What If The Fifties Family Raids









The Games Players Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee Beauty and the Best Three sets of home invaders whose reputation is built on the way they handle families. We have explored some of them in past years but what if they were active in the 1950s?


Let’s start with the Games Players


“It was nice of Grandma to invite us to lunch,” Elaine Corday said as she sat in the back of the Ford Edsel, her light brown hair styled that morning in a bob. Her mother Alcie nodded as she looked in the rear-view mirror although her thoughts on her mother-in-law were not as generous as those of her eleven-year-old daughter.


Both Elaine and her mother were wearing cream-coloured dresses with a grey fleck pattern on them. Elaine’s had short, puffed sleeves, and a skirt that came down to over her knees with a black belt round her waist, while Alice’s dress had slightly longer straight sleeves and a floor length skirt, which covered her white stiletto heels. Her hair was styled on her head, while both mother and daughter also wore white gloves. Elaine had short heeled white Mary Jane shoes and white socks on her feet.


As they pulled up on the driveway of their single storey home, Alce said “your father is not going to be home from the golf club for some time so we can sit and rehearse your part for the school show if you want.”


“Must we Mama?”


“Yes we must unless you can think of something better to do,” Alice said as they both got out of the car and walked to the front door, Elaine waiting for the door to open before she walked in and was grabbed and taken to the side, a gloved hand placed gently over her mouth.


“Elaine?” As Alco closed the door and turned round, she as shocked to see a young woman holding her daughter. She was wearing a cap sleeve striped top and blur pedal pushers with blue slippers but she also had what looked like a stocking pulled down over her head.


“Ah Mrs Corday. Right on time thank you for making sure we could get in this afternoon.” Alice looked at the young man standing in the doorway, wearing a short-sleeved shirt which was open at the neck over a white t-shirt, jeans and black shoes and the stocking which was pulled down over his head as well.


“Mmhmmhhwhhhrthe,” Elaine mumbled from under the gloved hand.


“Oh we’re here to play a special game that your parents have arranged, Elaine,” the masked woman said as she held the young girl, “a game where you and your mama are hostages while we force your papa to do something for us.”


“We’re not really going to,” the young man said, “but we are actors playing the part and we want you both to play along as well. Isn’t that right Mrs Corday?”


Alice stared at the couple with a dawning realization she had read about them in the local paper. A young couple who broke into homes, and held the families captive by pretending to the children this was actually a game they were playing


“Mrs Corday?”


“Can you let my daughter speak?”


The masked woman nodded as she took her hand away, her other hand still on Blaine’s shoulder as Alce knelt in front of her and took her hands. “I know they scared you they surprised me as well,” she said quietly, “but this is like the play you are doing so we’re going to play this game instead, all right?”


“She scared me Mama,”


“I know,” Alice said as she stroked Elaine’s hair, “but it is a game, so we’ll play it together, all right?”


As Elaine nodded, the masked woman said “why don’t you come with me and have a drink, Elaine while my friend has a word with your mother, then we’re going to make sure you both cannot stop us from escaping.”


As she took Elaine’s gloved hand and led her to the kitchen, the man looked at Alice and said “why don’t you take me to where you keep your valuables?”


“You swear you will not harm us?”


“I promise - please, lead the way “


“Mama,” Elaine said as Alice was escorted back into the front room, “look what the lady did to my legs.” She swung them up and down from where she was sitting on the long leather stool, as Elaine saw the bands of cord that held her ankles together, as well as her legs below her knees.


“Your mother is going to sit behind you,” the man said as Elaine kissed Alice on the head, and then sat behind her, holding her daughter’s gloved hand in her own as the woman knelt down and started to bind her ankles together as well. As she did this, the masked man took a length of white cord in his own gloved hands, and used it to secure her right wrist to Elaine’s left one.


As Elaine felt the cord gathering her skirt round her legs above her knees, she gripped Alice’s right hand in her left as the man walked round and secured their wrists together on that side as well.


“There,” he said as the masked woman walked over and turned the radio on, “now we can wait for our friends to “


“Alice? I hope you don’t mind Noelle and I dropping in, but “


Alive and Elaine turned their heads to look at the new arrivals her best friend from school Joanna Blair, and her mother Tina. They were also wearing identical dresses made from a green gingham material, they were sleeveless, with a gathered waist and skirts that came down over their knees. They also had a white square collar the one on Joanna’s dress was smaller, so you could see the shoulder straps of her dress, while Tina’s was larger and deeper. They were also wearing white shoes, with Joanna wearing white socks, and had strings of pearls round their necks. Tina was also wearing white pearl earrings, and white gloves.


