy was wearing a black jacket with leatherette panels on the front, over a purple lace dress with dark black tights and black leather boots with a short block heel. Her long blonde hair was hanging loose, her brown roots starting to show, and she had a string of pearls round her neck.


“Yes, that old thing,” Sally laughed as she closed the door. “Come on the coffee is freshly brewed and I have Danish pastries.”


“Sounds like a good start to the morning,” Cindy said as she followed Sally into the kitchen.




“So the lady of the house has a visitor?”


“So it would appear. But we proceed with the visit?”


“We proceed with the visit “



“SO I see the divorce has really freed you up?”


“Hel yeah,” Susan said as she sipped from her cup, “I can finally be myself rather than the frump he forced me to be. Let’s take these through to the front room there’s something I wanted to ask you.”


“Sure,” Cindy said as they walked through, neither of them noticing the handle on the back door to the kitchen slowly go down.


“So what is it you want to ask me,” Cindy said as they sat on the brown leather seats.


“Well,” Susan said, and Cindy could see she was nervous, “how long have we known each other?”


“Since primary school why?”


“All that time, you’ve never had a boyfriend?”


“No,” Cindy said as she crossed her legs, “why? What brought that up now?”


“Well, you seeohmygodwhoareyou?”


Cindy looked at Susan, and then to the doorway as she saw the two men standing there. They were identically dressed black leather jackets over sweaters, pants, show, leather gloves and balaclava masks and one of them was pointing a gun at the two women as the other carried a large holdall.


“Good morning, Susan,” the taller of the two said as he smiled, “forgive our intrusion, but we wish to conduct some business here and your friend will provide the assurance of your full cooperation.”


“Who.. Who are you?”


“Ah - forgive my lack of introduction. You may call me Mister Tall, and this is my partner, Mister Small. If you would place the bag down, Mister Small, then you will be free to collect the handbags and mobile phones of these two beautiful ladies, and ensure they cannot be used during our stay.”


“Of course,” the smaller man said as he put the large bag down and came over, taking Cindy’s handbag and checking to see her phone was inside.


“And your phone, Susan?”


“Upstairs “


“Excellent. Mister Small, would you check to ensure that is the case, and also ensure the main phone is disabled for our visit?”


“Of course,” Mister Small said as he left the room, Mister Tall looking at Cindy as he said “I know this is Suzan, but may I know your name please?”


“Cindy “


“Well, Cindy, I need you to walk to the windows and close the curtains over them, then I need you to come over and lie face down on the couch. Will you do that now please?”


“You won’t hurt us “


“So long as you do what I say, or Mister Small says, nobody need be more than mildly inconvenienced. If you would not mind?”


“Do as he says,” Susan whispered as Cindy slowly stood up and walked over blocking the view from outside before she walked back and lay on her stomach.


“Susan, I require you to sit quite still and not move for a few minutes.”


Susan watched as the masked man opened the bag and removed a length of white rope, then walked over and took her friend’s hands behind her back, crossing her wrists before he secured them tightly together with the cord. It only took five minutes, but as he helped Cindy to sit up again she already had a feeling she was next.


“There is now no way for anyone to contact these fine ladies, Mister Tall.”


“Excellent would you please ensure Susan has her wrists secured behind her back, while I continue to take care of her friend Cindy.”


“Of course,” the shorter masked man said as he took a longer length of rope from the bag and handed it to Mister Tall, then selected a length for himself and walked behind Susan.


“If you would please lean forward, and cross your wrists behind your back?”


As Susan watched Mister Tall double the rope in his gloved hands and pass it round Condy’s body, then pulled it tight under her chest as her jacket was opened up, Cindy said “what were you going to ask me?”


“I’m sorry?”


“What were you going to ask me before they came in?”


“Oh.” As Susan blushed, she saw how the ropes were forcing her friend’s arms against the sides, but also how her chest had been forced out, and she was unable to move her eyes away.


She was barely aware of her own situation until Cindy said “Susan? What’s wrong?”


“Nothing I just never thought I would see you like this “


“Tied up?”


Susan slowly nodded as she felt the ropes forcing her own arms against her sides and then she saw the way Cindy was looking at her as she felt the fabric of her dress stretch over her own chest.


“I - I never imagined I would see you like that as well “


“How do I look?”


Cindy blushed as Mister Tall knelt in front of her, and she felt the rope bringing her ankles together, heard the soft squeak as her boots rubbed together and the unexpected sigh she let escape from her lips.


“I know I feel the same.”


Cindy looked over at Susan, seeing the way her breasts were forced up and out between the two tight bands of rope, how they looked.


“You do?”


“I do I wanted to ask you a question, Cindy, but you don’t have to answer “


“Go on “


“Are you “


“I regret to say that question must remain unanswered,” Mister Tall said as he secured Cindy’s legs together below her knees. “Mister Small, would you kindly take Susan for a tour of the premises, while I take care of Cindy?”


“Of course please. Come with me.” Mister Small took Susan by the arm and walked her out of the room as Cindy twisted round on her seat.


“So what happens now you gag me?”


“Indeed with regret, it is necessary to “


He then moved behind Cindy and covered her mouth with his leather gloved hand as they heard the front door open and close.