“Hey Joanna,” Elaine said, “do you fancy playing Nancy Drew with me? These two are forcing my dad to do something while they hold us hostage.”


“Alice, what is going on “


“I’ll explain later,” Alce said quietly, “for now, do what they say.”


The masked woman smiled as she said “Joanna, why don’t you sit next to Alice on the stool, and I’ll do to your legs what I have done to hers.”


“Okay,” Joanna said as she sat down, while the masked man looked at Tina.


“A game?”


“And you will play along take off your earrings and necklace, give them to me, and then sit down next to Alice.”


Tina looked at elaine who nodded before her friend removed her jewellery and gave it to the man, then sat down and held Joanna’s hands in hers as her own legs were secured, and then she felt the cords holding their wrists together.


“Now, we need to make sure you cannot raise the alarm,” the woman said with a smile as she produced a white head scarf and rolled it up. “Open wide Elaine you are going to be first.”


“It’s all right, they’ll give me one as well,” Alice sad as she squeezed Elaine’s hands, then heard her muffled grunt as the scarf was pulled between her daughter’s lips and tied off at the back of her head. She soon felt the cotton band on her own tongue as she, Tina and Joanna were all gagged with rolled up scarves as well.


The man then picked up the phone and said “Family secure some friends called; we have them as well.


“Excellent keep in touch “


It was nearly six when Elaine’s father came home to find them still bound and gagged, the Players long gone



Then there is the question of Beauty and the Best in that time period




“Yes Mrs Colt,” the housekeeper said as she came into the front room and looked at her employer and her daughters. Fiona Colt was thirty-eight years old, while Jane was twelve and Bobbi ten. They were all wearing the same style of dress a peach dress with a knee length pleated skirt that had two pockets in the front, and a rope blet round their waist knotted in a bow at the front. While Fiona was wearing a pair of white kitten heels, her daughters were wearing white bobby sox and ballet slippers, and had a white band in their hair.


“Barbara, can you serve the evening meal at five please? We are going to be going to a friend’s house later this evening.”


“Of course, Mrs Colt,” Barbara said as she turned and left the room. She was wearing a white apron over a knee length yellow dress with grey spot, the sleeves coming to her elbows. As she returned to the kitchen, her nine-year-old daughter Yvonne looked up from the table and said “what did Mrs Colt want?”


“To have an early supper,” her mother said with a smile as she went back to the working area and started to chop some vegetables. “That does mean we get to go Hom early tonight of course which means we can watch our show together.”


“That would be nice,” Yvonne said as she went back to her work. She was wearing the same style of dress as her mother, with short, puffed sleeves and black socks under her shoes.


“So, let me get this and “ she turned as she heard the knock on the kitchen door, and said “must be a delivery,” before she piped and dried her hands, and then opened the door.


“Hi please, let’s not have any shouting. Just stay calm, everyone will be just fine.”


Barbara slowly walked back as the two teenagers walked in. The boy had short dark hair, and was wearing a black biker jacket over a white t-shirt, jeans and black shoes. The blond haired woman was wearing an open necked white bouse with short sleeves and a black chiffon scarf round her neck, and a poodle skirt made form blue material with a black pattern, as well as white sox and black shoes but both of them were also wearing black gloves, as well as black eye masks and both of them had a gun in their hands.


“Mummy “


“Hi,” the girl said as she walked over, “what’s your name?”


“Yvonne “


“Well, Yvonne, you can call me Beauty, and my friend is the Best.”


“The Best at what?”


“Everything. Now, I know we’ve scared you a little, but I promise you if you do as we say, then everybody is going to be just fine.”


“Are you a robber?”


“We both are,” she said with a smile, “and we are going to tell Mrs Colt and her daughters the same thing I am telling you.”


“Captain Colt is in Korea “


“We know,” Best said as he looked at Yvonne. “Listen why don’t you and Beauty help your mother to prepare their supper, and then while they eat we can explain what is going to happen.”


“That that’s a good idea. Close your book, Yvonne, and come and help us.”


As her daughter walked over, Best whispered into Barbara’s ear “Beauty is going to watch you” before he picked up the bag he had put on the floor, and walked out of the kitchen. He stopped as he looked in the front room, and then walked in, saying “hello please, sit nice and still with your hands where I can see them.”




“Who are you,” Fiona said as she slowly stood up, putting her knitting to her side, “and what are you doing in my house?”


“Well, I am a robber, and I am a robber,” Best replied as he looked at the girls on the long seat, “I am known as the Best so please, no loud noises or call for help.”


“Get out my husband “


Best looked at the family photo on the wall, and said “is in Korea but don’t worry, before we leave we will make sure we can contact the police and let them know what is happening. For now, I need to make sure that you all remain in this room, and cannot raise the alarm while my partner helps your housekeeper to prepare your supper.


“With that in mind, I want you to sit on that long seat, and then put your hands together in prayer in front of yourself.”


Jane and Bobbi could not take their eyes off the gun as Fiona walked over and sat between them, as they all put their hands together. Best put the gun and bag down, opened it and took out lengths of white cord, which he used to secure their wrists together. He then knelt down and secured their ankles together in the same way, before he reached into the bag and took out a yellow chiffon square, which he folded into a pad.


“I am ging to put one of these into your mouths,” he said as he looked at the family, “and I want you to keep them in there. If you push them out, I will have to make sure they do stay in there, and I do not want to do that.




“We’ll do what you ask,” Fiona said quietly, the wo girls nodding as he pushed the yellow scarf into her mouth, and then gently pushed a white and a blue chiffon scarf into the mouths of Jane and Bobbi. Fiona looked at her daughters as they nodded, and then they sat quietly as Best sat in an armchair to keep watch over them.




“So why are you robbing us,” Yvonne said as she put some tomatoes into a bowl.




“No, it’s all right,” Beauty said as she chopped the carrots. “Tellme, Barbara why do you work here?”


“My husband Yvonne’s father he died in the early days of the Korea war,” Barbara said quietly. “Captain Colt was his commanding officer, and he offered me this position.”


“So he was looking out for you?”


“That’s right why?”


“Best and I we don’t have anyone looking out for us, so this is, quite literally, what we do to survive.”


“Why is he not serving?”


“His number as not come up.”


“And if fit did?”


“He would serve but for now “


“For now, you rob families who can support you?”


“I know tit seems wrong, but yes.” Beauty turned and looked at Barbara, before she said “my father died in the War, my mother when I was eleven. Th system is not designed for people like Best and me trust me on this.”


Barbara nodded as she said “I’m sorry this should not happen.”


“But it does now, let’s set the table, and then you can eat with the Colts. We need to make sure you and your daughter are secure on the seat first though let’s take the plates through .”





“Thank you Barbara,” Fiona said quietly, “that was a lovely supper.”


“You’re welcome Mrs Colt I’m just sorry we have to eat it like this.”


“Well, it’s kinda exciting,” Bobbi said as she swung her legs up and down. “So what happens now, Mister Best?”


“Well, we need to take you all through to the front room,” Best said as he gathered some cords up, “so finish your drinks, and then I need you all to put your hands behind your back.”


“Will you be all right, Barbara, Joanne?”


“We face this together,” Yvonne said as Bobbi and Jane both nodded. Beauty took a length of cord and gently moved Joanne’s hands behind her back, using the rope to secure her wrists tightly together. She then moved on to Bobbi as Best secured Barbara’s wrists together behind her back.


Once Fiona had her hands secured behind her back, the masked robbers took long rope and tied them round the upper arms of each of the captives, the girls giggling as their mothers looked at each other.


“Shall we go through to the front room? You can watch some television,” Beauty said, all five standing and walking through as the girls all sat on the long seat, and their mothers in two armchairs.


“Thank you for not hurting us,” Jae said as Beauty crossed and bound her ankles tightly together, and then her legs below her knees.


“You’re welcome,” Beauty said as she made her way along, securing the ankles of the girls and then their legs together below their knees, as Best did the same for their mothers.


As I Love Lucy started, each of them then had a rolled up black headscarf pulled between their lips and tied tightly round their heads, before Beauty sat and watched them as Best looked out of the window




Jane, Bobbi and Joanne had their eyes closed as they slept on the couch, Barbara and Fiona trying to get free. The two robbers had left as it was starting to get dark, and as the news played they wondered just who was coming to help.