“Susan? Do you have a minute I was heading into town, but “


The new arrival stared at Mister Tall and Cindy through her large glasses. She had short grey-blonde hair, and was wearing a tan leather jacket and skirt over a dark brown patterned top, as well as knee length leather boots in the same shade of tan.


“Hmmshhrhrhdhheee,” Cindy mumbled as Mister Small said from behind her “Good afternoon please, no cries or calls for help, just remain calm and all will be well.”


“Who are you? Scratch that what are you?”


“Well, I am known as Mister Small, and today I and my partner Mister Tall are relieving Susan of the burden of her valuables which means we had to make sure young Cindy here could not interfere in our work.


“And now, regretfully, I must do the same to you. May I ask what your name is?”


“Edie “


“Very well, Edie slowly place your handbag on the floor, then place your hands behind your back.”


As he removed his hand, Cindy gasped before saying “he’s telling the truth, Edie I’m so sorry “


“It’s not your fault Cindy,” Edie said quietly as she moved her hands behind her, Mister Small collecting ropes from his bag and walking over before he started to bind the latest arrival.


“How are you feeling?”


“Scared Worried And “


“And?” Edie grunted as her wrists were secured, and then the rope pulled tight around her, forcing her coat open as her chest was framed in two tight bands of rope. Cindy could not take her eyes off her friend as the bands were added to and drawn tighter, before Mister Small secured them behind Edie’s back. He then placed a cushion on the floor, before he said “I want you to kneel, a nd then lie on your stomach, with your head on the pillow.”


Edie slowly knelt down with his help, and then he gently lowered her to the ground with her head on the pillow, before he fetched more ropes and then crossed her ankles before he passed the rope round them, Cindy hearing again the squeak of rope on leather as she watched the masked man demonstrate his skill again.


“Susan is upstairs?”


“She is she was going to ask me something “


“I think I know what,” Edie said quietly as Mister Small started to bind her legs together below her knees in the same way.




Efie turned and smiled as Mister Small pulled her ankles back, and then secured them to her chest ropes. “Probably if you are a lesbian?”


“How “


Edie grunted as the ropes were pulled tighter, before saying “ask her - if she can talk when she comes back down.”


Cindy stared at Edie, and then thought about the way she was feeling, the way she felt when she was watching them tie her friend up, how she wanted to be with her “


“I - I don’t know “


“Well askhrrhnnhhhh“ Edie grunted as Mister Small pulled a rolled up brown silk scarf between her lips, pulling it back as he did so and round her head before he knotted the ends together tightly at the back of her neck. Cindy could not stop watching as she saw how the cleave gag pulled back the corners of Edie’s mouth and then she saw the masked man walk to the bag and take out a black silk scarf, folding into a triangle and then rolling it into a thick band.


“Anything to say before I ensure your silence?”


“Am I going to be next to Edie?”


“Yes open wide please.”


Cindy tried to remain calm as the band brushed over her tongue and pulled back on the corners of her mouth when it was secured, closing her lips over it before she was helped to lie next to Edie and her own ankles bent back, then secured to her chest ropes. The two women looked at each other as Mister Small checked Edie’s handbag and then they heard a third muffled voice say “Hmghd!”






“I see you have dealt with the new arrival, Mister Small,” Mister Tall said as he brought Susan back in, a white scarf now sitting between her lips as she looked at the other two captives.


“I have indeed,” Mister Small said as he placed a third cushion on the floor next to Cindy, and she turned her head to watch as Susan was forced to lie face down there, and then back as Mister Tall crossed and began to secure her ankles together.




As she turned and looked at Edie, noticing at the corners of her mouth how the scarf seemed to be getting darker, and said “whhtthhh?”




She blushed as she said “Dhfhfhnrhnt.”




“Nhhhhh .”


Both turned their heads and looked as Mister Tall hogtied Susan, so all three were left helpless and gagged on the floor while he stood up and looked at the,


“We apologise for the fact we must leave you like this,” he said with a smile, “but I assure you, it is necessary. Ladies, the Gentlemen robbers bid you adieu may we never meet again!”


The two men left the room as all three women looked at each other waiting for the door to pen and close and then all three started to struggle, trying to find some give in the ropes that held them tight, the only sounds of leather and rope rubbing together and their muffled calls for help.


As Cindy looked at Susan, she saw how the dress was so tightly stretched her nipples were visible under the material, how the ropes mad her chest so much larger, the beads of sweat as she struggled and the way the gag was turning dark grey at the corners of her mouth. She shuffled over and tried to rub her cheek to get the gag out, but it was too tightly bound and then their lips brushed against each other as Susan turned her head.


“Hmmmm .”


“Hmshrrhheee,“ Susan looked at her fiend as she blushed, and then said “sdhnthbh ulhkkghdhswhl.”






Cindy turned he read to see Edie looking at her, before she pushed herself over and placed her lips on Cindy’s, rubbing them gently and she returned the favour. She then felt Susan against her back, and looked over her shoulder to see her trying to untie her wrists.




Susan shook her head, and then Cindy rolled over and kissed her as Edie rubbed her head against her own hands. Cindy briefly looked over as she tried to hook her fingers under Edie’s gag, but then she felt Susan’s face on her chest and moaned loudly.




“Do you think they are all right in there?”


“Oh I think they can entertain themselves. Shall we depart?”







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