“Mrs COLT!”


“Hnhhrhrhrr,” Fiona called out as the room door opened, and the two Military Policemen came in, turning the light on as Barbara said “Fhnkghd .”



So two tales of what might have been which leaves us with Jay and Mrs McPhee..


“Ahl richt up ye get, ahl three o ye.”


Judy Graham sat and watched as the three young girls pushed themselves forward and stood on the living room floor. Her daughter Lena was ten years old, and was wearing a short-sleeved dress with a pale blue and green floral pattern, a well as a peach collar and lower skirt which came down to their knees. White socks and black Mary Jane shoes on her feet completed her outfit. Nest to her was Bunty Holden who was wearing a black and white houndstooth pattern dress with a full knee length skirt. She also had white socks on, but in her case with red shoes, and she had a matching scarf with red trim tied over her hair.


Finally there was Tammy Jacobs, the girl from next door. Her dress was white with a blue floral print, a red chiffon scarf was tied over her curled light brown hair and flat black shoes were on her feet.. All three girls stood for a moment to gain their balance made more difficult because they had brown rope holding their ankles together, their legs below her knees, around their arms and holding their arms behind their back. They also had white chiffon scarves pulled between their lips as they looked at the Scottish woman who was watching them.


She was wearing a checked jacket over a brown dress, and black shoes - as well as black gloves and a black balaclava over her head so that only her eyes and red lips were showing. She smiled as she said “Richt cum wi me, weh’ll plahy next dohr.”


The three girls nodded as they jumped out of the room, their skirts rising and falling as the mothers looked at each other. Then were wearing matching dresses and high heels, as Judy looked at the other three.


Mandy Holdern was sat in another armchair, twisting round as her arms were held against her sides by the bands of rope that framed her chest. She was wearing red kitten heels, and had a string of pearls round her neck. Then there was Rhona and Paula Jacobs Rhona was Tammy’s mother, and Paula her aunt. Paula had a flower in the side of her light brown hair, both of them with their red lips over the scarf that had been pulled into their mouths.


“Now, we sit and wait,” one of the men in the room said in a North of England accent as he watched. All four were wearing suits, with thin ties, white shirts and highly polished shoes but they also had on gloves, and balaclava masks.




“Mrs McPhee? Just to get some of that energy out of them before your husband gest home Mrs Grahm then you can eat, and we can talk.”


They had walked into her home two hours before, when they had been having a tea party, and she heard the name all bank manager’s wives had come to dread.


This was Jay Edwards.




“Hey everyone what’s for dinner?”


Albert Graham closed the front door and put his briefcase on the floor, removing his hat and placing it on the stand before he removed his great coat and hung that on a hook. He could hear music playing in the back, as he said “I hope you have a drink ready for me” and walked into the front room, then stopping as he saw the women sat there.


“I understand you like a whiskey sour, Albert.”


The accent took Albert by surprise, as he turned his head and saw the masked man, holding the glass in his gloved hand as he smiled.


“Oh no Jay Edwards?”


“Yes your wife and her friends, and your daughter and her friends, are perfectly safe -so long as you do exactly what we say.


“Hmmshrrhlbhrt,” Judy said as she looked over.


“It’s not your fault they have not hurt any of you?”


All four women shook their heads as Jay looked at one of the other armed men. “Let Mrs Graham prepare the food for supper - she has some extra guests to cater for, and Albert can go and change while I explain to him what is going to happen.”





“That was delicious, Mummy,” Lena said as she pushed her empty plate away. “Thank you.”


“Well, I’m glad you liked it,” Judy said quietly as she looked at the armed and masked intruders that lined the dining table.


“Well I think we need to get you ready for bed now,” Jay said. Mrs McPhee, take one of our friends and take them upstairs to get ready for bed. Their mothers will join them shortly.”


“Cuum wi me,” the masked woman said as Lena, Bunty and Tammy walked out of the room and up the stairs, Albert looking at Jay as he said “so what happens now?”


“We need to make sure the girls are secure in the bedroom,” Jay said with a smile, “and then the mothers will be secured as well. Mrs McPhee and some of my men stay here, while you come with me and the rest to pay a visit to your bank. You do what we ask, everyone has a tale to tell tomorrow.”


“Albert, please.,, just do as they say we will be fine,” Judy said as she held her husband’s hand.


“What are you going to do to the girls,” Mandy asked ad Paula and Rhona looked at each other.


“Mrs McPhee will get them ready for bed, and then you can see them before she reads them a bedtime story “




“Tha ahl richt, Tammy?”


“It is. Mrs McPhee,” the young girl said as she twisted her body round. The three girls had changed into their pyjamas Lena was wearing a white short sleeved top and pants with red stripes, and red slippers; Bunty was wearing a white nightgown with puffed sleeves, and Lena a pair of pink long-sleeved pyjamas with a Peter Pan collar. Like Lena, Bunty was wearing red slippers, while Tammy was wearing pink ones.


There was something else all three girls had in common as well -= their wrists were crossed in front of their stomachs and bound tightly together, while two bands of rope held their arms firmly against their bodies.


“Lie doon,” Mrs McPhee said as the three girls walked over to the bed and lay side by side, their head on the pillows as Mrs McPhee took more ropes, and secured their ankles together, as well as their legs below their knees, then tied their ankles to the wooden frame at the foot of the bed.


“Oh my goodness “


“Hey Mum, Aunt Paula,” Tammy said as she twisted round, “look at us.”


“Are you all comfortable?”


“We are Mummy,” Bunty said quietly, “are you going to bed now as well?”


“I think so,” Mandy said as Mrs McPhee pressed brown fabric plaster down over the mouths of each of the girls, then sat down and started to read a story as Jay escorted the four older women out of the room.


“I will allow you time to change,” he said as they entered the master bedroom, Judy sighing as she saw the telephone receiver sitting on the wrong side of the room, the wire pulled out.


“Why are we so calm about the girls about ourselves?”


“Let’s just be glad we are Rhona -I see they have found clothes for each of us to wear. Might as well get this over with “


The women nodded as they stripped off, and Judy put on a long white nightdress. As she tied a blue ribbon in her hair, she watched Mandy as she put on a yellow baby doll nightie with yellow bow and collar. Paula and Rhona also put on baby doll nighties Paula a redone with a black neckline, and Rhona a pale blue one with pink trim.


“Am I the only one who worries what some of them may do with us looking like this,” Paula asked.


“Actually, I think we’re safe with them,” Judy said as there was a knock on the door, and Jay looked din.


“Excellent right then, I need you al to put your hands behind your backs, while my colleagues begin the process of securing you.


“We have your word they will not take advantage of us?”


“If they did, I would turn them in,” Jay said as the other two masked men walked behind the women, one by one crossing their wrists behind their backs and ensuring they were held firmly together.


They then looked at each other as the rope was passed round their upper bodies, stretching their nightdress over their chest as the two bands were pulled tighter. And yet they believed Jay when he said they would not be touched in an inappropriate way which the two binders took great care not to do.


When they had finished, Jay smiled as she said “All right then put two cushions on the floor. In the meantime, I need you al to sit on the edge of the bed while I secure your legs and ankles.”


“Shall we ladies,” Rhona said as they walked over and sat down, watching as the two men put two pillows on the floor, and then crossed their ankles before they secured them together, and then their legs below their knees all except Judy, who had her legs secured together above her knees as the skirt of her nightdress was gathered under the band.


As they tied the last rope off, the door opened and Albert looked in.


“I have to go with them in a few minutes,” he said quietly, “the girls?”


“They’re safe,” Judy said, “stay safe yourself.”


“I’ll be down in a few minutes,” Jay aid as he was led away, and then he said “time for you all to be quiet. We will put these scarves in your mouths, and then put Elastoplast over your mouths before we make sure you do not move.”


“Thank you I’m not sure why, but thank you,” Judy said as one by one the ladies were gagged, and then Paula and Rhona were laid on the floor, looking at each other as their ankles were pulled back and secured to the ropes holding their arms to their sides.


Judy and Mandy were helped to lie facing each other before they were hogtied as well, before Jay turned the light off.


“Check them every fifteen minutes,” he said as they walked out, Mandy looking at Judy as she sighed.








Judy smiled under the gag as she saw the eyes slowly close of her friend, and then felt her own close as well.






It was the light through the closed curtains that made Judy wake up and then the footsteps running up the stairs as the police officer walked in



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